Conservatism, the Right Wing, and the Far Right: A Guide to Archives. Archie Henderson

Conservatism, the Right Wing, and the Far Right: A Guide to Archives - Archie Henderson

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      [0671] Contemporary Issues Collection, 1950-1975, D-213

      Location: Department of Special Collections, General Library, University of California, Davis, 100 NW Quad, Davis, California 95616-5292 [apparently transferred from California State University, Fullerton, which received it from the University of Nevada, Reno]

      Description: Pamphlets, newsletters, and ephemera dealing with contemporary issues such as abortion, capital punishment, and civil rights. Files on 1st Republicans for Ronald Reagan; Alberta Social Credit League; Alert America Association; Alert North Texans (Olney, Tex.); All-American Conference to Combat Communism; Alpha 66; America in Danger; America's Future, Inc.; American Business Consultants; American Conservative Union; American Council of Christian Laymen; American Council of Christian Churches; American Eagle Publishing Co.; American Economic Foundation; American Education Lobby; American Enterprise Institute; American Eugenics Party; American Flag Committee; American Friends of Katanga; American Friends of John Rarick; American Friends of Rhodesia; American Independent Party; American National Party; American Nazi Party; American Party; American Protestant Defense League; American Security Council; American White Nationalist Party; Americanism Educational League; Americans for America; Americans for Freedom; Americans for Katanga; Americans for the Restoration of Freedom to the Captive Nations; Anglo-Saxon Federation of America; Anti-Catholic literature; Anti-Semitism; The Augusta Courier; Back to Africa Movement; Berkeley Fascist; Birmingham Immigration Control Association; Bob Jones University; British-Israel Asso. of Greater Vancouver; Buckley for Senator; California League of Christian Parents; Campus Crusade for Christ; Canadian Intelligence Service; The Catholic Challenger; Catholic Traditionalist Movement; Catholics for Life Inc.; Christian Amendment Movement; Christian Anti-Communism Crusade; Christian Book Club of America; Christian Citizens Crusade, Inc.; Christian Constitutional Education League, Inc.; Christian Crusade; Christian Educational Association; Christian Free Press List; Christian Freedom Foundation, Inc.; Christian Information Center; Christian Nationalist Crusade; Christian Research; Christian Scientists to Combat Communism in the Christian Science Movement; Church League of America; Church of Scientology; Cinema Educational Guild, Inc.; Circuit Riders, Inc.; Citizen's Intelligence Digest; Citizens Committee For a Free Cuba; Citizens Committee of Correspondence; Citizens Congressional Committee; Citizens Councils of America; Citizens for Decent Literature, Inc.; Citizens for Goldwater; Citizens Heeding Righteousness instead of Satanic Tyranny; College Republicans; Committee for Constitutional Government, Inc.; Committee for The Monroe Doctrine; Committee for the Preservation of the Constitution; Committee of 100; Committee of One Million Caucasians to March on Congress; Committee of the States; Committee Russian Slaves of Jewish Communism; Committee to Restore the Constitution; Common Sense (New Jersey); Communist Control Amendment; Communist Party, U.S.A.; Communist Propaganda; Conservative Action Committee; Conservative Book Club; Conservative Coordinating Council, University of Illinois; Conservative Digest; Conservative Party of California; Conservative Party, Kansas; Conservative Society of America; Conservative Thunder, Inc.; Constitution Study Group of North Dakota, Inc.; Constitutional Alliance, Inc.; Constitutional Educational League; Constitutional Government of the United States; Constitutional Provisional Government of the U.S.; Continental League for Christian Freedom; Council Against Communist Aggression; Council for Statehood; Counter-Spy; Crusaders for Economic Liberty; Cup of Cold Water Ministry; Davis Right to Life; Davis Students United for Life; Defenders of the American Constitution; Defenders of the Christian Faith; Defenders of the USA Republic; Defense Legion of Registered Americans, Inc.; Delaware Defenders of the Republic, Inc.; Destiny of America; Destiny of America Foundation (Berryville, Arkansas); Destiny Publishers; Extremist Politics; Facts Forum News; Faith and Freedom Foundation, Inc.; Farmers Liberty League; Federation of Republican Women Los Angeles; Fighting Homefolks of Fighting Men; First National Spirit of Freedom Crusade; For America Crusader (Grandville, MI); Foundation for Economic Education, Inc.; Free Enterprise Federation; Free Men Speak, Inc.; Freedom Center Knott's Berry Farm; Freedom Center, Portland, Ore.; Freedom House; Freedom News; Freedom School; Freedom's Voice; Friends of Free Asia, Inc.; Goldwater; Group Research Report; Guardians of our American Heritage; Gun Control; H. du B. Reports; Hawaii Foundation for American Freedoms, Inc.; Headlines, and What's Behind Them; Heads Up; Herald of Freedom; House Un-American Activities Committee; How the "Levelers" Are Destroying America (an issue of Calling our nation (Hayden Lake, Idaho, Aryan Nations-Teutonic Unity, 1984); Human Betterment Association of America; Human Events; Hungarian Freedom Fighter; IACP International Association of the Chiefs of Police; Independence Foundation, Inc.; Independent American Party; Intercollegiate Society of Individualists, Inc.; Intercollegiate Studies Institute, Inc.; International Association for the Advancement of Ethnology and Eugenics; International Youth Federation for Freedom, Inc.; Inter-Varsity Christian Fellowship; Iowa Libertarian Association; Is there a "Radical Right" in America?; Jewish Defense League; John Birch Society; Joseph Dilys; Keep America Committee; Ku Klux Klan; Legion for the Survival of Freedom, Inc.; Let Freedom Ring; Libertarian League; Liberty Amendment Committee of the USA; Liberty Lobby; Life Line Foundation, Inc.; Manion Forum; Maryland Petition Committee, Inc.; Michigan Committee for Economic Freedom; Minutemen; Minutewomen of the USA; Morality in Media; Mothers' Crusade for Victory Over Communism; National Alliance to Keep and Bear Arms; National Americanism Commission; National Associated Businessmen, Inc.; National Association for the Preservation of White People; National Association for the Advancement of White People; National Caucus of Labor Committees; National Christian Association; National Christian News; National Citizens Protective Association; National Committee Against Fluoridation, Inc.; National Conservative Council; National Council for American Education; National Council for the Encouragement of Patriotism, Inc.; National Defense Committee; National Eagle; National Economic Council, Inc.; National Renaissance Party; National Republican Congressional Committee; National Review; National Rifle Association of America; National Right to Work Legal Defense and Education Foundation, Inc.; National Right to Work Newsletter; National Socialist Movement; National Socialist Movement: Great Britain; National Socialist White People's Party; National Socialists White People's Party; National Society of the Sons of the American Revolution; National States Rights Party; National White Americans Party; National White People's Party; New Jersey Conservative Club; New Outlook Publishers; New Party of Florida; New Patriot: Chicago; New Spirit of '76 Foundation; New Yorkers for the Constitution; Nixon for President Committee; Richard M. Nixon; Noontide Press; Occult Americana; Omni Publications; Patriot Party; Patriotic Party; Pink Sheet on the Left; Pitysmont Post; Polish Freedom Fighters in U.S.A.; Pro-American Forum; Pro-Life Students Association at UCD; Rampart College; Reason; a Review of Politics; Republican National Committee; Richmond News Leader; Right, National Journal of Forward-Looking Americanism; Rockford Citizens Committee to Warn of Communist Imports; Russian Slaves of Jewish Communism; S.O.S.!!!, U.S.A., Ship of State; Sacramento Right-to-Life Committee; San Diego Patriotic Society; Sandtown Story; Schmitz-Anderson Campaign; Scientology; The Seventh Trumpet; Social Credit Association of Canada; Sons of Liberty; South African National Party; South, The News Magazine of Dixie; Southern Libertarian Messenger; SPX Research Associates; Statecraft; States' Rights Constitution Press; Steppingstones; Stop ERA; Sun Myung Moon; Support Your Local Police Committee; Tenney Reports; Texans for America; Texas Voters for Enforcing the Constitution; The American Legion; The American Opinion Forum of Ann Arbor; The Aryan Sun - Work-Shop and Broom; The Association to Preserve Our Right to Keep and Bear Arms, Inc.; The Cardinal Mindszenty Foundation; The Catholic Freedoms Foundation; The Center for Libertarian Studies; The Committee for Personal Freedom; The Committee of One Million; The Committee to Warn of Communist Imports; The Councilor; The Crusader; The Dan Smoot Report; The Fact Finder; The Freedom Press; The Greater Nebraskan; The Independent American; The Individualist; The John Birch Society; The National Education Program; The National Sentinel; The Nationalist Party; The Network of Patriotic Letter Writers; The New Patriot Sacramento Area; The New Right; The Northern California Republican; The Patrick Henry Group; The Phyllis Schlafly Report; The Plain Truth; The Quillon; The Review of the News; The San Diego Committee to Support Your Local Police; Showers of Blessing; The Spirit of '76 House; The Summit Sun; The Sword of the Lord; The Thunderbolt; The Truth About Cuba Committee, Inc.; The Truth Crusader; The United States Anti-Communist Congress, Inc.; The University Republican; The Voice of the Martyrs; The Wanderer; The Western Messenger; The White Horse Crusade; Through to Victory; Timber!; Truth and Liberty Magazine; Truth Seeker; U.S. Labor Party; U.S. Nationalist Party; U.S.A. Magazine; Ukrainian

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