Conservatism, the Right Wing, and the Far Right: A Guide to Archives. Archie Henderson

Conservatism, the Right Wing, and the Far Right: A Guide to Archives - Archie Henderson

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California Pro-Life Council; Campus Crusade; Morris Cerullo; Chalcedon Foundation; Reverend Paul Cho; Christ for the Nations; Christian Action Network; Christian Anti-Communism Crusade; Christian Coalition (Ralph Reed books; Christian American (publication); Road to Victory files); Christian Legal Society; Christian Reconstructionism (files on Gary North); Christian Rescue Effort for the Emancipation of Dissidents (CREED); Christian Research Institute; Christian Voice; Christian Voters' League; Church League of America; Coalition for Christians in Government; Coalition for Religious Freedom; Ed Cole Ministries; Christian Information Network, Colorado Springs; Committee on Moral Concerns; Concerned Women for America; Family Caucus Congress; Conservative Caucus; Coors; Kenneth Copeland; Coral Ridge; Council for National Policy; Culture Wars (publication); Bill Dannemeyer; Mike Evans Ministries; Family Research Council; Focus on the Family; Francis Schaeffer Institute; Free Congress; Ben Gilmore; Billy Graham; Lindsey Hall; Marilyn Hickey Ministries; Rex Hurtt; Imprimus (publication of Hillsdale College); Jesus to the Communist World, Inc.; Knights of Malta; Last Days Ministries; Larry Lea; Leadership Institute; Liberty Counsel; Living Truth Ministries; Don McAlvany; Jim McCotter; Ministries Behind the Iron Curtain; Moral Majority; Moral Rearmament; National Evangelical Association; Network of Christian Ministries; Oliver North; Luis Palau; Earl Paulk; Phyllis Schlafly Report; Promise Keepers; Republican National Coalition for Life; Republican Roundtable; Pat Robertson; Rutherford Institute; Shepherding Movement (Protesting wing); Shepherding Movement (Catholic) (Sword of the Spirit; Tom Yoder; charismatic renewal; Center for Pastoral Renewal; pastoral renewal; Catholic cults); Traditional Values Coalition; Wise Use Memo (Center for the Defense of Free Enterprise, Bellevue, WA); Washington for Jesus; and Western Center for Law and Religious Freedom. Series 2: Religious media approximately 1985-1997, contains files on Christian Broadcasting Network (Pat Robertson), National Religious Broadcasters organization, televangelism, Trinity Broadcasting Network, Jimmy Swaggart, and Oral Roberts. Series 3: Education and family life issues approximately 1985-1997, contains files on abortion clinic bombings; Anti-abortion movement; anti-gay rights; Christian Action Council; Christian schools; Citizens Alliance of Washington; College Republicans; Bob Dole/GOP on abortion; Mike Farris; Grove City; homeschooling; David Horowitz; Idaho Citizens Alliance; Intercollegiate Studies Institute; Life Advocate; National Association of Christian Educators; Operation Rescue; Oregon Citizens Alliance; Reagan Youth; school choice; school prayer; sex education; textbooks; VHS tape of U.S. Taxpayers Party of Wisconsin-State Convention 1994; VHS tapes of the following films: The Ultimate Target of the Gay Agenda, Stonewall: 25 Years of Deception, and Gay Rights/Special Rights; VHS tape of Unholy Alliance (Planned Parenthood); Young America's Foundation; and Young Conservative Foundation. Series 4: The racist right approximately 1950-1996, contains files on American Party; California Statesman; California Patriot; The Citizen; Constitution Party; Dixon Line; Fiery Cross; First National Directory of Rightist Groups; Florida States Rights Party; George Wallace; Gerald L.K. Smith; Identity Christianity; Independent American; Ku Klux Klan; Liberty Lobby; Liberty Bell; Liberty Lowdown; National Association to Keep and Bear Arms (NAKBA); National States Rights Party (NSRP); National Youth Alliance; Nationalist Party; Patrick Henry Press; The Patriot Movement; Putnam letters; Southern racist politics; and Tax Strike News. Series 6: Think tanks approximately 1980-1998, contains files on American Enterprise Institute; Barry Goldwater Institute; Cato Institute; Claremont Institute; Competitive Enterprise Institute; Ethics and Public Policy Center; Foreign Policy Research Institute; Foundation for Economic Education; Freedom House; Heritage Foundation; Hoover Institution; Hudson Institute; Institute for Humane Studies; Institute for Policy Studies; International Freedoms Foundation; International Society for Individual Liberty; Manhattan Institute; National Bureau of Economic Research, Inc.; Pioneer Institute; Rand Corporation; Reason Foundation; The Heartland Institute; and World Freedoms Foundation. Series 7: Foreign affairs approximately 1984-1995, contains files on U.S. right and South Africa; Contras; Council for Inter-American Security; Oliver North's deals; right wing press clips on Central America; and the Right and the Gulf War. Series 8: Politics, miscellaneous approximately 1950-1996, contains files on Republican Party, Patrick Buchanan, Paleoconservatives, Libertarians, The New Right (secular), Unification Church, and Craig Hulet (conspiracy theory). Series 9: Materials from anti-right research organizations approximately 1985-1995, contains files on the Coalition for Human Dignity; Institute for First Amendment Studies "Challenging the Christian Right Handbook;" People for the American Way; Planned Parenthood; Political Research Associates; Chip Berlet; Public Eye; and a VHS recording of a film entitled Narrowcasting: Technology and the Rise of the Christian Right (Paper Tiger Television, 1996).


      "Sara Diamond Collection on the U.S. Right," Bancroftiana 112 (Spring 1998), p. 4,; Jean H. Lee, "Conservative Collections at UC," Associated Press News, Sept. 29, 1998,

      Websites with information:


      Finding aids:

      [0794] Samuel Dickstein Papers, 1923-1944, Coll. 8

      Location: American Jewish Archives, 3101 Clifton Ave., Cincinnati, OH 45220

      Description: The Samuel Dickstein Papers (1923-1944) consist of the personal papers of Representative Dickstein as Vice-Chairman of the House Special Committee on Un-American Activities. The collection contains correspondence, iconographic material, nearprint, legislative records and miscellaneous items relating to Dickstein's investigation of Fascist activities in the United States during the pre-World II period. Contains issues of Voelkischer Beobachter, Deutscher Weckruf, Christian Free Press, Liberation, National Republic, News Research Service, Inc. News Letter, and Social Justice, and files on Charles E. Coughlin, Henry Ford, Ku Klux Klan, Fritz Kuhn, Westbrook Pegler, and Anastase A. Vonsiatsky.

      Websites with information:

      Finding aid:

      [0795] Martin Dies Papers, 1916-1972 (bulk 1930-1958), AC 1983.141

      Location: Texas State Library and Archives Commission, 1201 Brazos St., Austin, TX 78701, held at Sam Houston Regional Library & Research Center, 650 FM 1011, Liberty, TX 77575

      Description: Martin Dies, Jr. (1900-1972) was a member of the U.S. House of Representatives from Texas's 2nd district, 1931-1945 and from Texas's at-large district, 1953-1959, and Chairman of the House Committee Investigating Un-American Activities, 1938-1944. This collection is arranged in three series that reflect Dies' political career: papers from his years as Congressman from the Second District; papers from the interim years, between Congressional service; and papers from his years as Congressman-at-Large. While documents comprise the greatest volume of the collection, there are scrapbooks, sound recordings, artifacts, publications, and photographs as well. Series 1. Congressman Second District. Subseries 7. Congressional Committees, 1931-1944. Sub-subseries. HUAC Investigations, contains files on Christian Mobilizers, Israel Moses Sieff, and Nathaniel Weyl. Sub-subseries. HUAC Reports, contains files on Nazi-Fascist Organizations, Peace Now Movement, and Testimony of Fritz Kuhn, President of the German-American Bund 1938. Subseries 9. Correspondence with Individuals outside

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