Conservatism, the Right Wing, and the Far Right: A Guide to Archives. Archie Henderson

Conservatism, the Right Wing, and the Far Right: A Guide to Archives - Archie Henderson

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      [0057] Alternative/Underground Press Collection, 1950-1989

      Location: Browne Popular Culture Library, Bowling Green State University, Bowling Green, OH 43403-0001

      Description: The BPCL's Alternative and Underground Press Collection currently contains more than 250 radical, anti-establishment, and counter-culture serial titles (nearly 2,000 issues), ranging in dates from 1950 to 1989. Under the category Anti-Communist/White Supremacist, the collection contains issues of The CDL Report (Baton Rouge, La.: Christian Defense League), Common Sense (Union, N.J.: Christian Educational Association, 1947-1972), Councilor (Shreveport, La.: Citizens' Council of Louisiana, 1962-), Fiery Cross (Tuscaloosa, Ala., R. M. Shelton), Independent American (Littleton, Colo.: [s.n., 195-]), The Patriotic Press (Cincinnati, Ohio: Patriotic Gifts, Inc., 1971-), Statecraft ([Alexandria, Va.: Statecraft, Inc.], 1968-), The Thunderbolt ([Birmingham, Ala.: National States Rights Party, 196-?]), and White Power ([Arlington, Va., George Lincoln Rockwell Party, etc.]).

      Websites with information:

      [0058] Bernd Ewald Althans Collection on the Extreme Right in Germany, 1980-2000, ARCH02326

      Location: International Institute of Social History (IISH), Cruquiusweg 31, 1019 AT Amsterdam, The Netherlands

      Description: Born in Bremen, Germany, Bela Ewald Althans (1966- ) participated in paramilitary training of the Wehrsport but broke away with some friends to found the Nationale Jugend Deutschlands. Expelled from school, he joined the Deutsche Freiheitsbewegung der Bismarck-Deutsche of the former SS-major Otto Remer; in 1983 he became member of the neo-Nazist organization Aktion National Sozialisten (ANS) headed by Michael Kühnen; after his break with Kühnen at the end of the 1980s, he became friends with Ernst Zündel, a 'revisionist' publisher who denied the Holocaust. In 1990 he organized in Munich the conference "Wahrheit macht frei," which was a landmark in the history of revisionism, the movement to deny or dismiss the Holocaust. He broke with neo-Nazism in 1992, partly because of his aversion to the attacks/assaults on refugees and other foreigners in Germany, partly because of his bisexuality. He became known to a broader audience as the main figure in Winfried Bohnengel's documentary film Beruf: Neo-Nazi (1996). In 1995 he was sentenced to a term of three-and-a-half years imprisonment as a Holocaust denier and for agitation in earlier years; he left Germany after his release. The collection contains prison diaries; correspondence with neo-Nazist organizations in Europe, the USA and South Africa; address lists; documents on trials; pamphlets; illegal facsimile editions of publications of Joseph Goebbels and other documents.


      "Accessions," in Annual Report 2000 (Amsterdam, International Institute of Social History, 2001), pp. 32-33,; "Guide to the International Archives and Collections at the IISH: Supplement over 2000," International Review of Social History 45 (2001), pp. 321-334 (p. 322),­S0020859001000189.

      Websites with information:

      Finding aids:

      [0059] Leaflet-collection from Bela Althans

      Location: International Institute of Social History (IISH), Cruquiusweg 31, 1019 AT Amsterdam, The Netherlands

      Description: Bela Althans, born in Bremen (Germany) in 1966, became a member of the Neo-Nazist organization Aktion National Sozialisten (ANS) in 1983; organized the conference "Wahrheit macht Frei" in 1990; broke with neo-Nazism in 1992; was sentenced to a three-and-a-half years term in 1995 for incitement and his denial of the Holocaust; left Germany after his release. Includes leaflets on Right extremism, Holocaust-denying, Nationalism, Jews and anti-Semitism, and South Africa (Apartheid).

      Websites with information:

      [0060] The Papers of Frank Altschul, 1884-1986 (bulk 1925-1980), MS#0022

      Location: Rare Book & Manuscript Library, Columbia University, 6th Floor East Butler Library, 535 West 114th St., New York, NY 10027

      Description: Personal papers of Frank Altschul (1887-1981), philanthropist, bibliophile, and authority in international affairs. The papers consistent correspondence, manuscripts, documents, memoranda, reports, printed material and photographs, and contain no business or financial records. The major series of the collection are: cataloged correspondence, general correspondence, Charles and Camilla Altschul files (his parents), writings of Frank Altschul and others, subject files, political correspondence, organizations and printed materials. Series I: Correspondence, 1884-1986, contains files on Warren Austin, Styles Bridges, William F. Buckley, James Buckley, Harry F. Byrd, René and Josée Chambrun, Dwight D. Eisenhower, Hamilton Fish, Ralph Flanders, Joseph Grew, Alger Hiss, Hamilton Holt, Herbert Hoover, J. Edgar Hoover, E.F. Hutton, Vivien Kellems, Alf Landon, David Lawrence, Henry C. Lodge, Jay Lovestone, Clare Boothe Luce, Henry R. Luce, Raymond C. Moley, Richard Nixon, Ogden Rogers Reid, Leverett Saltonstall, Robert Taft, Dorothy Thompson, James Warburg, and Wendell Willkie. Series IV: Subject and Political Files, 1919-1986. Subseries IV.1: Subject Files, 1919-1986, contains files on General John Frederick Charles Fuller, Jews and Judaism. Anti-Semitic Literature (c.1933-1942), and Jews and Judaism. Anti-Semitic Literature Sidney Hillman Campaign, 1944. Subseries IV.2: Political, 1932-1978, contains correspondence with John W. Bricker, H. Styles Bridges, Dwight D. Eisenhower, Herbert Hoover, Alf M. Landon, Joseph McCarthy, Sterling Morton, Robert A. Taft, and Wendell L. Willkie. Series V: Printed Materials, 1909-1984, contains files on Einar Åberg, America First, Inc., American Friends of Anti-Bolshevik Bloc of Nations (A.B.N.), American Mercury, American Nazi Party, Bricker Amendment, Frank L. Britton, Christian Anti-Communism Crusade, Christian Educational Association, Christian Nationalist Crusade, Cinema Educational Guild, Constitutional Educational League, Elizabeth Dilling, Dwight D. Eisenhower, Foreign Policy Association, Freedom House, Freedom School, Herald of Freedom, Herbert C. Holdridge, Human Events, Jewish Defense League, John Birch Society, Ku Klux Klan—Texas, McCarran Immigration Act, National Committee for a Free Europe, National Economic Council, National Renaissance Party, National States Rights Party, Neo-Nazis—Great Britain, Neo-Nazis—Iceland, Neo-Nazis—Mexico, Richard Nixon, Non Sectarian Anti-Nazi League, William Dudley Pelley, Pioneer News Service, Social Justice, U.S. Nationalist Party, James P. Warburg, White Sentinel, Robert H. Williams, Wendell Willkie, Gerald B. Winrod, and Women's Voice. Press Clipping Collection includes clippings on Barry Goldwater--William Miller, Robert A. Taft, and Un-American Activities (4 vols.). Series VIII: Organizations, 1908-1980, contains files on William F. Buckley, Jr., "God and Man at Yale," Correspondence and Book, 1951; Dwight D. Eisenhower; Fight For Freedom; Foreign Policy Association; Freedom House; National Committee

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