Alphabet of the Human Mind – 2. Global Psychotherapy. Nikita Mikhailovich Danilov
begin the transition to the OF and the AUA threat will appear. But PPM AF will not be able to come up with a world madness championship and measure cars in a household appliance store. He can’t say: “Come, let me show you that I also have got a car”.
So, with a simple trick, you will put PPM AF a difficult task and you can minimize possible contact with the vector of symptoms by moving to another department or series, for example. And these measures mean that the stage of OF of PPM delayed. And you can continue your purchases without the threat of attacks of aggression from people who are nobody in your life and name nothing.
STAGE 2. Anxiety Condition. PPM looks into its psyche, which is not there, and the subconscious tells him: “You do not exist.” It is after this that the remaining stages begin. PPM AF is trying to prove to its subconscious that he exists and is no worse than you. PPM cannot take into account many factors. For example, the fact that the existence of this PPM is beyond the perimeter of your interest and life in general. And much more. PPM is a primitive gyrus that can take into account only one fact. In this situation, the need to prove PPM to itself that it exists.
Very cool! If you can control the flow of symptoms of PPM at this point. For example. For girls who have good looks, there is a great tool that works in most cases at this stage. To smile. In America, they know how to use it professionally. Everyone heard the catchphrase “American smile.” Smile is a very popular means of non-violent psychotherapy. A person with PPM will not need all the other steps to prove that he exists. A smile will tell PPM in anxiety state that he exists. And there will be a rush of missing molecules: hormones and neurotransmitters in neuro imbalance. The symptom chain will end.
But there are two points. The first. How not to continue contact with this PPM. After all, for him to get all these neuro molecules is like a drug. There must be a certain skill. Second. Why smile here? The fact that you were able to accurately diagnose this stage and protect yourself and others from unpleasant symptoms in which you are not to blame. Why others? Streams of aggression that will not pass on to you then pass on to others. Therefore, you can smile at how cool you are, not only externally, but also in psychoanalysis. But men were less fortunate. This type of mental weapons for men is not so effective.
These were all tips when a person with PPM AF is completely alien. But if you are a girl and made the most popular mistake of girls with a low level of psychoanalysis, you married PPM AF, who could deceive you and pretend to be adequate. Good psychoanalysis on this topic in the movie “In Bed with the Enemy.” That recommendation could be this. But success depends on many factors. Diagnose accurately the state of the 1st stage and already at this stage make it clear to the husband with PPM AF that he exists. To make interesting news or talk about something nice. But not to be confused with the 3rd stage, when he already comes up with humiliation or insult to you. Here, such a move will play only against you. The situation is very complicated, and no recommendations are needed here, but the intensive work of a team of professionals.
Once again the scheme!
(physical: near/far, mental)
Unreasonable Anxiety
(envy object (s))
Open Mental Illness Form
(or OF PPM)
Attack of Unreasonable Aggression
(Disguised or Explicit)
Scheme. “Envy Scheme” for PPM AF by AHM1
AUA for people with PPM AF on SCPO – this is something between the Masked and the Explicit. You could say that. Disguise Level “I forgot to get a sheep mask from my pocket.” But this sheep mask is. The better mental crutches, the higher the level of camouflage.
This scheme is fully valid for PPM AF. It is an excellent study material. A similar scheme is possible for other forms, but much less often. It must be remembered that UA is also characteristic of other forms, but much less frequently and under extreme conditions. For example, too high a level of envy. Other forms of PPM try to deal with these stages themselves. Sometimes successful, sometimes not very. They themselves can prove to themselves at the stage of envy that they have completely taken place, etc.
Also, at the stage of the formation of alarming states, the PPM KF can remember something good and figuratively answer the subconscious mind: “No, I exist! I did well to someone.” etc. It is clear from here why people with GCM have no need for AUA. Looking into their own psyche, their subconscious and conscious meets a beautiful flowering garden (figuratively speaking). Which can only be seen by the Chosen People. Which fell on the perimeter of life of people with GCM, on the perimeter of their interest and trust. But people with PPM before treatment on the perimeter are impossible to enter since there is no image of GCJ. There is no image of a mentally healthy psyche.
The psychotypes of PPM KF and DF on AHM1 are not peculiar to the Scheme of Envy. Their whole life is an attempt to fight this Scheme of Envy at different stages. But without an understanding of the state of emergency, the situation around (the context), and the high level of Psychic Literacy, most of these attempts lead to negative results and serious injuries.
Here are the experimental schemes for KF and DF in AHM1. For the Envy Scheme, there were thousands, sometimes millions, of legitimate experiments for every situation. It is tested in many ways and works exactly like a Swiss watch. But the Scheme of Good and the Scheme of Greatness is just along this path. Nevertheless, we present experimental schemes now.
(physical: near/far, mental)
Unreasonable Guilt
(usually the result of external aggression)
Open Mental Illness Form
(or OF PPM)
Act of Unreasonable Kindness
(Disguised or Explicit)
Scheme. “Scheme of Good” (experimental) for the PPM KF in terms of AHM1
(physical: near/far, mental)
Unreasonable Despair
(usually the result of external aggression)
Open Mental Illness Form
(or OF PPM)
Attack of Unreasonable Majesty
(Disguised or Explicit)
Scheme. “Scheme of Greatness” (experimental) for the PPM DF on AHM1
The envy scheme gives a clearer answer to such a concept as RI, or Reflex Idiocy from the book of AHM1. STAGES 2—3 are skipped, and the first STAGE immediately goes to the 4th STAGE. That is, communication with the PPM (TPPM) AF with RI will begin with OF and immediately go to AUA: explicit or masked most often. That is, the safest stages for psychotherapy (interception and control of symptom flows) are absent of RI. And this is very common. Hence the need for the highest possible level of Psychic Literacy for anyone who wants to engage in successful psychotherapy and win the battles of life in the modern world.
World production potential
Before moving on to even more interesting and deep processes of the human psyche,