NOW Classrooms, Grades 3-5. Meg Ormiston

NOW Classrooms, Grades 3-5 - Meg Ormiston

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      GRADES 3–5



       Sheri DeCarlo

       Sonya Raymond

       Grace Kowalski

       Justin Gonzalez

      Copyright © 2018 by Solution Tree Press

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      Library of Congress Cataloging-in-Publication Data

      Names: Ormiston, Meghan J., author.

      Title: NOW classrooms, grades 3-5 : lessons for enhancing teaching and learning through technology / Meg Ormiston, Sheri DeCarlo, Sonya Raymond, Grace Kowalski, and Justin Gonzalez.

      Description: Bloomington, IN : Solution Tree Press, [2018] | Series: NOW classrooms | Includes bibliographical references and index.

      Identifiers: LCCN 2017019999 | ISBN 9781945349409 (perfect bound)

      Subjects: LCSH: Education, Elementary--Computer-assisted instruction. | Educational technology--Study and teaching (Elementary) | School improvement programs.

      Classification: LCC LB1028.5 .O69 2017 | DDC 371.33--dc23 LC record available at

       Solution Tree

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      To my home team, my husband, Brian, and my sons, Danny and Patrick; and to my first teacher and number-one cheerleader, my mom, Marta Hart.


      To my husband, David, and my daughters, Samantha and Allison, who have been my inspiration, encouragement, and support throughout the years.


      To my wonderful husband, Matt, who encouraged me to dare to change on the road to achieving my dreams!


      To my number-one supporters Joel, Adrienne, Billy, Ari, and Brad for always believing in me and to Chad Hill, the teacher who taught me everything I know!


      To my family, Guadalupe, Jaime, Jessica, and Julie for the continuous support with everything I do.



      Thank you to all teachers everywhere! I am proud to say I am a teacher, and I believe it is one of the most important professions in the world. Specifically, I want to thank the collaborative writing team that coauthored this series of five books. I have never worked with a more dedicated, fun-loving, collaborative team of lifelong learners. Thanks to the Otus team for your support and to my family for putting up with our writing marathons. I give my deepest thanks to Douglas Rife and the entire team at Solution Tree for helping all of us craft this dream into a reality. Wow!

      —Meg Ormiston

      My most sincere thanks and appreciation to the teachers and staff with whom I have worked side by side for including me as part of your never-ending desire to bring amazing learning experiences to all students; to the many administrators for your guidance and encouragement to think out of the box and take risks; to the students for bringing your eagerness and excitement for learning to the classroom each day; and to my family for supporting and encouraging me each step of the way, each of whom has played a vital part in supporting and guiding my incredible journey as an educator.

      —Sheri DeCarlo

      Thank you to my family and friends who have always supported and encouraged my love for teaching! I am so thankful for all the wonderful teaching role models I have had over the years who have provided examples of embracing change, trying new things, and putting kids first. Thank you to all my students who put up with change at a moment’s notice as we committed together to doing what is best now and not waiting for the next year. I am truly blessed!

      —Sonya Raymond

      Thank you to all my students and their families who have brought love, fun, and excitement to each day in my career. Thank you to all my colleagues and administrators who encouraged me to share my story and challenged me to keep pushing myself. Thank you to Jordan Garrett for your mentorship and for being my constant source of inspiration. Thank you to my family and friends, who have supported me in all my adventures and believed in the number-one rule: have fun every day!

      —Grace Kowalski

      Thank you to my friends and family who have always supported and encouraged me throughout my teaching career. Thank you to one of my former principals, Jeremy Majeski, for believing in me and pushing me to take risks in the classroom and in life. Thank you to every colleague I’ve had along the way; I have truly learned something from each and every one of you. Thank you to my partner, Sandro Murillo, for always being there and challenging or supporting my ideas. And to all the students who have had an impact on me and my teaching career, thank you for your creativity and innovative ideas each and every day. I’ve truly learned the most from you.

      —Justin Gonzalez

      The collaborative team members would also like to give special thanks to Meg Ormiston, who saw a spark in them and then encouraged them to pass it on and share their love for teaching with others.

      Solution Tree Press would like to thank the following reviewers:


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