Principles and Practices of Teaching and Training. Ann Gravells

Principles and Practices of Teaching and Training - Ann Gravells

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the year, therefore don’t expect to have long breaks like schools do.

      When applying for a job, try and resist the temptation of taking whatever might be offered to you. Sadly, there are some organisations that are more focused upon reaching targets and obtaining funding, than the quality of the teaching and learning experience offered. This might not lead to a happy working environment, and you could feel pressured to do things you know are wrong. You could ask what the quality procedures are in the organisation. If there is a good system for supporting staff and ensuring a quality service, it should show the organisation is committed to learning, and not just focused on reaching targets. However, it’s always best if you can, to talk to people who currently work in the organisation to find out how it operates.

      If you are attending a teacher training course at the moment, you could talk to your teacher and ask them if they know of any teaching opportunities, either now or that might occur in the future. You could even ask if you could sit in on a session which is being delivered in your specialist subject area. This will help you see what is involved, and you could make some useful contacts. You could offer to do some voluntary teaching or to support the current teacher in some way. This would give you some great experience which could help in the future.


       Fatima is working towards a teacher training qualification and needs to carry out a certain number of teaching practice hours with learners. She is working full time as an office manager and often carries out training activities with staff on a one-to-one basis. Her teacher has told her that some of this can be classed as teaching practice; however, she also needs to demonstrate she can work with groups. Fatima approached the local college, which said she can sit in on some sessions of the Office Administration course. Fatima hopes that she can then offer to deliver some sessions on a voluntary basis and use this towards her teaching practice. She also hopes to gain some valuable work experience and make some useful contacts at the college. Her aim is to teach evening classes part time in a college environment.

       Websites advertising teaching and training jobs

      There are many websites available which advertise teaching and training jobs. You might find it useful to look at some of the following and sign up for their job alerts. The following websites were live at the time of publication.

      There might also be relevant forums on professional social networking sites such as LinkedIn ( which you might like to join.


      When you are nearing completion of your teaching qualification, you will need to consider how you wish to progress further. You may find it useful to summarise your learning and create an action plan. This could be a list of your strengths and achievements so far, aspects you would like to develop or improve, and how you aim to work towards accomplishing them.

      Other things you might like to consider include:

      • applying for a professional teaching status if one exists in your country

      • applying for a promotion

      • attending relevant courses to update your skills and knowledge

      • carrying out a work placement

      • offering to mentor a colleague

      • self-assessing your progress and development towards relevant teaching standards or codes of practice

      • working towards a higher level teaching qualification.

      If you are not currently teaching, you might like to consider how you can apply for a teaching position.

       Professional teaching status

      It might be possible for you to gain a professional teaching status which confirms your commitment to your role. This may differ depending upon your qualifications and experience. In England, it’s possible to apply for Qualified Teacher Learning and Skills status (QTLS) if you work in the FE and skills sector.

      QTLS status is a voluntary process which demonstrates your commitment to being a professional teacher. It is gained by being a paid member of the professional association the Society for Education and Training (SET), which is part of the Education and Training Foundation (ETF). Gaining QTLS status gives parity with the Qualified Teacher Status (QTS) in schools, enabling you to teach in a school or an academy should you wish (this is recognised in English law). However, you do need to have at least a level 5 teaching qualification, be able to demonstrate your English and maths to at least level 2, and pay the required application fee. There is also a recognition route for teachers who do not hold a level 5 teaching qualification, but have substantial teaching experience.

      Holding QTLS status could help you in your career progression, and you can be added to the SET’s online professional status register. Please see this link for details of QTLS status:

       Extension activity

       If you are currently teaching, find out if there is a professional teaching status you could apply for, such as QTLS in England, once you are qualified and experienced.

       If you are not yet teaching, find out where your local colleges or training organisations are. Have a look at their websites or contact them to ask how you could obtain a teaching position. Find out what qualifications and/or experience they expect you to have. If they have any positions available, ask for an application form. If they don’t, ask if you can send them your curriculum vitae for them to keep on file, or ask if there are any voluntary teaching opportunities available. Don’t be put off by rejection, you need to persevere and stay positive. Alternatively, you could consider delivering some training to colleagues or new staff in your current place of work.

      Evidence-based practice is about using what works best when teaching a particular topic or subject. Evidence is confirmation or proof of something, but how do you know what works best if you are a new teacher?

      You could try the following:

      • talking to other teachers and experts. Discussing what you have done and why it did or did not work. Finding out what they do, why they do it, and why what they do works.

      • researching what has been done before. There are many journal papers and books written by educational experts who have tried and tested different ways of doing things. However, there

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