Super Ager. Elise Marie Collins

Super Ager - Elise Marie Collins

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      Copyright © 2018 Elise Marie Collins

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      Super Ager: You Can Look Younger, Have More Energy, a Better Memory, and Live a Long and Healthy Life

      Library of Congress Cataloging

      ISBN: (p) 978-1-63353-738-5, (e) 978-1-63353-739-2

      Library of Congress Control Number: 2018939403

      BISAC - HEA049000 — HEALTH & FITNESS / Longevity

      Printed in the United States of America

      I want to thank my parents, Marie and Leonard, who taught me to never stop striving. I dedicate this book to the memory of my grandparents, who taught me to Super Age: Mama, Papa, Louise, and George. Thank you to my son Krishna for your support and understanding. I also thank my action partner Jean, Cate Stillman, and the Yogahealer community. May you be happy, may you be healthy, may you be at peace.




       Chapter 1

       What Is a Super Ager and How Can I Become One?

       Chapter 2

       Discover Your Foundation for Healthy Aging

       See the World through Mindful Rose-Colored Glasses

       You Are a Mosaic of Habits: Everyday Opportunities to Super Age

       Move Your Body to Slow Down Time

       Chapter 6

       You Are What You Eat, When You Eat, and How You Eat

       Chapter 7

       Surround Yourself with a Circle of Support and a Few Random Strangers

       Chapter 8

       The Ultimate Body, Mind, and Spirit Booster: Sleep

       Chapter 9

       The Importance of Creating Your Oasis of Calm Whenever and Wherever You Are

       Chapter 10

       Keep Your Brain Fit at Any Stage of Life

       Chapter 11

       Super Ager Meditation

       Chapter 12

       Natural Medicines to Boost Body, Mind, and Spirit at Any Age

       Chapter 13

       Get Rid of the Weeds and Plant the Seeds for the Best Years of Your Life


       About the Author


      When Elise told me her book was titled Super Ager, I was ignorant that there was a term, even a concept, by that name. I was also ignorant of the research regarding the Blue Zones®. My initial reaction was to contract. My mind skipped the “super” and went straight to “ager.” How is she going to sell a book with the word “ager” in it, I thought.

      Super Ager, like Elise, is bold, brave, innovative, and sweet. Rather than shying away from our cultural aversion to aging, she goes into the heart of what is happening in these tiny pockets around the planet where our human elders are thriving into their eighties, nineties, and beyond. Elise shares the stories of these Super Agers, in their voices, in their cultures, so these experiences of common, everyday Super Agers ignite your vision for your future.

      If you’re a smart cookie, you’ll read each and every page of this book. You’ll keep it as a scientific reference guide and a go-to source of spiritual and inspirational wisdom to direct your personal aging process.

      The fundamental question you will come back to as you read Super Ager is this: how do you want to play your aging game? Elise is a wise, modern-day yogi, practicing jnana yoga. She enlightens through innovative, inspirational wisdom that stimulates you into aligned action.

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