Richard Titmuss. Stewart, John
History of the Liberal Party since 1900, London, Palgrave Macmillan, 2nd edn 2013, Ch 3 and Appendix 1.
7TITMUSS/8/14, letter, 30 April 1969, RMT to Robin Blackburn; also Oakley, Father and Daughter, p 191.
8TITMUSS/8/1, letter, 16 January 1935, RMT to Young.
9TITMUSS/8/1, ‘Notice of Meeting of Fleet Street Parliament, 11th February 1935’.
10TITMUSS/8/1, letter, 12 February 1935, RMT to Miss W. Reeve, National League of Young Liberals.
11J. Stewart, ‘“The Finest Municipal Hospital Service in the World”? Contemporary Perceptions of the London County Council’s Hospital Provision, 1929–1939’, Urban History, 32, 2, 2005, pp 327–44.
12D. Todman, Britain’s War: Into Battle, 1937–1941, London, Allen Lane, 2016, pp 61ff.
13‘The “Call to Action”’, The Times, 2 July 1935, p 18.
14‘The “Council of Action”: Mr Lloyd George’s Call to Arms’, The Times, 3 July 1935, p 9.
15TITMUSS/8/1, letter, 23 July 1935, RMT to Organising Secretary.
16TITMUSS/8/1, clipping from The Brideian, September 1935, R.M. Titmuss, ‘The Liberal “Attack”’, p 5.
17TITMUSS/8/1, clipping from The Brideian, September 1936, R.M. Titmuss, ‘The Liberal Party’, p 9.
18M. Pugh, ‘The Liberal Party and the Popular Front’, English Historical Review, CXXI, 494, 2006, pp 1327–50.
19TITMUSS/8/2, letter, 10 December 1936, National Organiser to RMT.
20D. Edgerton, The Rise and Fall of the British Nation: A Twentieth Century History, London, Allen Lane, 2018, p 61.
21TITMUSS/7/2, typescript, ca 120 pages, ‘Crime and Tragedy’, pp 2, 4, 5, 9.
22Ibid, pp 56, 71, 96–7.
23Ibid, pp 42–4.
24TITMUSS/8/4, Brochure for Liberal Summer School, Randolph Hotel, Oxford, July/August 1938.
25Letter, Sir K. Hancock, ‘Richard Titmuss’, The Times, 15 May 1973, p 18.
26TITMUSS/8/4, letter, 27 February 1939, Hargreaves to RMT.
27TITMUSS/8/4, Brochure for Liberal Summer School, University Arms Hotel, Cambridge, August 1939, p 19. On Cadbury and family allowances, see R.A. Soloway, Demography and Degeneration: Eugenics and the Declining Birthrate in Twentieth Century Britain, Chapel Hill, University of North Carolina Press, 1990, p 306.
28TITMUSS/8/4, letter, 18 June 1939, RMT to Cadbury; R.M. Titmuss, Poverty and Population: A Factual Study of Contemporary Waste, London, Macmillan, 1938, p 33.
29‘Liberal Summer School: Family Allowances to be an Issue at the Next Election’, The Manchester Guardian, 10 August 1939, p 15. The infant mortality rate is the number of deaths of infants under one year of age per 1,000 live births.
30TITMUSS/8/4, letter, 10 August 1939, Brown to RMT.
31TITMUSS/7/47, letters, 11 August 1939, Barry to RMT; and 16 August 1939, RMT to Henderson.
32M. Freeden, Liberalism Divided: A Study in British Political Though, 1914–1939, Oxford, Oxford University Press, 1986, p 344.
33TITMUSS/7/47, letters, 22 November 1939, Kidd to RMT; and 29 November 1939, RMT to Kidd.
34R. McKibbin, Parties and People: England 1914–1951, Oxford, Oxford University Press, 2010, Ch 4.
35P. Addison, The People’s War: Britain 1939–1945, London, Pimlico edn, 1992, p 546ff.
36A.F. Thompson, ‘Sir Richard Thomas Dyke Acland’, Oxford Dictionary of National Biography, Oxford, Oxford University Press, 2004.
37TITMUSS/8/6, letter, 17 February 1940, RMT to Acland (emphasis in the original).
38TITMUSS/8/5, letters, 19 February 1940, Acland to RMT; and 1 March 1940, RMT to Acland (emphasis in the original).
39TITMUSS/8/5, letter, 19 March 1940, RMT to Secretary, ‘Manifesto of the Common Men’; and Notice of Meeting of the Unser Kampf Group, 26 March 1940.
40TITMUSS/8/6, ‘Home Policy Committee: Resume of Discussions 31st May, 1940’, p 1 and signed by RMT.
41TITMUSS/8/6, letter, 4 March 1941, RMT to Kenneth Ingram.
42TITMUSS/8/5, ‘Unapproved Minutes of a Meeting of the Inner Executive of the Forward March Held … on Thursday 2nd April at 7pm’. No year but Kay Titmuss has written 1941?, which looks right.
43TITMUSS/8/6, letter, 5 April 1941, to W.F. Kissack.
44TITMUSS/8/6, letter, 21 April 1942, Wilfred Brown to RMT.