Richard Titmuss. Stewart, John
letter, 1 December 1950, Acheson to RMT.
20Harris, ‘Thucydides’, p 123.
21TITMUSS/7/44, memorandum, 12 November 1945, Brook to Hancock.
22TITMUSS/7/44, memorandum, undated but early 1948, ‘Official Histories: Mr Titmuss’ Volumes on “Social Policy”. Comments by Sir Norman Brook’, p 1 and passim.
23TITMUSS/7/44, memorandum, 29 April 1948, ‘P.D.P.’, Treasury, ‘Outline of Social Policy’, pp 1–2. It is unclear to whom this was addressed.
24TITMUSS/7/44, memorandum, 21 April 1948, RMT to Brook.
25TITMUSS/7/44, memorandum, 13 July 1948, RMT to Acheson.
26TITMUSS/7/44, letter, 7 August 1948, RMT to Hancock.
27TITMUSS/ADD/1/33, letter, 25 March 1949, Hancock to Brook.
28Harris, ‘Thucydides’, p 136.
29TITMUSS/ADD/1/33, letter, 18 July 1949, Acheson to RMT.
30TITMUSS/ADD/1/33, letter, 21 July 1949, RMT to Hancock.
31TITMUSS/7/44, letter, 5 December 1943, Powicke to Hancock.
32TITMUSS/7/44, letter, 5 February 1946, Glover to RMT.
33TITMUSS/7/44, letter, 12 May 1947, Auckland to RMT.
34TITMUSS/7/44, letter, 8 April 1949, Maud to Brook.
35TITMUSS/7/58, letter, 21 March 1950, RMT to S.C. Leslie, Economic Information Unit, The Treasury.
36TITMUSS/7/54, letter, 22 January 1946, Postan to RMT; and letter, 4 February 1946, RMT to Postan.
37J. Welshman, ‘The Unknown Titmuss’, Journal of Social Policy, 33, 2, 2004, p 232.
38Titmuss, Problems of Social Policy, pp ix–xi.
39R.H. Tawney, ‘The Study of Economic History’, Economica, 39, 1, 1933, pp 9, 10, 15.
40Titmuss, Problems of Social Policy, pp 506–8, 510, 515, 521–2, 532, 508.
41ALLEN, MSS.121/CC/3/3/25, letter, 31 August 1944, RMT to Allen; and MSS.121/CC/3/1/56, letter, 18 September 1944, RMT to Allen.
42D. Ritschel, ‘Next Five Years Group’, Oxford Dictionary of National Biography, Oxford, Oxford University Press, 2004.
43Marjory Allen, letter, The Times, 15 July 1944, p 5.
44TITMUSS/7/44, RMT notes ‘Talk with Lady Allen on 29th September 1944’, p 1.
45ALLEN, MSS.121/CC/3/3/29, letter, 13 February 1945, RMT to Allen (emphasis in the original).
46ALLEN, MSS121/CC/3/3/28, letter, 4 January 1945, Allen to RMT.
47ALLEN, MSS.121/CC/3/3/31, letter, 7 March 1945, Allen to RMT, and MSS.121/CC/3/3/32, RMT to Allen.
48ALLEN, MSS.121/CC/3/3/33, letter, 28 May 1945, Allen to RMT.
49ALLEN, MSS.121/CC/3/3/34, letter, 13 June 1945, Allen to RMT.
50TITMUSS/7/56, letter, undated but spring 1948, Allen to RMT.
51Lady Allen of Hurtwood, ‘The Children Bill: Providing Home Life for the Homeless’, The Times, 7 May 1948, p 5.
52Titmuss, Problems of Social Policy, p 391 and note 5, p 169 and note 2.
53Ibid, pp 169, 229 note 3, 266, 267, 299.
54J. Hinton, Women, Social Leadership, and the Second World War: Continuities of Class, Oxford, Oxford University Press, 2002, p 152.
55TITMUSS/7/58, letter, 1 August 1950, Reading to RMT; and letter, 10 August 1950, RMT to Reading.
56‘The War and the Civilian: Creation of the Welfare State’, The Manchester Guardian, 20 March 1950, p 6.
57T.H. Marshall, ‘Wartime Social Policy’, Economic History Review, 4, 2, 1951, pp 263–6.
58G. Rosen, American Journal of Public Health, 41, June 1951, pp 733–4.
59TITMUSS/7/58, letter, 20 April 1950, Freddy Warburg, Martin Secker and Warburg, to RMT.
60TITMUSS/7/59, letter, 16 January 1951, Haynes to RMT.
61TITMUSS/7/59, letter, 17 January 1951, Morgan to RMT.
62TITMUSS/7/59, letter, 8 February 1951, RMT to Morgan.