Soul Over Matter. Zhi Gang Sha

Soul Over Matter - Zhi Gang Sha

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      The boat was large enough and comfortable enough for the trip, but it was no cruise ship. We didn’t have the radar you might find on a larger ship, but instead something called LORAN, a system of radio beacons and charts that could be used to navigate from waypoint to waypoint.

      Our boat also had trim tabs—small steel planes that could be adjusted to keep the boat more level in the water. As I learned, changes in the angle of the boat in the water could not only make you more or less efficient, but over a long journey those changes could also have an effect on your path through the water and take you off your charted course.

      Now, on a clear day, you can see Block Island from the mainland. It’s not exactly an Atlantic crossing—no big deal at all on a clear day with calm weather. During our trip, however, a fog bank rolled in and we couldn’t see much past the bow of the boat.

      It’s an unsettling experience to hit bad weather on the ocean. What seems incredibly benign and easy in one sunny moment can become quite threatening when the weather changes in the next. There we were in a twenty-seven-foot boat, unable to see anything and surrounded by a very, very big ocean. If we lost our way, we could run out of gas in the Atlantic, adrift to who knew where. Not an appealing prospect.

      To complicate matters, the area was full of boat traffic, much of it a lot bigger than us. We certainly couldn’t see them, and we couldn’t count on them seeing us or even being able to adjust course in time if they could.

      In short order, our pleasant sea voyage seemed to become very serious.

      What if we lost our way or missed a waypoint? I knew that tiny mistakes in our direction could stack up and lead us many miles off course. Navigating accurately became priority number one, and part of that was a near-constant process of adjusting the trim tabs and tweaking the rudder and controls to make sure we traveled successfully from one waypoint to the next.

      Of course, we made the trip just fine, but it has occurred to me many times since that life isn’t so different. You make these small changes in your direction all the time, and over the course of months, then years, then decades, they have an enormous difference in where you arrive and when—it’s the trim tab factor of life.

      It’s been said that Apollo 11, carrying Neil Armstrong and the rest of the first lunar crew, was “off course” for much of the journey. On a trip of a hundred miles on the Atlantic, that can mean missing your mark and heading into open ocean. On a mission of almost a million miles from the earth to the moon and back, missing your target and sailing off into the universe unchecked means you can end up . . . well, infinitely off course. Forever. It was only the work of readjusting the course that ensured they reached the moon safely.

      In your financial life, the trim tabs tend to be your habits—the small things you do without fail. How you budget, save, spend. How you think and talk about money every day. As with our boat, small changes in direction can make a huge difference in where you end up financially . A little comment here and a few extra dollars there. They add up over time.

      Do you constantly assess your position in life and adjust accordingly? Or do you drift aimlessly and run the risk of waking up a million metaphorical miles from where you hoped you’d be?

      The above everyday events and stories illustrate and provide insights, tools, and lessons that transfer directly to your business and finances. As you progress in the book, you will find more stories, techniques, and inspiration that will help you achieve the abundance and success you are looking for.

       PART TWO

       Soul Over Matter


       What Is Soul Over Matter?

      IN RECENT DECADES, millions of people on Mother Earth have studied and practiced mind over matter. “Mind over matter” means the mind can make things happen. The mind has power to improve health, heal sickness, transform relationships, improve finances, increase wisdom and intelligence, and bring success to every aspect of life. To practice mind over matter, you can meditate, make affirmations, apply positive thinking, do creative visualization, and communicate with the spiritual world, including Heaven, Mother Earth, the Divine, and Source. Many teachers have written many books and articles, given numerous lectures, and offered many workshops about mind over matter.

      In our personal opinion, mind over matter is great. However, mind over matter is not enough. The next frontier is soul over matter. “Soul over matter” means the soul can make things happen. The soul has power to transform every aspect of life. In this book, we share the deep wisdom and practical techniques of soul over matter to create financial abundance.

      Much ancient wisdom and practice focuses on three sacred words: jing, qi, and shen. “Jing” means matter. “Qi” (pronounced chee) means energy. “Shen” (pronounced shun) encompasses soul, heart, and mind. Everyone and everything is made of jing qi shen.

      Einstein’s formula of mass-energy equivalence, E=mc2, explains the relationship between qi (E) and jing (m). However, Einstein’s formula and his theories of special and general relativity do not include shen.

      Your body, your systems, your organs, your cells, your DNA and RNA are made of jing qi shen. An animal is made of jing qi shen. A tree, a mountain, an ocean are made of jing qi shen. A city, a country, and Mother Earth are all made of jing qi shen. Mother Earth is one planet. There are countless planets, stars, galaxies, and universes. Each one is made of jing qi shen.

      Let us explain shen further. Shen includes soul, heart, and mind. Mind means consciousness. There are all kinds of consciousness, including superficial consciousness, deep consciousness, and subconsciousness. A human being has a mind. Does an animal have a mind? Does a business have a mind? The heart is the core of life. Every aspect of life has this core. A human being has a heart, but the heart that is part of shen is more than the physical heart. Does a business have a heart? Does a business have a soul? Our answers are “Yes.” Everyone and everything, including every business, has a mind, heart, and soul.

      Soul is spirit. Quantum science talks about information or message. Digital physics posits that the physical world can be described by information. In fact, information or message is spirit. Spirit is soul. Spirit and soul are different terms for the same thing. Information or message are used in scientific study. Soul and spirit are used in spiritual study. They are the same. For centuries, scientists have sought a “theory of everything”—one set of universal principles and laws that can explain everything in the physical universe. We believe now is the time to unite the physical world and the spiritual world as one. Science and spirituality can meld as one if they can reach a common understanding of information and soul.

      In summary, we emphasize that everyone and everything is made of jing qi shen. A human being’s life has many aspects, including health, relationships, finances, career, intelligence, and family. Every aspect of life is made of jing qi shen. Finances and business are made of jing qi shen also. These three sacred ancient words, jing qi shen, carry incredible wisdom that can guide every reader, every businessperson, and every human being to achieve financial abundance. You need to understand the deep wisdom and practice of jing qi shen so that you can apply the sacred wisdom and techniques to create unlimited abundance. In this book, we are delighted to explain jing qi shen in depth to help you create financial abundance.

      In order to help you understand jing qi shen, we will explain jing qi shen for health and for finances.

      There are four sacred phrases that can guide you to transform your finances, health, relationships, and intelligence, and bring success to every aspect of your life:

      1. qi dao xue dao


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