Edgar Cayce's Story of the Bible. Robert W. Krajenke

Edgar Cayce's Story of the Bible - Robert W. Krajenke

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“God breathed into man [God-made] the breath of life and he became a living soul,” with the abilities to become godlike.

       Hence we find the first preparation or estate, or manner in which those souls might through material manifestations acclaim—by the living, by the being—that which was and is and ever will be consistent with the purposes of creation—was given into the estate of man.

       The entity was among those first who through those channels came into consciousness awareness of the relationships of the material man to the Creative Forces; that came into material activity during the early portions of man’s consciousness of being an independent entity, or body, in a material existence.


      Adam and his descendants represent those who entered in the earth through the Mind of the Maker, or in accordance with the pattern outlined in Genesis 1.

       The earth and the universe, as related to man, came into being through the Mind—Mind—of the Maker, and, as such, has its same being much as each atomic force multiplies in itself, or as worlds are seen and being made in the present period, and as same became (earth, we are speaking of) an abode for man, man entered as man, through the Mind of the Maker, see? in the form of flesh man; that which carnally might die, decay, become dust, entering into material conditions. The Spirit, the gift of God, that man might be One with Him, with the concept of man’s creative forces throughout the physical world.


      Cayce constantly reiterates, “Mind is the Builder.” The Sons of God, as they entered the earth, were attuned, influenced, animated by the spiritual mind of the Creator.

       For, was not the physical being made from all else that grew? For, of the dust of the earth was the body–physical created. But the Word, the mind, is the controlling factor of its shape, its activity, from the source, the spiritual—the spiritual entity.

       Thus there are within the abilities of each soul that ability to choose that as will keep the body, the mind, the portion of the spirit, attuned to holiness—or oneness with Him.


      Those who entered with this awareness found in themselves that ability to “subdue the earth.”

       . . . “Subdue the earth.” For all therein has been given for man’s purpose, for man’s convenience, for man’s understanding, for man’s interpreting of God’s relationship to man. And when man makes same only a gratifying, a satisfying of self, whether in appetite, in desire, in self motives for self-aggrandizement, self–exaltation, these become—as from old—stumbling blocks. But he that hath put off the old and put on the new is regenerated in the new Adam, and last Adam, in the Christ.

       And as many as have done so may find in themselves that knowledge of His presence abiding with them; so that things, conditions, circumstances, environs, no longer become stumbling blocks—rather have they become stepping stones for the greater view wherein they each may gain at least in part first, gradually growing in grace, in the understanding to know those glories, those beauties God hath prepared for them that know the way of the Cross with the Christ as the Good Shepherd.


      Those souls who entered with the Light entered in harmony with the natural elements of this plane.

       And, as was given, be thou wise—not in thine own conceit, but in the wisdom of the Lord, and subdue the earth: or making these . . . coordinant with that which is in thine own body, mind, and soul.

       For, when the earth was brought into existence or into time and space, all the elements that are without man may be found in the living human body.

       Hence these in coordination, as we see in nature, as we see in the air, as we see in the fire or in the earth, make the soul, body, and mind one coordinating factor with the universal creative energy we call God.



      In Genesis 1, God said, “Let us make man”—creation by Divine Fiat, or through the Word. In Genesis 2, God “formed” Adam2 (or “man,” as in the King James and New American Catholic translations). The suggestion here is a manipulation of materials and an action in Time.

      Most liberal interpreters agree “man” and “Adam” carry the same meaning, indicating the origin of mankind, and not an individual. Yet the Cayce readings show that both a literal and symbolic meaning apply. Adam represents a race,3 but is also an experience of one soul—the first Adam, who, through his incarnations in the earth, became the Savior of man, the last Adam—Jesus who became the Christ.

       When there was in the beginning a man’s advent into the plane known as earth, and it became a living soul, amenable to the laws that govern the plane itself as presented, the Son of man entered the earth as the first man. Hence, the Son of Man, the Son of God, the Son of the First Cause, making manifest in a material body.

       This was not the first spiritual influence, spiritual body, spiritual manifestation in the earth, but the first man—flesh and blood; the first carnal house, the first amenable body to the laws of the plane in its position in the universe.


      After man was formed, God “breathed into his nostrils the breath of life; and man became a living soul.” This is similar to the seventh day of creation when, the images being formed, God rested and allowed His spirit to flow into the pattern, animating His creation.

      The following suggests new insights into this verse.

       (Q) Please explain, “He breathed on them, and saith unto them, Receive ye the Holy Ghost.” (John 20:22)

       (A) . . . As the breath of life was breathed into the body of the man, see, so breathed He that of love and hope into the experience of those who were to become witnesses of Him in the material world.

       (Q) Does this verse have reference to the beginning as Adam?

       (A) In the same manner of beginning, yes.


       . . . as the breath, the ether from the forces [that] come into the body of the human when born breathes the breath of life, as it becomes a living soul, provided it has reached that developing in the creation where the soul many enter and find the lodging place


      The following suggests a state of cosmic consciousness.

       (Q) [Explain] the Holy Breath?

       (A) . . . As we say, the All-Seeing Eye of God, the All-Seeing Eye of self can only be attained when in attune to God. And when attuned, he hath breathed the Holy Breath on the activity of the entity.


      The place of manifestation for this new race, and the individual soul of Adam, was in “a garden eastward in Eden.”

      “Eastward” is the direction of the sun. Thus the location of the garden symbolizes a condition close to the source of all life. Both Man and the Garden were projections of the God-consciousness.

      “Eden” is not

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