Edgar Cayce's Story of the Bible. Robert W. Krajenke

Edgar Cayce's Story of the Bible - Robert W. Krajenke

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Sons of Light who, through their attunement with Creative Force, or God, took warning of the impending disaster, made adequate preparation, and escaped, settling in all parts of the world.

       In the latter portion of same, we find as cities were builded, more and more rare became those abilities to call upon rather the forces in nature to supply the needs for those of bodily adornment, or those of the needs to supply the replenishing of the wasting away of the physical being; or hunger arose, and with the determinations to set again in motion, we find there—then Ani,10 in those latter periods, ten thousand seven hundred (10,700) years before the Prince of Peace came—again was the bringing into force that to tempt, as it were, nature-in its storehouse-of replenishing the things—that of the wasting away in the mountains, then into the valleys, then into the sea itself, and the fast disintegration of the lands, as well as of the peoples—save those that had escaped into those distant lands.



      If the geneology in Genesis 5 is literal then Methuselah was alive at the time of the Deluge. The readings show the lifespan in those days was indeed incredible.

       The days upon the earth then were counted in the tens, the fifties, and the hundreds, besides the days or weeks or years in the present. Or, the life existence of the entity, as compared to the present, would be years instead of weeks; or, in that experience to live five to six to seven hundred years was no more than to live to the age of fifty, sixty, or seventy years in the present.


      Cayce described in a Life reading for a prominent brain surgeon and metaphysician an experience as “the eighth from Adam.” This could mean that the surgeon (1851) had been Methuselah. As a descendant of Adam, he, too, was concerned with the study, interpretation, and preservation of the records made by the children of the Law of One in Atlantis and preserved by Enoch.

       Again we find the entity, before that, was in the Egyptian land during the very early periods.

       For the entity was the eighth from Adam, and in the days of the exodus and the periods of understanding through those activities; journeying more from what is now the Chaldean than the Egyptian land, though spending many of the periods in the activities through which the records were set as for things that were, that were to be—these become a part of the study of the entity throughout those periods.

       Hence oft the entity may lose self in those things that are found there. For, as that was the interpreting of the earth as it was, as it is, as it is to be, so came those activities to preserve same for the seeker to know his relationships to the past, the present, and the future, when counted from the material standpoint.

       And as the entity sought in those experiences to make time and space, as well as patience, the realms that express the universality of the Force called God, so may this become in the present experience that in which the entity may excel—in giving assurance to those who seek their closer understanding of the relationships one to another.


      The Bible says God repented he made man. (Genesis 6:6) Edgar Cayce interpreted this to mean a change in heart and a new plan for man’s salvation. The following comments are taken from the Bible class record:

      “To repent means to change the mind because of regret or dissatisfaction. God decided to give man a new opportunity, or a new method, for saving himself. Because man was so wicked, God cut his life span to 120 years. The only hope for man to extricate himself from the flesh was to die at a younger age, and get a new start by being reborn. This was God’s way of making man aware of a new opportunity. How terrible it would be today if we kept living for thousands of years!”

      This reading compares man’s lifespan then and now:

       What was the length of life then? Nearly a thousand years. What is your life today? May it not be just as He had given, just as He had indicated to those peoples, just as He did to the lawgiver, just as He did to David—first from a thousand years to a hundred and twenty, then to eighty? Why? Why? The sin of man is his desire for self-gratification.

       What nations of the earth today vibrate to those things that they have and are creating in their own land their own environment? Look to the nations where the span of life has been extended from sixty to eighty-four years. You will judge who is serving God. These are judgments. These are the signs to those who seek to know, who will study the heavens, who will analyze the elements, who will know the heart of man, they that seek to know the will of the Father for themselves answer, “Lord, here am I, use me, send me where I am needed.”



      The Deluge is both symbolic and literal. Noah was also an actual entity.

      In a noteworthy Life reading, a four year old child was told he had been Thomas Cambell, founder of the Cambellite movement, Elisha the prophet, and the ancient patriarch of the Deluge:

       For, before that the entity was that one to whom was entrusted man’s advent into the world—Noah!

       For this we find those weaknesses. Then, not as one refraining from those, but beware ever of any strong drink or fruit of the vine passing the lips of this entity—through these early periods, especially.


      Although Noah was found naked and drunk in his tent after the Deluge, before the Flood it is written he and his family were “perfect in their generations.” (Genesis 6:9) Noah and his family still adhered to the tenets of the Law of One. They had not yet “broken the faith”—as this one had:

       Before that we find the entity was in the Atlantean land during those periods when there were the separations of the peoples from the high and the low estates of the varied developments that were in that period of man’s experience in the earth, when there were the Sons of the High; or as given in Holy Writ, “The Sons of God looked upon the Daughters of Men.”

       The entity was among the Sons of God, yet looking upon the Daughters of Men and making of self in those associations those periods when faith was broken with others, and when there was the belittling of the tenets and the truths in the powers that had been given among those peoples for the manifesting of that which would cleanse their souls that they might be one with the Creative Forces in this material world and in the spiritual forces also.


      Noah and his group, no doubt, refrained from mixing with the creatures who were combinations of the thought–forms projected by the SONS of Belial and the descendents of Cain.

       They were perfect in their day and generation. As individual entities they had chosen virtue in every form in relationship to things, conditions, and personalities in the earth.


       The eight souls were saved for a definite purpose—to preserve the consciousness that had been brought into the earth through Adam and the followers of the Law of One, and to continue the spiritual and mental evolution of mankind.

       For the entity was among those eight souls saved for a definite purpose, and brought that influence in the earth that is today that source from which spiritual and mental advance has been kept toward that more commonly termed the more civilized

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