Your Key to Good Health. Elaine Hruska

Your Key to Good Health - Elaine Hruska

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lymph and emunctory circulation) cause the banking up of accumulations—or the lack of proper eliminations; affecting, to be sure, the blood supply, until we have an unbalanced condition in same, at times red blood running below normal and the white—especially in the leucocyte and the urea—making for lack of the quantity of blood in both its whole circulation and in its component parts. This is indicated by the character or type of distresses caused in same. For, at times we have had those experiences of a rash in the cuticle on various portions of the body. At other periods we have had occasionally a tendency for boils or abrasions, that cause considerable distress in portions of the system. At others we have found there were periods when the digestion was so upset as to find little that would assimilate properly with the body; tendency for keeping the body in rather a tautness. And lacking in replenishing powers made for these forms of adhesions in the antrum, the head, at times in the caecum—as we have at the present, and an action that has tended to cause the engorging of the colon; making for in the extremes, or in the lower portions of the body, not exactly rheumatic conditions nor wholly muscular reactions, but sciatic lumbago—these effects have been in the system at various times.


      According to the above excerpt, then, this forty-three-year-old gentleman had earlier experienced a chemical imbalance that precipitated “a catarrhal condition,” an inflammation of the mucous membranes in the nose and throat areas. The eventual reduction in circulation produced a drying effect in the head, throat, ears, antrum (sinus cavity in the upper jaw), and nasal cavities. Lymph circulation was also diminished, causing lesions in some soft tissues—adhesions (fibrous tissue that abnormally joins body parts or tissues together) in the muscles. A buildup of toxins or poisons caused by poor eliminations created the backing up of more accumulations, a condition which affected the blood supply. Red blood and white blood supplies were at times below normal. This circulation imbalance resulted in a number of physical disturbances: a rash in the cuticles (outer layer of skin), boils, abrasions, and periodic digestive upsets, so that he could not properly assimilate his food. All of this kept him in a state of tension (“tautness”), his body was thrown out of balance, and his colon became congested (engorged), so that at various times he experienced what his reading called “sciatic lumbago,” or low pack pain.

      The above reading was given on April 24, 1934, and Mr. [642] was present for it. He had heard about Cayce’s gift through an “automatic writer,” who had suggested that he study the A.R.E. group lessons, so he organized a Search for God Study Group for that purpose.

      Immediately following his reading he said that “the information fitted his case perfectly and that there was no question in his mind as to its correctness. He lamented the fact that so little credence was given information of this kind, especially by the doctors.” (642-1, R-1)

      Later, in July 1934, he wrote:

      About three months ago, Mr. Cayce gave me a physical reading. At that time I was suffering from acute pleurisy, improper functioning of certain glands of the head and throat, aggravated by adhesions in nasal cavities, and a general rundown condition, with a record of fifteen years of semi-invalidism.

      The reading fully covered the conditions existent and gave treatment and diet, accompanied with manipulations by osteopathy.

      Today I am enjoying nearly perfect health. I have endeavored to stay closely by [the] diet recommended, have taken the osteopathic treatments, and can say I cannot remember having enjoyed such health, as at present.

      My case, I feel, is an unusual one, inasmuch as I have during the past fifteen years had three major operations, a severe accident with nine bones broken, three attacks of influenza, and typhoid fever, all of which has left me in an anemic, rundown condition. The remarkable phase of it all is that I feel 95 percent well in this brief period, having fully overcome constipation of long duration.

      I gladly send this testimonial . . . I might add that three reputable medical diagnosticians and several practicing physicians have given me physical examinations prior to the reading by Mr. Cayce. Said examinations failed to reveal the causes of [my] disability, found in the reading.

      Needless to say it is with much gratitude I express my appreciation to your organization, to Mr. Cayce, or I might say [to] the power which operates through Mr. Cayce.

      642-1, R-3

      Gladys Davis Turner, Cayce’s longtime secretary, noted that the physical information contained in this letter was not known to Cayce consciously at the time of the reading. In August 1935 Mr. [642] obtained a check reading for his frequent headaches. In a follow-up letter, he wrote that he was very satisfied with this check reading, that it “meant more to me than to another, for it related to conditions and symptoms with which I labor.” An additional notation in 1951 stated that he had remained active and interested in A.R.E. work.

      Another satisfied customer, one might say. Following the advice given him in his reading paid off for him in better health and more vitality.

      Similar to the domino effect, in which a lack or imbalance (the fall of a domino) in one area may precipitate a crisis or problem in another, the health readings oftentimes make reference to the importance of a cause-and-effect reaction. The cause, of course, would represent the seat of the problem, the main culprit, or perhaps the beginning point of the eventual disease process. It is most helpful to determine the cause or to pinpoint the initial stage of the illness, since addressing this area will often lead to a healing result more quickly and efficiently, as it is close to the origin of the imbalance.

      Descriptions as to how this cause-and-effect scenario is played out may involve what sounds like battle or war terminology as the physical attempts to balance or aright itself after some type of attack or onslaught. The infection-fighting cells—the white blood corpuscles, or leucocytes—are referred to as “warriors”; they attack the enemy, the invaders of the body, and their action alerts the body to the potential danger. How the physical responds is succinctly summarized in this statement from the readings:

      One should consider that the system is builded to resist whatever may arise, and it takes that direction in carrying out for what it was constructed, and when it meets obstructions; then it attempts to build around, or overcome, by using other portions or functionings to carry out its function.


      It seems, then, that our physical bodies have a built-in mechanism that not only alerts the system to a potential danger but can even direct the influences needed to handle the situation, correct the imbalance, and relieve the “warlike” tension. The initial onslaught would be considered “the cause” of the illness or ailment or distress. As for a reversal of the unhealthy condition, one reading states: “. . . the causes will not be relieved unless that which causes the conditions is relieved.” (880-1)

      Again, the importance of dealing with the cause is emphasized. The origin of a health concern can be a bit puzzling to uncover, much like locating the proverbial needle in a haystack. Many of Cayce’s health readings pinpointed the cause; some informed the recipient of the reading that what was being addressed was an effect of imbalance, and not a cause. Often the seeker would simply ask for the cause of a particular ailment. One young man, twenty years old, asked: “What causes the eruptions on the skin, and can they be prevented by special diet or otherwise?” The answer came: “These are from poor eliminations and are a part of the system’s attempt to adjust itself to changes that naturally come about.” The reading suggested taking Eno Salts occasionally before breakfast, which would “assist in aiding the system to create a greater flow in the lymph and emunctory circulation . . .” (830-4) The circulatory system, the reading added, would eventually come into better balance.

      Eno Salts is a laxative powder that was introduced in 1898 in Newcastle, London, as “Fruit Salt.” Cayce seemed to prefer the fruit salts variety of eliminants. It was mentioned in more than 125 readings and also provides relief from indigestion, heartburn, upset stomach, and any discomfort after meals resulting from excess acidity.

      The word emunctory, often mentioned in conjunction with lymph activity, refers to any organ or body part that gives off waste products, such as the

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