Howl. Susan Imhoff Bird

Howl - Susan Imhoff Bird

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above, scouring the land for movement.

      Absence. Void. My teeth chatter and under my skin, muscles echo the vibration. My legs tremble so hard my feet jump in the footrests. The nurse wraps another blanket over me, hot from the warmer, its waffled texture under my fingertips up and down, here and gone.

      I woke to drizzle, angry drops slipping down the window, nothing but gray. From the bare trees lining the hospital drive, to rooftops and high-rises five miles away, to the foothills of the Oquirrh Mountains on the far edge of the valley, their peaks hidden, perhaps stolen during the night.

      My belly is empty. Bob walks alongside as the nurse pushes me from the outer edge of the hospital to a room in its heart, a room dangerously close to the spot where I, six hours before, gave birth to two boys, one alive, one dead, each connected to the other by a meandering blood vessel woven through their shared placenta. We pass through wide wooden doors that open at the press of a square metal button. My legs jump. I clench my jaw. I am wheeled down a hallway of shiny linoleum. I press down against my legs. This void is larger than me.

      It’s mid-morning and the day is warming, though the wind holds a chill. We’ve erected our tents, tossed sleeping bags and pads inside, stored our food in the bear-safe lock boxes, and come back into the valley. Wolves are crepuscular animals, hunting at dawn and dusk. We may not see a wolf, but black bears, bison, and deer are abundant. The park itself, its towering conifers, massive walls of stone, thundering rivers, gives me more than enough to ponder, and I am silent as we drive back along the Lamar Valley road.

      Mark parks by twenty other cars, and we join those who stand where grass meets pavement. I recognize a woman from earlier, the one with short gray hair, a Swarovski scope.

      “Any wolves?” I ask.

      “No,” she says, “but the calf’s body is still there. A coyote’s been eating. Would you like to look?”

      I peer out into the valley, see the concave body, then look to the right where mama bison stands over the other dead calf.

      “I’m Kris,” she smiles. “I love the wolves. You watch long enough, you get to know some of their personalities. They all have stories. We watched 06 for years—she was amazing, dynamic. Our rock star.”

      “She was killed in December?” I ask.

      Kris is silent as we search the valley before us. I imagine 06, think of her daughter tearing at the bison calf carcass this morning.

      “The alpha male’s brother had been shot just weeks before she was, and the pack has struggled. It’s fallen apart. If people knew the stories of these wolves, that they are parents, children, that they teach their pups, play with them. That they’re beings, filled with life, history, families. They could never kill these wolves, not if they knew.”

      Jake was born in April of 1991, when wolves were, for most of us, creatures of fairy tales and magazine articles. Gray wolves, at that time, claimed territories in upper Wisconsin, on Isle Royale in Lake Superior, and in the wild hills of northwestern Montana. Every other state in our nation—except Alaska—cleared them out a century ago. Wolves had been vilified by early settlers, and this wild canine that had inhabited land across all but the Southeast was virtually extirpated by the 1920s. However, while Jake lay in the hospital biologists and politicians were working to legislate the reintroduction of wolves. The proposal took form in the 1970s, shortly after the Endangered Species Act was signed into law, and after nearly two decades, was moving closer to a congressional vote. The gray wolf was to be returned to its former home, beginning in the central Idaho wilderness, and in Yellowstone National Park.

      Just a mile down the Lamar Valley road, we stop again. The viewing area is filled with cars and we squeeze into a spot half gravel, half weeds. A bear of a man wearing a thick mustache and bright yellow fleece taps on my window.

      “Come look,” he says. “I’ve got a grizzly in my scope; she’s over on the hill up there.” He points across the valley to a hillside thick with massive clumps and stretching fingers of snow.

      I squint, the dusky cinnamon bear emerges. Her hump glistens in the sunlight filtering through the trees. She moves, a lumbering roll, fur sparking. She’s five hundred feet away, thank God.

      “I’m Michael, Michael Powers,” he says, offering a hand. “And this here’s my son, Hayden.”

      Hayden’s cheery face peeks from underneath a fishing hat. He turns back to his own scope, fixed on the grizzly.

      “It’s like going to see a movie knowing there’s no script, until the moment something happens. You may come in with an outline, but all that’s there are the main ideas—yes, there are so many bison, this many wolves and packs, this many black and grizzly bears. But the details come as you interact with the place. Optics play an important role in this—wildlife here is accustomed to people, and pretty aware, so I believe if you want to see them as naturally as possible, it’s better to view from a distance. That’s why I love sharing the scopes. That’s why I tapped on your window.”

      Wildlife viewing takes time and a wallop of patience—lots of standing still and squinting into scopes. I can’t reconcile cycling, here, with

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