Tuskegee Airman, 4th Edition. Charlene E. McGee
Tuskegee Airman, 4th Edition
The Biography of Charles E. McGee
Air Force Fighter Combat
Record Holder
Charlene E, McGee Smith
edited by
Adolph Caso
Copyright 2011, 2008, 1999 Charlene E, McGee Smith,
All rights reserved.
Published in eBook format by Branden Books
Converted by http://www.eBookIt.com
ISBN-13: 978-0-8283-2285-0
No part of this book may be reproduced in any form or by any electronic or mechanical means including information storage and retrieval systems, without permission in writing from the author. The only exception is by a reviewer, who may quote short excerpts in a review.
Library of Congress Cataloging-in-Publication Data
Smith Charlene E. McGee.
Tuskegee airman : the biography of Charles E. McGee, Air Force fighter combat record holder / by Charlene E. McGee Smith.
p. cm.
Includes bibliographical references (p. ) and index.
ISBN 0828320462 (alk. paper.) (Cloth edition)
ISBN 0828321868, ISBN 0780828321860 (Hard edition)
1. McGee, Charles E., 1919- .
2. World War, 1939-1945--Aerial operations, American.
3. World War, 1939-1945--Participation, Afro-American
4. Korean War, 1950-1953--Participation, Afro-American.
5. Vietnamese Conflict, 1961-1975--Participation,
6. United States. Army Air Forces--Biography.
7. United States. Air Force--Biography.
8. Afro-American air pilots--Biography.
I. Title.
D790.S5676 1999
951.904'248'092--dc--21 99-18279
For Mom,
who kept the home fire burning,
and Bill,
who completes me.
The contribution of family, friends and associates to Dad’s story is living testimony of their high regard for him. I am grateful for the role each played in bringing his biography to life. Many sent stories and provided anecdotes from times they shared with him. Some included photos and news clippings as well. However incorporated, every offering added to my insight, understanding and ability to convey events in their fullest sense.
Special acknowledgment goes to my sister, Yvonne, and son, Damon, whose critical eye and editorial comments were invaluable. She challenged me to be specific, provide perspective and hold high standards for quality, and he counseled me to stay focused and tuned to my inner voice.
In the editing department, thanks also go to Theodore W. Robinson, a Tuskegee Airmen and former editor with the Smithsonian Institution, who helped keep aviation facts in context, Louise Mohr for her keen proofreading skill, and my brother Ron, who brought my word processing capabilities into the modern era. Ron joined Dad, Yvonne and me for a week long edit session in October, 1997, after which the project gained direction and momentum.
I appreciate the aid of Gillian Berckowitz, Senior Editor of the Ohio University (O.U.) Press, who offered pointers to help me navigate in the unfamiliar territory of commercial publishing; Gary Kirksey, Assistant Professor in the O.U. School for Visual Communication, for Dad’s studio portrait and other photographic assistance; Dr. Hubertus L. Bloemer, Chair of Geography and Director of the Cartographic Center at O.U., who provided maps for chapters on military campaigns; and
Harvey McCormick, Tuskegee Airman and longtime friend of Dad, for his assistance with indexing.
While this work was in creation, perhaps the greatest sacrifice was made by William and my youngest daughter, Charon, who gave up wife and mother more often than they would have liked. Thanks for loving me enough to make many sacrifices throughout the three years it took to complete this adventure.
The final outcome, this biography of Charles E. McGee, distinguished aviator and American patriot, is possible because of all who assisted. Through their time and effort, Dad’s example will reach and inspire a wider circle of people, enriching them as it has those of us fortunate enough to have known and journeyed with him.
ACSS= Air Command and Staff School
ADC= Air Defense Command
AFB= Air Force Base
AFCS= Air Force Communications Service
AME= African Methodist Episcopal
APO= Army post office
BOQ= Bachelor officer's quarters
BX= Base exchange
CADF= Central Air Defense Force
CCC= Civilian Conservation Corps
C.O.= Commanding officer
D.C.= District of Columbia
DFC= Distinguished Flying Cross
FAA= Federal Aviation Authority
FIS= Fighter Interceptor Squadron
GI= Government issue
K.U.= Kansas University
NAACP= National Association for the Advancement of Colored People
NATO= North Atlantic Treaty Organization
O.U.= Ohio University
PCS= Permanent change of station
Ph.D.= Doctor of Philosophy
POW= Prisoner of war
ROK= Republic of Korea
RON= Remain overnight
ROTC= Reserve Officers Training Corps
RSVN= Republic of South Vietnam
SAC= Strategic Air Command
SOF= Supervisor of flying
TAAF= Tuskegee Army Air Field
TAI= Tuskegee Airmen, Incorporated
TDY= Temporary duty assignment
TRS= Tactical Reconnaissance Squadron
U. of I.=University of Illinois
UN= United Nations
U.S.= United States
USA= United States of America
USAEUR=United States Army Europe
USAF= United States Air Force
USAFE=United States Air Force Europe
USO= United Service Organizations
VD= Venereal disease
VIP= Very Important Person
V-J Day=Victory over Japan Day