Beyond Psychotherapy: Introduction to Psychoenergetic Healing. Linda Stein-Luthke

Beyond Psychotherapy: Introduction to Psychoenergetic Healing - Linda Stein-Luthke

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upon with work performed in an altered state of consciousness we call “Inner Space” [A more complete definition and explanation of the term “Inner Space” can be found in Chapter 6.] where the client can experience the richness of his or her multidimensional nature. Facilitated by the therapist, the client achieves a heightened state of consciousness in which he or she may become aware of colors, images, thoughts, memories, feelings, or physical sensations, such as pain, heat, weight, etc. The range of experiences in Inner Space is virtually unlimited and may include an awareness of past lives, other dimensions, the presence of beings of Light, and more.

      While each client has a different experience, all are able to perceive the flow of energies within. These inner perceptions then guide the course of the healing work. Using what could be called a “psychological X-ray technique,” the client can become aware of the core issue and then observe the process of healing on an energetic level as it is occurring. Although getting in touch with painful feelings or experiences may cause some temporary discomfort, an energetic shift and tangible relief can often be felt within minutes. Because the client has control over his or her Inner Space and all therapeutic interventions are guided by the client’s inner perceptions, this approach to healing is experienced as empowering and safe.

      Who Can Benefit From Psychoenergetic Healing? Our experience has shown that Psychoenergetic Healing can be an effective approach regardless of the presenting problem, as all thoughts, memories, feelings, and habits exist as “patterned” energies and can be treated as such. Psychoenergetic Healing has been successfully applied to a wide variety of issues, including anger, fear, depression, addictions, sexual issues, co-dependency, low self-esteem, traumatic experiences, psychosomatic illnesses, pain, grieving and loss, etc. Clients of all ages, including children and adolescents, have benefited greatly from Psychoenergetic Healing, regardless of their belief systems or prior experience with energy-based healing.

      Most of us are not consciously aware of the subtle energies that fuel our behaviors and states of mind at all times, and yet we all have noticed emotional energies in action, such as when we experience intense anger, fear, or resentment. If we do not release and balance negative emotions properly, but instead “sweep them under the rug,” they may linger in our emotional body for an unlimited time, causing further disturbance. They may even manifest in physical disease. To gain or maintain a state of harmony and health, it is essential to attend to emotional disharmonies, resolve inner conflicts, and release traumatic memories.

      Many of our clients have already accomplished a significant amount of inner work, be it emotional or spiritual in nature, and desire to further their growth by addressing those issues that previously seemed intractable. Thus, to benefit from Psychoenergetic Healing, a commitment to growth can be more relevant than the nature of the problem or whether it fits into any traditional diagnostic pigeonhole.

      PART I: Metaphysical Foundations of Psychoenergetic Healing

      Chapter 1

      Fundamental Premises

      The new, energy-based paradigm we spoke of in the introductory chapter is, in fact, not so new, after all. Many Eastern philosophers, mystics, and scientists have long espoused an understanding of creation as a sea of energies in motion, existing on many different levels of frequency. While leading-edge physicists may embrace a compatible view of reality, the predominant mind-set of our times is still based on an understanding of reality more closely related to the physics of the 19th century rather than the 21st. Although tempted, I will not launch into a dissertation on this complex subject. You may wish to refer to writers such as David Bohm, Michael Talbot, Fred Alan Wolf, and Deepak Chopra [For details, see our reading suggestions in the Appendix.] who have built a convincing case tracing the lines of thought -- and demonstrating the convergence -- of ancient Eastern and modern Western views of reality.

      Review of Basic Premises

      To lay a foundation of understanding for our purposes, a condensed review of some of the basic premises of metaphysical teachings is in order. If you are a novice in the study of metaphysics, you would be well advised to go over this section more than once, and to give yourself time to think through its implications.

      Let us begin with a simple definition: What is metaphysics? The American Heritage Dictionary has the following to offer: “The branch of philosophy that systematically investigates the nature of first principles and problems of ultimate reality. Metaphysics includes the study of being (ontology) and, often, the study of the structure of the universe (cosmology).”

      For our purposes, we would add that we are not interested in metaphysics as a mental exercise motivated by a desire to fill books or gain tenure. We call our work “applied metaphysics”: We strive to truly understand, apply and live the principles we espouse. The ultimate test of a philosophy is not its logical consistency and irrefutability, but a very simple question: Does it work?

      As we have been shown, there are a limited number of Universal Laws that are rather simple. (This is not to say that they are readily understood by the human mind). Here are some of the truths as we understand and have experienced them:

      (1)There is order in the Universe. The infinite number of forms and appearances are but variations of an underlying theme. There is uniformity in diversity.

      (2)All of creation is vibration or “patterned” energy that can be perceived and described as light, sound, or a sensation of vibration.

      (3)There is an infinite number of “frequencies” that comprise the totality of creation.

      (4)The material world is just one level of reality. Just as the visible colors or audible tones are only segments of the full spectrum of light or sound, so is the material world only a segment of the totality of creation.

      (5)All of creation originates on the subtle planes. Material creation is a manifestation of subtle vibrations originating on the higher planes and then transformed into denser material vibrations. A good metaphor for this manifestation process is the transformation of H2O from humidity to vapor to water to ice, a condensation or “crystallization” process.

      (6)“As above, so below” -- as in heaven, so on earth. Macrocosm and microcosm are analogous to one another in their essential constitution, evolution and mode of operation. Again, there is uniformity in diversity.

      (7)Time and space are not what they seem to be. Our perception of time and space is bound to the human level of awareness. Once we transcend this level of awareness, the limits of time and space that appear so real to the human mind dissolve. (This is a vast and complicated topic, which we will set aside for the time being.)

      (8)All is connected to everything, and all is affected by everything. There is oneness, despite the illusion of separation.

      (9)All of creation stems from Infinite Source, and all that exists remains a part of it. The concepts of “good” vs. “evil,” “God” vs. “the devil” are based on the illusion of separation.

      (10)Change is the order of the Universe. We are constantly changing and evolving, and that is true both for the macrocosm and the microcosm.

      For those of you who are not used to thinking in abstract metaphysical terms, please be patient with yourselves. You may wish to go over this condensed version of “Metaphysics 101” a few more times before you have a better understanding of its implications. We also recommend titles for further reading in the back of this book.

      We Are Living in a Time of Radical Change

      We are, indeed, living in interesting times. A tide of change is washing over every fiber of our being, touching every strand of the fabric of life as we know it. This change we are participating in goes to the root of our thinking, feeling, and mode of operation; thus, it is truly radical [“Radical” is derived from the Latin word for root, radix.] in its nature and scope.

      Many attempts have been made to explain the underlying dynamics of this time of transition from a metaphysical perspective. Once again, we will try to give a condensed and necessarily simplified outline of our understanding.

      (1) While the Creator is beyond duality, Creation exists

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