The Essential Elinor Glyn Collection. Glyn Elinor

The Essential Elinor Glyn Collection - Glyn Elinor

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      "My darling, darling boy!" she exclaimed, as he opened the door and peeped in. "Streatfield, bring that chair for his lordship, and--oh, you can go for a few minutes."

      Then she folded him in her arms, and almost sobbed with joy to see him again.

      "Well, mother," he said, when she had kissed him and murmured over him as much as she wished. "Here I am, and what a sickening climate! And where are you off to?"

      "I am going to dine with Morella Winmarleigh," said Lady Bracondale, "early, to go to the opera, and then I shall take her on to the Brantingham's ball. Won't you join us at either place, Hector? I feel it so dreadfully, having to rush off like this, your first evening, darling."

      She stood back and looked at him. She must see for herself whether he was well, and if this riotous life she feared he had been leading lately had not too greatly told upon him. Her fond eyes detected an air of weariness: he looked haggard, and not so full of spirits as he usually was. Alas! if he would only stay in England!

      "I am rather tired, mother; I may look in at the opera, but I can't face a ball. How is Anne, and what is she doing to-night?" he said.

      "Anne has a bad cold. We have had such weather--nothing but rain since Sunday night! She is dining at home and going to bed early. I have just had a telephone message from her; she is longing to see you, too."

      "I think I shall go round and dine with her then," said Hector, "and join you later."

      They talked on for about ten minutes before he left her to dress, running against Streatfield in the passage. She had known him since his birth, and beamed with joy at his return.

      He chaffed her about growing fat, and went on his way to telephone to his sister.

      "His lordship looks pale, my lady," said the demure woman, as she fastened Lady Bracondale's bracelet. She, too, disapproved of Paris and bachelorhood, but she did not love Morella Winmarleigh.

      "Oh, you think so, Streatfield?" Lady Bracondale exclaimed, in a worried voice. "Now that we have got him back we must take great care of him. His lordship will join me at the opera. Are you sure he likes those aigrettes in my hair?"

      "Why, it's one of his lordship's favorite styles, my lady. You need have no fears," said the maid.

      And thus comforted, Lady Bracondale descended the great staircase to her carriage.

      She was still a beautiful woman, though well past fifty. Her splendid, dark hair had hardly a thread of gray in it, and grew luxuriantly, but she insisted upon wearing it simply parted in the middle and coiled in a mass of plaits behind, while one braid stood up coronet fashion well at the back of her head. She was addicted to rich satins and velvets, and had a general air of Victorian repose and decorum. There was no attempt to retain departed youth; no golden wigs or red and white paint disfigured her person, which had an immense natural dignity and stateliness. It made her shiver to see some of her contemporaries dressed and arranged to represent not more than twenty years of age. But so many modern ways of thought and life jarred upon her!

      "Mother is still in the early seventies; she has never advanced a step since she came out," Anne always said, "and I dare say she was behind the times even then."

      Meanwhile, Hector was dressing in his luxurious mahogany-panelled room. Everything in the house was solid and prosperous, as befitted a family who had had few reverses and sufficient perspicacity to marry a rich heiress now and then at right moments in their history.

      This early Georgian house had been in the then Lady Bracondale's dower, and still retained its fine carvings and Old-World state.

      "How shall I see her again?" was all the thought which ran in Lord Bracondale's head.

      "She won't be at a ball, but she might chance to have thought of the opera. It would be a place Mr. Brown would like to exhibit her at. I shall certainly go."

      Lady Anningford was tucked up on a sofa in her little sitting-room when her brother arrived at her charming house in Charles Street. Her husband had been sent off to a dinner without her, and she was expecting her brother with impatience. She loved Hector as many sisters do a handsome, popular brother, but rather more than that, and she had fine senses and understood him.

      She did not cover him with caresses and endearments when she saw him; she never did.

      "Poor Hector has enough of them from mother," she explained, when Monica Ellerwood asked her once why she was so cold. "And men don't care for those sort of things, except from some one else's sister or wife."

      "Dear old boy!" was all she said as he came in. "I am glad to see you back."

      Then in a moment or two they went down to dinner, talking of various things. And all through it, while the servants were in the room, she prattled about Paris and their friends and the gossip of the day; and she had a shocking cold in her head, too, and might well have been forgiven for being dull.

      But when they were at last alone, back in the little sitting-room, she looked at him hard, and her voice, which was rather deep like his, grew full of tenderness as she asked: "What is it, Hector? Tell me about it if I can help you."

      He got up and stood with his back to the wood fire, which sparkled in the grate, comforting the eye with its brightness, while the wind and rain moaned outside.

      "You can't help me, Anne; no one can," he said. "I have been rather badly burned, but there is nothing to be done. It is my own fault--so one must just bear it."

      "Is it the--eh--the Frenchwoman?" his sister asked, gently.

      "Good Lord, no!"

      "Or the American Monica came back so full of?"

      "The American? What American? Surely she did not mean my dear Mrs. McBride?"

      "I don't know her name," Anne said, "and I don't want you to say a thing about it, dear, if I can't help you; only it just grieves me to see you looking so sad and distrait, so I felt I must try if there is anything I can do for you. Mother has been on thorns and dying of fuss over this Frenchwoman and the diamond chain--("How the devil did she hear about that?" thought Hector)--until Monica came back with a tale of your devotion to an American."

      "One would think I was eighteen years old and in leading-strings still, upon my word," he interrupted, with an irritated laugh. "When will she realize I can take care of myself?"

      "Never," said Lady Anningford, "until you have married Morella Winmarleigh; then she would feel you were in good hands."

      He laughed again--bitterly this time.

      "Morella Winmarleigh! I would not be faithful to her for a week!"

      "I wonder if you would be faithful to any woman, Hector? I have often thought you do not know what it means to love--really to love."

      "You were perfectly right once. I did not know," he said; "and perhaps I don't now, unless to feel the whole world is a sickening blank without one woman is to love--really to love."

      Anne noticed the weariness of his pose and the vibration in his deep voice. She was stirred and interested as she had never been. This dear brother of hers was not wont to care very much. In the past it had always been the women who had sighed and longed and he who had been amused and pleased. She could not remember a single occasion in the last ten years when he had seemed to suffer, although she had seen him apparently devoted to numbers of women.

      "And what are you going to do?" she asked, with sympathy, "She is married, of course?"


      "Hector, don't you want me to speak about it?"

      He took a chair now by his sister's sofa, and he began to turn over the papers

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