The RIP. James Bèyor
politics protect the welfare of the few for the common good of many or does it provoke timid citizens into civil disobedience merely to keep themselves from being pushed too far? Do politicians hastily depict goodness and correctness with a quick change of hat or position or service to words? Does politics thrive on fear of the unknown or subconsciously implemented fear of fear as an impetus to vote? What are the fears that are sold back to us as overseers of our fate? Do politicians urge us to war only for our own killing urge? What shape has political jargon? What sound does the voice provoke in us? Does fear remain as friend or foe?
Politics is paradox with weapons drawn and muscle at its command. Blame loop is nearly exclusive to the machinery of war or police action.
The matching of natural fear to implemented fear is provoker function or impetus to obey. Fear is inverted so that what we fear subjects us. The job of religion and politics is to provoke habit into duty, reason for reason and result for result. Without provoker function, blame cannot form a closed loop: impasse. Fear of fear and fear of the unknown insist upon blame in lieu of discovery. Anti-fear becomes reason over reason. Think-factory process stems from the provocation of reasoned blame thrust, strategic advantage and a working hypocrisy.
Knowledge is impasse by paradox.
Reason is failsafe to paradox.
The agreement process is paradox.
Can there become a disorder of convention and still remain an order that unifies? Disorder heightens the realization and execution of paradox and justifies it. Truth is the validated means of production and the share-held impasse of I-We-They: Entity.
Can the realization of locked paradox forestall a chain of events linked by ever-mounting stores of failsafe, blame and ever-thinning false tolerance levels?
Paradox unrealized is paradox installed and set. Patterns of events are set in paradox. Truth benefits from sets of facts made for truth. Replay for replay alters nothing. We live suspended in an altered state: Fear is not our friend and words are our deceivers.
Events that have become set in the linkage of paradox cannot be stopped. Is there an alternative action?
It is not action nor speed nor sound that is needed. It is not impetus to function nor any provocation.
We live in a state of disjoined parallels. Nothing will happen that does not first happen in feeling. If reason fails feeling and feeling fails reason, we will continue half life in paradox with failsafe entailing, and the voice of last reason will be the last voice of blame.
Blame will be the voice of the next logic-illogic and its pitch and its frequency will rise until its wail stretches boundaries of tolerance to the point of shattering.
When the human being breaks down, the sense of hearing is the last sense to fall away. When we can no longer hear above the ultra-high frequencies of paradox, our undoing, as a unique specie of creature, has begun.
Universal parallel of consciousness must be rejoined and the wound of the R.I.P. healed or it will be misshaped into a sub-parallel of irreparable despair.
The pretense of allowed involvement is not subject to caprice. It is a "get away with" attestation for joining cause and it is the reason that fear causes belief. Is it feeling, thrown back to self-interrogation, that defines the cutting edge of fear, or is it circular reason at the center of a circular maze, a labyrinth of made-meant-mean sub-parallel subconscious demoralization of self? Words carry impulse. Our invented manifest reality is noun/verb false reactions.
If stripped of reason, the human being would be inanimate and mute. He could then, in his silence, know that reason is performance and expectation of performance. He could understand that speed and momentum are connotations of mock time and mock progress.
What if performance could be pulled from reason? Could there then, both in fact and in pretense to fact, remain a memory-enhanced active feeling that what is missing is not performance at all, nor deed, but calm? Could it be that motion, as the means for approaching some distant place, is in active want of elapsed time to travel, a defined axis between stillness and motion, between stimulus and no stimulus? Can elapsed time, then, be defined as active memory? If time is defunct and future an artifact, where are we going? In stillness, we are going where we are now. We are, outside time and without future, our own memory.
The insistence upon crossing distances is measured in and by reason and in terms of false wants.
Must we forthrightly blame all that is silent into motion whether we want to or not? Must we eternally kick the bees' nest to know the fury of the stinging bees?
Motion is a steadily accelerated force exerted on or for or against an object or a conviction. Nature has a sinuous undulation; a cadence that we cannot decipher. It pulls and does not push in its sway; it is silent.
We are the voice of It and the voice of the We of They. Our duty to entity is our sacred reason, and it demands every morsel and every strain of self to be delivered.
Without the clear self-inherent sounds of all our senses overlapped in dulcet unison of one full voice, we can never become silent enough to know the calm inside. We need not exist disjointed in the dark hole of the R.I.P. The subconscious sub-parallel of the word can be felt and dissolved into one voice with interrogative fear as its friend in universal parallel of complete thought.
There is a quiet voice that turns the human essence over and over again until no turning is necessary until, stillness to stillness, parallels are blended.
Fear is the teller of circumstance: emotionally enhanced in the full life and freedom of the creature, the most gentle and loving thing on earth.
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