Prison Puzzle Pieces 2. Dave Basham
doing my job properly. Whenever I finished shaking down a cell, I was confident that I had done everything I had been trained to do during these inspections. People trying to hide things would not like me shaking down their cells.
This D-Hall Diva was complaining that I was mishandling his property and tearing his cell apart. He said I was destroying his property. I always treated inmates property better than if it were mine. I would not like someone going through my things and I know they didn’t appreciate me having to go through their things. I always did everything possible to make sure I didn’t harm any of their possessions.
When people went to the hole, some would request to have me pack up their belongings. I even had some of these guys thank me for how well I packed their property when they received it after getting out of the hole.
This inmate was on the verge of me sending him to the hole. The sergeant of the block heard the commotion and came over. Once he gathered the facts of what was going on, he got the inmate to settle down and had me finish my job.
As time went on and I learned more about how this place worked, I had to make some adjustments in how I did things. I searched cells just as thoroughly at the end of my time in this place as I did at the beginning, even better because I learned more.
However, there were inmates that didn’t create problems and had done a lot of time that some sergeants, lieutenants and other officers didn’t want searched as well as others. This was a respect thing. Minor violations would be overlooked if the superior officer in charge directed it to be that way.
Official details of conducting a lockdown:
Minnesota Correctional Facility- Stillwater
To: Unit Staff
Regarding; Unit Lock Downs
SEARCHING CANTEEN ITEMS - In the "shakedown buckets" that you have, there is a container labeled "food". The Security Instruction states "Staff will empty dry canteen items into designated containers so the contents can be viewed. Staff will return the contents to the original container after searching." Laundry detergent is to be emptied into pitchers labeled "soap" (Use the funnel provided) and then returned to the original soap container.
Sealed containers should be opened and dumped for visual inspection for contraband. For material that cannot be visually inspected, use the hand held metal detector. If any item appears suspicious, you are authorized to remove any material so that it can be visually inspected.
ESCORTS- The Security Instruction states that staff will escort offenders directly to and from visiting. Observe all offender movement to ensure no contraband is passed. '
TIER COMPLETION- When conducting shakedowns, an entire tier (starting from each end and working toward the middle of the gallery) must be completed so the chance of passing contraband is reduced.
PROPERTY- Document all items that are removed to property and let the property officer decide proper disposition.
GARBAGE- Along with the daily garbage collection flag is to be swept and cleaned as needed, a minimum of once a day. .
BREAKFAST- 1st watch will serve breakfast.
A. Lockup Procedures
1) Staff will secure all offenders in their individual cells until the entire unit is searched and the shakedown ends. Offenders are served meals in their cells and every effort is made to provide hot meals for the duration of the lockup and within budget restraints. The unit lieutenant or designee will ensure that:
2) Property inventories are obtained and ready for the shakedown crews.
3) Shakedown crews and ancillary staff are organized and assigned their duties; and there is a two person shakedown team for every offender cell searched.
4) He/She supervises the shakedown and the crews ensuring that the rules and procedures are followed.
5) All confiscated property is correctly marked with the offender's name and OlD number and given to the Property Department for disposition; evidence is properly marked, logged, and entered into evidence; and appropriate incident reports are written and submitted to the watch commander.
6) All shakedown items and tools are properly signed in and out, accounted for, and secured.
7) The Plant Management Department is notified of needed repairs, special work orders, etc. during the lockup period. Plant Maintenance staff will conduct a security check of the outside window bars. Plant maintenance staff will notify the unit staff when this is complete. The unit will document bar checks.
8) In conjunction with the program director, prepare a written set of questions to ask representative offenders about the lockup and conditions in the living unit and/or the entire facility.
9) Items such as kite forms, toilet paper and other essential items are made available to the offender population daily throughout the lockup.
10) Garbage is collected daily and the flag area is swept and cleaned as needed, minimally once per day.
11) A daily information report is prepared for the captain's report.
B. Food Service
12) Meal will be prepared in the kitchen and delivered to the living unit.
13) Unit staff will deliver the food trays to the offenders in a timely manner.
14) Staff will wear cotton gloves while handing out hot food trays. Sanitary gloves must be worn when handing out all bread and unheated food. Long hair must be tied back.
15) First watch officer will dispense breakfast meals.
C. Visiting
1) Visiting privileges may be curtailed or modified if the lockup is extended or if there are extenuating circumstances.
2) Offenders are subject to an unclothed body search in the living unit before going to a visit.
3) Staff will escort offenders directly to and from visiting.
4) In-house segregation and loss of privileges will continue during the lockup.
5) All count procedures will remain in effect.
6) Staff will conduct security rounds at least hourly and the times and routes must be varied so offenders cannot anticipate when rounds will be made. First watch staff rounds must be made more frequently than during normal operations and staff must pay closer attention to the offender population.
D. Search Procedures
1. Staff will search each offender; each cell and all common areas during the lockup.
2. The following steps must be taken when searching offenders and their cells.
3. At least a two staff team will conduct searches.
4. Upon entering the cell, officers will conduct an unclothed body search of the offender, including all clothing, shoes and any other items to be taken with him while his cell is searched.
6. Upon completion of the unclothed body search, staff will remove the offender to an area away from the cell. The offender must be handcuffed while his cell is being searched.
7. When searching a cell, officers will start at the front and rear and work toward the middle of the cell until they meet, which prevents officers from searching the same area twice. Officers must search all areas of the cell including the:
a) Air vent
b) Toilet
c) Sink drain
d) Inside of the water spout
e) All cabinets
f) Footlockers
g) Bedding