Prison Puzzle Pieces 3. Dave Basham

Prison Puzzle Pieces 3 - Dave Basham

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stop “that.” He would come toward me and then turn around leaving in the middle of his incomplete sentences, so I was unable to understand what he was trying to tell me.

      He was halfway up the stairs when I ordered him to stop. I went to the stairway and he came down a couple of steps. I told him he had to settle down. I guaranteed him I was here to do my job, but he had a responsibility to inform me of what he was upset about or I couldn’t help him.

      After I got him to settle down, to quit interrupting, to quit running off and to listen, he rationally informed me that he was upset that the people on the flag were too noisy. I informed him that I would check it out, talk to the sergeant and do whatever was possible to solve the problem.

      He said he was worried about being outed, that they may have seen him talking to me. I informed him that I would try to handle it in a way to avoid that from happening.

      As he was going back up the stairs, he said something about a fight possibly breaking out in this group where he came from. I watched from where I was and saw no evidence of this. A short black inmate was one of the loudest and most animated of the group, but nothing to suggest that trouble was brewing. I believed this to be a ploy to get some action by punking out the new guy, me.

      I had been in this cellblock for a short time the day before and didn’t notice it to be any noisier now. I thought about radioing the sergeant, but really had no actual problem. The group was close to me, so I decided to walk toward the group to see if that would change anything. Nothing changed. They didn’t seem to try to cover anything up, as someone who is guilty of something would do.

      A couple officers saw me move toward the group and came to my location. They jumped all over me saying that I shouldn’t be as far away from the door as I was. Had I not been so new to the job, I would’ve jumped right back at them. I was not far from the door and there were no inmates between the door and me.

      The presence of 3 officers coming from different locations caused enough curiosity so that the group was focused on us. This caused their chattering to die down without us ever saying anything to them. This was good for the inmate’s safety that talked to me.

      The officers and I moved back closer to the door where I filled them in on what was going on. No officer had tried to quiet the place down and this was their regular cellblock, so I had no reason to believe the volume was excessive. However, I felt I owed it to the inmate to check the situation out, as I did not know what was acceptable in this block.

      I filled the officers in on a guy that did seem suspicious throughout the day. It was a Hispanic guy with a tattoo around his neck. He would separate other inmates away from their group and talk to them, all the while keeping a close eye on me. They felt it was nothing. They just didn’t want to do anything.

      About a month later, I was in this block again. Some guy was cutting another guys hair on the flag on the back side of the ice machine by the door.

      Those same two lazy jerk officers came and yelled at me. They said that I should’ve gone to where those inmates were and not let them continue. This was in about the same place as I had gone previously when they got on my case.

      All they had to do was to inform me that cutting hair in this location was not allowed. It was their responsibility to inform new people on the things that we don’t get informed about in the academy. It is also their responsibility to inform anyone not permanently assigned to their block of what they want enforced and what they didn’t want enforced.

      My education had continued however. I now knew of two officers that I had no respect for, two officers that I would not seek advice from, two officers that I would never trust. These are the things they can’t teach you in the academy.


      Upon arriving at the institution one Saturday morning, we saw that the Bayport police were there. OSI (Office of Special Investigations) officers were also there.

      Once inside, a rookie officer asked me why OSI was in. I told him someone must be getting hauled out.

      We then saw Officer Luvin' Spoonful being taken out in handcuffs. Her car was searched before taking her away.

      She was always talking about God and making like she was so righteous. I always warned people about the self righteous rather than the righteous.

      After she was hauled out, information started to pour out.

      She was a white woman with black children. She was having sex with a white supremacist inmate.

      Sometimes, when you are a racist in prison, getting some supersedes any negativity you have toward another race. Being racist is about feeling you are superior to another race. So, I could understand him doing her, but her doing him was crazy. Doing an inmate makes you a criminal. Many officers drooled over this gal, yet she chose an inmate that viewed himself to be superior to her and her kids.

      Inmates said that the White Supremacist followed her around like a puppy dog. She would escort him to different areas of the prison to have sex.

      Later, when he was in segregation, he bragged about shooting his wad all over her face, rubbing it all around and in her hair. He said she brought in tobacco and a cell phone for him and that his mother babysat her kids.

      Word had it that she had a house in Woodbury and a section 8 house in Wisconsin, another criminal offence. You can't own a house in one state and qualify for section 8 in another state. Can you say fraud!

      She was waiting outside of the prison to pick him up when his sentence expired. Obviously, the rumor mill supplied me with most of this information.


      When I transferred to A-East, the lieutenant was happy to get someone that would actually do the job, actually enforce policies. This was because it wasn’t happening over there. In the roughly six weeks since I came over, the officers and especially one sergeant tried to get me to not write up violations; to just let the inmates break policies with no consequences.

      Sgt. Lost My Respect pushed me hard and frequently to ignore violations. When he couldn’t get me to stop all together, he came up with what he thought was a great idea.

      He suggested that I ignore policies one day a week. He said to pick a day of the week for me to totally ignore all of the policies and let the inmates violate whatever they wanted.

      First off, I’m here to do the job I was hired to do, to earn my pay. Second, there is a consistency and credibility issue here. Most inmates respected me because of my consistency. They knew what to expect from me. They knew I would do my job and that if they followed the prisons rules, we would never have a problem with each other. Third, how crazy of an idea was this from a superior officer. Have I said before that the sergeant’s job was a position acquired with seniority not competency to do the job? I’m sure that I have.

      When I bid into this block, part of the reason was that I thought this guy was a good sergeant. Working with him, I changed my mind. There were times that he would ride my ass for no reason at all, possibly because I was there to work.

      When I stood up for myself and proved his assumptions wrong, he would become a bigger jerk and try harder to find me making a mistake.

      I realize that I will be wrong about people sometimes, but in this case it was quite disappointing, especially when he turned out to be a vindictive slacker. However, part of me judging him in a positive manner was from what others that worked with him told me. I guess that they liked not having to do the job.

      There was a period of time where he had the hots for a psychologist that worked in the prison. She would stop in the block frequently to visit him. They would sit at the sergeant’s desk making goo goo eyes at each other and talking baby talk to each other. They were like a couple of kids finding first lust. Their total focus was on each other.

      It’s like hey; you’re in a prison. You’re supposed to be aware of your surroundings and

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