For KSCO: I'm Kay Zwerling. KSCO Radio

For KSCO: I'm Kay Zwerling - KSCO Radio

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      “A fool and his money are easily parted.” That was an expression I used often when my children were growing up and sometimes made foolish expenditures using their own money.

      On a related subject, it was a creative idea cooked up by credit card issuers who saw a unique way to make more money. Even they didn’t realize the enormity of their potential windfall. The plot involved them, retail businesses, and the general public. It was a win-win situation for all involved. For the participating public, it was a nobrainer because for the first time people could make purchases without paying up front. For retailers, it was worth up to 3% cost to get their money up front. Except for the always valuable and appreciated real estate mortgages and automobile loans, this mattery scheme was new and exciting.

      For over 50 years now, public credit cards have become a way of life, and in retrospect, one could believe it was liberating and good that the ordinary consumer lacking big savings no longer had to wait to acquire things they wanted. Impulse buying, especially of big items, became easy, but there was – and is – a dark side to the new “buy now, pay later” idea. That little plastic card had the potential to seduce one into acquiring luxuries one might otherwise have done without or waited until one had the cash first. That same little plastic monster has made debtors out of many people who suddenly find they cannot ever seem to pay their monthly bills, and this is where they get sucked into monetary quicksand for all the nebulous pleasures of acquiring more stuff. It’s called Instant Gratification. So often we let stuff own us. The most dangerous time of year is the Christmas season, when countless otherwise restrained people experience an irrational exuberance and overextend themselves. They foolishly purchase much too much, then take months enslaved by outrageous interest rates, sometimes upwards of 25% on the unpaid balances, and these rates are imposed by the credit card issuers. Some people don’t ever get out from under.

      Now, for some motherly advice: for starters, our lawmakers should put reasonable ceilings on credit card interest rates, but that won’t easily happen. Nothing will change until people stop overcharging on their credit cards and pay up their dangling balances once and for all. If that’s not possible, then it’s better to say “Thanks, but no thanks” to credit cards and live within your means on a case basis. You will then experience an indescribable peace of mind by not being in debt. It is well worth it.


      For decades, liberals have been celebrating diversity, which is a more polite way of tolerating human differences. However, when these same champions of diversity are confronted with beliefs diverse from theirs, they become offended and engage the ACLU because their beliefs are being challenged. Here’s the drill: the ACLU initiates a lawsuit and a hand-picked liberal judge rules in their favor. Recent case in point (this may contribute to the Democratic Party’s eventual demise): because the mention of God publicly is offensive to many on the left, the entire Ten Commandments have been removed from all public buildings and public schools. How mean-spirited. Couldn’t those offended respect and tolerate the diverse wishes of others who appreciate the priceless knowledge in the Ten Commandments? These so-called “enlightened” promote diversity, but only selectively. Hypocritical? You bet!

      How come highly educated elitists have forgotten that our wonderful and enduring democracy was founded on Judeo-Christian values that include God?

      As a little Jewish girl in elementary school, every day when the teacher read a portion from the New Testament, I sat quietly and listened to beliefs contrary to my own about the divinity of Jesus. My parents were not offended, and I was not offended. I learned to respect the viewpoints of others, and it was good for my character.

      These short-sighted liberals are making intolerant wimps out of their children, who will grow up always being offended, denied the right to grow backbones and deal gracefully with all diversities.

      The Democratic party is reeling from their recent political defeat. In order to regain their former respect, they should heed the wake-up call, shape up, and grow up. They must discard their oppressive brainchild, “political correctness”, in which competition is denounced, protecting feelings is primary (even though it diminishes achievement and high standards), parental respect is disdained, and the word God is a no-no. If they do not finally get the message loud and clear, they will surely cease to be relevant as a viable political party.


      (December 20, 2004) First, here is a short open letter to a small, very loud group of Americans:

      You are always offended by some bullpucky or other. Now, the rest of us are getting angry, because now your incessant complaining is taking the joy out of our beautiful holiday season.

      For about 150 years, our government has peacefully acknowledged the existence of God with the words “In God we trust” on our money, and we have enjoyed reciting the Pledge of Allegiance and singing God Bless America at ball games and other public functions, and we like to say “Merry Christmas”, and some of us are happy honoring Christmas with small public displays of baby Jesus in the manger, or a display of a Menorah saying “Happy Hanako”. So what’s the big deal? You’d better get over it, because we the silent majority will no longer cater to your offended sensibilities. Control yourselves, and put up with it. If you are momentarily bothered, cover your ears or go to the john, or go hug a tree, or better still, go to Canada where there are so many more like you. You will be happier there.

      So much for the negativity.

      Now, to those who listen to KSCO and KOMY, as matriarch and on behalf of the Zwerling family, local residents for 57 years, I say thank you to our bright and loyal listeners, thank you to our delightful and incredibly informed callers, thank you advertisers for your very much appreciated support, thank you to our great radio staff for working happily and enthusiastically, and it shows in the programming. We feel good knowing that we are a conduit for various points of view. I for one am grateful for the privilege to make commentaries and hope they make a positive difference. Let us all make an effort to be good to each other and respect our differences. My family and I wish all of you good health and peace of mind in the year ahead, the two most important blessings, without which life would not be worth much. We pray for our troops in action, and we pray for wisdom in our leaders, and God please bless America.


      A Scottish friend from Edinburgh, Scotland, sent the following unique version of a commentary I did two years ago on the topic of political correctness. I truly believe that political correctness has been and continues to be the most compelling factor in the moral deterioration of our country during the past 35 years. Our Scottish friend obviously feels that this same sickness is overcoming all of liberal Britain and Europe. It’s called “Obituary Notice”.

      “Common Sense died 24/7/365 in North America’s Heart, USA. Today we mourn the passing of a beloved old friend by the name of Common Sense, who had been with us for many years. No one knows for sure how old he was. His birth records were long ago lost in bureaucratic red tape. He will be remembered as having cultivated such valuable lessons as knowing when to come in out of the rain, why the early bird gets the worm, and that life isn’t always fair. Common Sense lived by simple, sound financial policies (don’t spend more than you earn) and reliable parenting strategies (adults – not kids, are in charge). His health began to rapidly deteriorate when well-intentioned but overbearing regulations were set in place. Reports of a six-year-old boy charged with sexual harassment for kissing a classmate, teens suspended from schools for using mouthwash after lunch, and a teacher fired for reprimanding an unruly student, only worsened his condition. It declined even further when schools were required to get parental consent to administer aspirin to a student; however, the schools could not inform the parents when a student became pregnant and wanted to have an abortion.

      Finally, Common Sense lost the will to live as the Ten Commandments became contraband, churches became businesses, and criminals received better treatment than their victims. Common Sense finally gave up the ghost after a woman failed to realize that a steaming cup of coffee was hot, spilled a bit in her lap, claimed McDonald’s did not warn her,

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