For KSCO: I'm Kay Zwerling. KSCO Radio

For KSCO: I'm Kay Zwerling - KSCO Radio

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elected, became mayor at least twice, got elected again, and still makes policy for us. One could admire the tenacity of purpose of Rotkin and other leftist newcomers, who embraced Santa Cruz as their own and set out to make sweeping changes in our formerly conservative city. It should be noted that our previous leaders did not allow any pollution producing industries. They were sensitive to the environment long before the lefties thought they had invented that concept.

      Among the new changes, Santa Cruz was declared a Nuclear Free Zone (whatever that means), and war was rejected because it was hateful (duh). Now, peace is patriotic (whatever that means). Our navy ships are denied permission to come to Monterey Bay, new businesses are discouraged, and the ultimate short-sighted foolishness, our leaders actually declined federal funds to widen Highway 17. It is deja vu all over again now. Our present city leaders – yep, still Rotkin and Cynthia Matthews, who are making careers out of serving on the City Council – have just declined to participate with adjoining counties to help widen the gridlocked Highway One. Santa Cruz has become a place not allowed to grow but growing anyhow, a place to bypass, a place run by liberal extremists who spend money foolishly and make many of us ashamed to admit that we live here.

      Back to around 40 years ago… the New Left leaders let it be known to all the country’s needy – that is, the real needy whom most of us will always be willing to help – and the by-choice, able-bodied needy, that Santa Cruz was a great place to live and that our leaders were happy to provide for all of their needs. In return, all that was expected from them was to continue to vote their benefactors into office. Word spread like wildfire and now, decades later, what do we have? A stroll on the Pacific Garden Mall will reveal the appalling answer. Dignity and self-respect have been robbed from the gullible able-bodied recipients still on the dole, a very large price to pay for years of accepting freebies. The deep satisfaction of independence and self-worth, these poor souls will never know.

      Since 9/11, the world has forever changed. Global terrorism will have to be dealt with, probably forever. To deny that reality will be deadly, literally. Now our country is buckling under the years of state, local, and federal excesses, not the least of which are enormous salaries, pensions, and hidden perks which our leaders quietly give themselves – plus open borders, validation of illegals, and the rewarding of illegals with amnesty, driving licenses, and the right to vote. Our leaders are ignoring the Rule of Law and making a farce of our Constitution, all for the Almighty Vote. Corruption is acceptable, but where do we go from here? Our role models are unacceptable.

      The prophetic parting words of my Cabrillo College history professor in 1967 continue to haunt me. His chilling prediction was that the United States will eventually become a third-world country. What can we do to stop the madness?


      Ten years ago, immediately after the Loma Prieta earthquake, our city leaders decided they no longer wanted small, cozy buildings downtown. Instead, they wanted large-frontaged buildings, preferably three stories high.

      With that plan in mind, my husband and I, who lost our two small downtown buildings in the earthquake, were forced to sell both of our parcels, one to the next door neighbor and one to the city through eminent domain.

      Now, our City Council wants only small businesses downtown in order to maintain the pre-earthquake sort of cozy look. What a cruel joke Tell me, what is small about the many large three-story buildings which now cover downtown. Most are beautiful, but small and cozy? I don’t think so.

      The sad truth is, the City Council is manufacturing ordinances so that it can selectively control our free enterprise system of government. Never mind that it will stifle the rest of the downtown business community.

      The sad truth is, the City Council does not want another large bookstore downtown, only because it wants to protect one politically correct local individual.

      One thing about the politically correct: they are very protective of their own. They will fight to the death to protect their own, even if the larger community suffers for it. To them I say “This is wrong. This is manipulative. This is controlling.”

      Borders Bookstore should be welcomed downtown. Borders’ taxes should be welcomed also.

      To the members of the City Council, I say “Do not tamper with the free market. Let it prevail. It worked with Crown Books. Now, let it work equally with Borders.”

      There must never be permitted exclusivity or favoritism in a free democratic society. If we allow that to happen, we will become a fascist society. And, to the voters of Santa Cruz, I say “Now is the time to speak out. Stop this transparent assault on our free trade system from happening.” We know from history that bad things happen when good people do nothing. It is called the Sin Of Omission.


      Does anyone listening disagree that Gray Davis is possibly the slimiest Governor that California has ever had? He is a dismal failure as a leader. He is nothing more than an untalented bureaucrat at the right place at the right time. Do we want him to continue to lead us until 2006? Having spent a good part of his first term collecting funds for his campaign for a second term, he used the method of “You scratch my back, and I’ll scratch yours” or “If you donate money for my reelection, I’ll give you some very nice perks like maybe a cushy government job.” His performance as state leader is the best argument for term limits, and I do mean one term only, but that’s another story.

      Now, thanks to Gray Davis and his cavalier way of spending We the People’s money – remember the hasty, expensive decisions made during the energy crisis? – California is now on the verge of economic collapse. How is this possible? Could it be incompetent, corrupt leadership? While campaigning last fall for a second term, Davis assured We the People that the state budget deficit was no more than $26 billion (with a “b”). Shortly after safely being in charge for another four-year term, he confessed that the state budget shortfall was really more like $38.8 billion. Clearly, he blatantly lied to get reelected. For that alone, he should be recalled. His credibility is zero, and we cannot afford his inferior leadership until 2006.

      A recall effort is going on right now. Two hundred thousand signatures of registered voters have already been collected. A goal of one million signatures must be collected by August. With a state population of over 30 million, that goal is doable. Here at KSCO, we are calling for volunteers to donate time to accept drive-by valid signatures from registered voters at Steve Hartman’s bus, which will be parked in KSCO’s parking lot at 2300 Portola Drive. If you can help out, please call Rosemary at (831) 475-1080, and thank you very much.

      Together, we may unseat this lying scoundrel.


      About Measure B, it is no longer needed. On May 14th during the California State Budget Revision Meeting, Governor Davis announced that the original decision to drastically reduce funds to all California schools, which was discussed during the January budget meeting, has been reversed. Cuts to education are eliminated. Schools will continue to remain fully funded. The legislature will surely agree because the governor stated that the necessary funds are available now.

      Measure B, a Santa Cruz city initiative, was created for one reason only, and that was to replace the state’s shortfall to education. That need no longer exists. Measure B is no longer necessary. Our schools will remain open, and nothing will change.

      Please be aware, however, that because of attrition, Santa Cruz city schools will continue to have fewer students. Young families are leaving Santa Cruz in droves. They can no longer afford to live here, and they realize that they may never be able to own a home in this area. So, fewer schools will be needed in the future.

      The election for Measure B is only days away. Ideally, the City Council should cancel the June 3rd election. It is not necessary. Perhaps legally they are not able to cancel it, in which case, please vote no on Measure B. I repeat, vote no on Measure B.

      In the event that it passes, be assured that the city leaders will keep and use that extra $6 million for other possible frivolous projects, or maybe even pad salaries and retirement pensions like the county does (and we will

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