The Inner Art of You and I. Tatz Holmes
offer me all the proof that I require in knowing that I am far greater than the limitations that I place upon myself; that I am capable of creating things in my life that far surpass my wildest dreams; that I hold in me the infinite knowledge and power of the Universe and all that I need lives right within me. This meditation was an invitation to explore deeper, to know myself as an energetic being connected to Spirit. I came out of that meditation a different person, my energy had shifted and I could never again be the person I had been the hour before I lay down to journey within and I most certainly did not want it any other way.
Over the years my journey of self-discovery has led me to remarkable teachers and mentors, both through books; videos; documentaries; courses and in person. As I began to open up to a new paradigm within, so I began to attract new and exciting experiences into my outer reality. I began to become fascinated with the emerging science and research being offered that aligned with spiritual teachings and the understanding of the Spirit self within Humans. Finally, I had a way to infiltrate the mainstream through scientific teachings and offer a new perspective to those that are spiritual sceptics through my various training and therapeutic education. So, on one hand, I am learning about conventional therapeutic supports and scientifically researched practises, while on the other I am diving deeper and deeper into the spiritual realms. I have been called a bridge, a gatekeeper between the old paradigm and the new, a walker between worlds helping to guide the way to the new future. Some call me a Dreamer, telling me that there is no future for our species on this planet, and I continue to hold the Dreaming gently within my Awareness. It is up to us, the Dreamers, to dream us into the new way which has been hiding in plain sight all along.
Spiritual teachers have long since been telling us that we are energy, that our breath is a sacred tool and our Heart the seat of Love. Science confirms that all matter is energy, that we can use our breath to consciously create change in our bodies, that our Heart is more powerful than our brain, and, when we combine our breath and our Heart consciously, we can create radical change in our neural pathways which consequently effect the autonomous nervous system creating balance and resilience mentally; emotionally; physically and spiritually.
This then opens us up into the deeper exploration of our physical bodies, our thoughts and feelings, our beliefs about ourselves and how we can truly become alchemists in our lives.
I am no scientist and may allude here and there to some scientific terms which I invite you to explore further beyond these pages as there are teachers out there in the world that can offer you this knowledge in a far more comprehensive and informative way than I, however, when we marry science and spirituality together there are some ideas that simply make sense.
Spirituality tells us that we are all connected, One. That separation is an illusion and that we are all manifestations of the source of all creation. Science tells us that everything is merely energy vibrating within a unified quantum field that is inter-connected.
Spirituality tells us that we are creators, alchemists, manifesting our reality. Science tells us that we are emitting our vibration out into the quantum field and attracting to us that which we are putting out. This invites the contemplation of how we can truly differentiate where one thing ends and another begins. When we open our awareness to energy, we begin to witness life and our experiences from a different perspective. We recognise that every aspect of ourselves is an energetic experience whether mental, emotional, physical or spiritual and as such we are able to harness this energy within ourselves and shape it into whatever we choose. This is where the alchemy occurs.
Think of it this way, we all have an electromagnetic field that is interacting with the field of life around us. We walk through the forest and we feel a sense of peace and wonder as we interact with the beauty of nature. We can walk into a room and turn to our friend saying, “there’s a strange vibe in here.” People and places give off a feeling and we feel this through our field, process the information through our body and from there we make our choices on whether we like the people or the place, yet what we don’t always realise is that our own vibration is also in effect and simultaneously shaping the situation. All energies are interacting and co-creating the experience of space and time.
When we further understand our emotions as energy in motion, we begin to realise that this energy is being transmitted out into the field and we are attracting the same or similar vibrations to us. This coupled with our thoughts that drive the emotion is, in effect, creating our reality as we behave in alignment with our thinking and feeling, which in turn offers us more of the same. We feel the same thoughts and emotions and we begin an interesting cycle of behaviours and attitudes. Have you ever noticed people around you that complain all the time? If so, then you will have seen how life seems to throw them constant bad luck and that bad things just seem to always happen to them. Is it possible that their attitude is what attracts the so-called “bad luck”? What about people around you that are bubbly and happy, grateful in life and have an all-round positive attitude? Life seems to shower them in “good luck” and somehow, I just don’t think this is a coincidence. Test it out. Consciously go out into your life and spend a day with a bad attitude and another with a good attitude, regardless of what events unfold and simply see what happens.
Now, what if I told you that this is something that you can cultivate for yourself? What if I told you that your energy is yours to harness and create with? Would you believe me?
The thing is, it is all about perspective. It is all about how you choose to view the world and your ability to recognise that you are choosing even when you are not doing so consciously. If you are walking through life unhappy, disillusioned, unhealthy and bitter, what type of experience are you creating for yourself. These are often people that are judgemental, blaming and victims of experience. Constant negative thoughts and emotions are bound to influence your body and create all manner of illness and dis-ease. In fact, we know that this way of life creates stress and when we are in constant stress our energy is directed to our extremities to prepare us for fight or flight and is unsustainable over the long-term. Living life from the internal programming that is unconsciously running within us is what creates cancer in the Soul which has no choice but to manifest in the body.
When we are consciously cultivating our energy towards higher vibration through choosing to shift our perspectives from fear to Love, we are creating a life that is easeful and in flow. This does not mean that we do not encounter obstacles or challenges along the way, but it does mean that the way in which we perceive and handle those obstacles and challenges is from a space of far more resilience and inner comfort. It is quite simply all about self-awareness and, once again, this is our choice.
The first type of person I mentioned, lives in a space of negativity and are in an incoherent state. This means that they are out of alignment not only mentally and emotionally, but they are also creating physical havoc within their bodies. The body becomes so used to, and even addicted to, the stress hormones that these people begin to create stressful situations in order to get their chemical fix. They are neurologically wired in such a way that they are constantly creating situations where life affirms to them that everything is a struggle, that people are ‘shit’ and they literally live in a perpetual pool of problems. At some point, we have all been this person, myself included. The amount of drama I have created in my life, well … that is a story for a whole other book, “The Mischief and Misadventures of Tatz,’ perhaps.
There are a couple pivotal moments of conscious change in my life, where I stopped in my tracks, changed my mind and thought to myself that this way no longer works for me and I no longer choose these patterns. The more I did this, the more it happened, and I learned how to become the observer of myself and start consciously creating change in my life.
I began to become aware of my body, my thoughts, my feelings and the relationship between them. I started questioning my beliefs and the energy that I had vested in them. I opened myself up to change, whatever that meant, and allowed the old me to be stripped back and the true me that was underneath all along, to be revealed.
So, if everything is energy, including our thoughts, feelings and beliefs, then the question begs, what is it that you are creating in your life and how much energy are you putting into the things that do not serve you? See, the problem person I mentioned earlier is stuck on the hamster wheel, cycling through