The Highland Lady In Ireland. Elizabeth Grant

The Highland Lady In Ireland - Elizabeth Grant

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instead of wranglers, keepers at home instead of gadders abroad and induce them to have their homes comfortable. We shall see, live in hope as they say, but these people are so untamed, and then their unfortunate religion and those priests.



      28. Lovely and very busy day Hal off to the Sessions, then one of the school children ran down to say the Inspector had arrived there so Jane Cooper [the governess], the little girls and I went up to meet him. He is newly appointed to this district and expressed himself much pleased with the size and cheerfulness of the room, the cleanliness of the children whose appearance he considered superiour to any he had seen. His wife who examined the work praised it highly, she had seen some as neat, none so clean. I mentioned several things to him in which I considered the Board had not used me fairly and he gave me good hopes of redress in time, more particularly as to assistance towards the repairs of the schoolhouse which thus encouraged I shall apply for again.

      Hal’s Sessions business was a grand affair. Kearns and Dempsey and James Ryan and all their assistants and all their witnesses, furious with one another, Dempsey most impudent to the Colonel who made him make a most ample apology in open Court. How low is morality among these people. Kearns let his grazing to James Ryan and knew that Ryan was to pay the money for it to the Colonel to whom Kearns owed that and much more for rent. Two days after he let the same ground to Dempsey and accompanied him to John Robinson’s office in Dublin and saw him there pay the hire of it. Dempsey knowing of the former transaction as many persons say though he has sworn a solemn oath on the Testament that he did not. It is all very shocking.



      And here ends another happy month during which sorrow in no shape has visited us. And except that we have imprudently run ourselves too close in money matters we have not had a care. On the 1st of May, to-morrow, another quarter’s pay becomes due and we will be wise enough in future to endeavour to have a little in hand rather than just barely to pay our way.

      TUESDAY, MAY 5. Another drive to the new Shop in Blesinton. How that little village has improved since we first settled in this country eight years ago. And all since the market was established there, though John Hornidge, John Murray and other croakers declared it never would succeed and refused to encourage it. Colonel Smith, Ogle Moore, and Doctor Robinson advanced the funds to set it agoing. Nothing more was required. Each week increased its business, by the end of the second year we were all repaid our advances. All the people round, better dressed, all busier, upwards of twenty new houses in Blesinton, most of them shops, each year the description of Shopkeeper and the style of goods improves. Those idle old men would keep a country back a generation.

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