Lógos and Máthma 2. Roman Murawski

Lógos and Máthma 2 - Roman Murawski

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who tried to apply the methods of modern formal/mathematical logic to philosophical and theological problems, in particular they attempted to modernize the contemporary Thomism (the trend which was then prevailing) by the logical tools. The group consisted of the Dominican Father Józef (Innocenty) M. Bocheński, Rev. Jan Salamucha, Jan Franciszek Drewnowski as well as the logician Bolesław Sobociński who collaborated with them.

      Papers included into this volume (with one exception) were published earlier in journals and collective volumes as separate and independent items. Putting ←00 | 7→them now together in one volume implies that there appear some unavoidable repetitions. I hope that this circumstance will not be an obstacle for the reader.

      I would like to thank all who helped me in the work on this book. First of all, I thank the co-authors who agreed to include into the volume our joint chapters, in particular Professors Thomas Bedürftig and Jan Woleński. I thank also the publishers of particular papers for the permission to reprint them in the present volume. I thank the Faculty of Mathematics and Computer Science of Adam Mickiewicz University in Poznań for the financial support as well as Ms Magdalena Stachowiak for her help in converting some files and Doctor Paweł Mleczko for his advices concerning TEX. Last but not least I thank Mr. Łukasz Gałecki from Peter Lang Verlag for his helpful assistance.

      Roman Murawski

      Poznań, in June 2019


       On the Philosophical Meaning of Reverse Mathematics

       On the Distinction Proof–Truth in Mathematics

       Some Historical, Philosophical and Methodological Remarks on Proof in Mathematics

       The Status of Church’s Thesis (co-author: Jan Woleński)

       Between Theology and Mathematics. Nicholas of Cusa’s Philosophy of Mathematics

       Phenomenological Ideas in the Philosophy of Mathematics. From Husserl to Gödel (co-author: Thomas Bedürftig)

       Mathematical Foundations and Logic in Reborn Poland

       Tarski and his Polish Predecessors on Truth (co-author: Jan Woleński)

       Benedykt Bornstein’s Philosophy of Logic and Mathematics

       Philosophy of Logic and Mathematics in the Warsaw School of Mathematical Logic

       The philosophy of Mathematics and Logic in Cracow between the Wars

       Philosophy of Logic and Mathematics in the Lvov School of Mathematics

       Cracow Circle and Its Philosophy of Logic and Mathematics


       Source Note


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      On the Philosophical Meaning of Reverse Mathematics

      The aim of this chapter is to discuss the meaning of some recent results in the foundations of mathematics – more exactly of the so-called reverse mathematics – for the philosophy of mathematics. In particular, we shall be interested in implications of those results for Hilbert’s program.

      Hilbert’s program

      Hilbert’s program of clarification and justification of mathematics was Kantian in character (cf. Detlefsen 1993). Following Kant, he claimed that the mathematician’s infinity does not correspond to anything in the physical world, that it is “an idea of pure reason” – as Kant used to say. On the other hand, Hilbert wrote in (1926):

      Kant taught – and it is an integral part of his doctrine – that mathematics treats a subject matter which is given independently of logic. Mathematics, therefore can never be grounded solely on logic. Consequently, Frege’s and Dedekind’s attempts to so ground it were doomed to failure.

      According to this, Hilbert distinguished between the unproblematic, finitistic part of mathematics and the infinitistic part which needed justification. Finitistic mathematics deals with so-called real sentences, which are completely meaningful because they refer only to given concrete objects. Infinitistic mathematics on the other hand deals with so-called ideal sentences that contain reference to infinite totalities. Hilbert believed that every true finitary proposition had a finitary proof. Infinitistic objects and methods played only an auxiliary role. They enabled us to give easier, shorter and more elegant proofs but every such proof could be replaced by a finitary one. He was convinced that consistency implies existence and that every proof of existence not giving a construction of postulated objects is in fact a presage of such a construction.

      Unfortunately, Hilbert did not give a precise definition of finitism – one finds by him only some hints how to understand it. Hence various interpretations are possible (cf., e.g. Detlefsen 1979; Prawitz 1983; Resnik 1974; Smorynski 1988; Tait 1981).

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