Creative Synergy. Bunny Paine-Clemes

Creative Synergy - Bunny Paine-Clemes

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of existence, different from the other two.”126 There is also a “mysterious connection between the worlds,” what Penrose calls “three profound mysteries.”127

      Physicist Fred Alan Wolf elaborates on this idea:

      Rupert Sheldrake, as he summarizes the thinking of Terence McKenna, makes the same point:

      Though this view is still controversial rather than mainstream, it is becoming prevalent among some physicists and metaphysicians at “the cutting edge.”

       Creative Synergy

      So what is “Creative Synergy”?

      So the core meaning of Creative Synergy is cooperation with what Star Wars calls “The Force.” But there are others. To explain them all, we will look at sources Eastern and Western, mystical and scientific. As a framework we will use the Integral Operating System of Ken Wilber, the brilliant philosopher who has devised a schema to measure and codify all things, from the objective world of object and systems to the subjective world of self and culture. We will also discover how to clarify our vision and cooperate more with the synergistic process. For an elucidation of this process, I am deeply indebted to the work of Swami Kriyananda (Donald Walters).

      The point, made lyrically by Andrew Cohen, is,


      1.Describe a few other “paradigm shifts” you know about. Have any ever occurred in your own life? Explain.

      2.What examples of “holism” can you think of in the world today? Specifically, in what areas do you see a concern for “wholes” replacing a concern for fragments or parts?

      3.What other examples of interdisciplinary studies can you cite? Explain.

      4.Have you ever read or heard anything about the connection between physics and consciousness before? Explain.

      5.Have you ever read or heard anything about Plato before? Explain.

      6.List some of the puzzling or unclear ideas in Chapter 2. Ask questions about them.

      7.Explain what you think is most important in Chapter 2.

      8.React to some of the ideas in Chapter 2. Debate, support, analyze, and/or reflect.

      9.Give evidence from your own life or background experience about the ideas in Chapter 2. (Don’t repeat what you have written in another exercise.)

      10. When have you felt a connection to the Unified Field? Explain your experience.

      69Unless otherwise stated, all definitions in this book are drawn from the American Heritage Dictionary of the English Language, 4th ed. (Boston: Houghton Mifflin, 2000).

      70Robert J. Sternberg and Elena A. Grigorenko, “Unified Psychology,” American Psychologist 56, no.12 (December 2001): 1075.

      71Ogle, Smart World, 66.

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