Land of The Burnt Thigh. Edith Eudora Kohl
Susan Ophelia Carter, Diary, 1887, Nebraska State Historical Society, Lincoln.
11 Paul Corey, “Bachelor Bess: My Sister,” South Dakota Historical Collections 37 (1974): 12.
12 Susan Strawbridge, Papers, 1913–28, Iowa State Historical Department, Division of Museum and Archives, Des Moines.
13 Carter, Diary.
14 Enid Bern, ed., “They Had a Wonderful Time: The Homesteading Letters of Anna and Ethel Erickson,” North Dakota History 45 (Fall 1978): 15, 17, 19.
15 Carter, Diary.
16 Abbie Bright, Diary, 1870–71, Kansas State Historical Society, Topeka.
17 Corey, “Bachelor Bess,” 15, 18. For other examples see Mrs. William Bangs, “My Homesteading Days,” undated, Montana State Historical Society; Monroe Billington, ed., “Pothook Pioneer, a Reminiscence by Ada Blayney Clarke,” Nebraska History 39 (Mar. 1958): 45, 50–52; and Ella Martfeld, “Homesteading Days,” undated, Wyoming State Archives, Museum, and Historical Department.
18 Babcock, Diary; Bangs, “Homesteading Days”; Washburn, Autobiography.
19 Washburn, Autobiography. See also Angel Kwolek-Folland, “The Elegant Dugout: Domesticity and Moveable Culture in the United States, 1870–1900,” American Studies 25 (Fall 1984): 21–37.
20 Corey, “Bachelor Bess,” 16.
21 Billington, ed., “Pothook Pioneer,” 54.
22 Riley, “Memoirs of a Girl Homesteader.” See also Elizabeth Ruth Tyler, Reminiscence, 1954, Montana State Historical Society.
23 Billington, ed., “Pothook Pioneer,” 46, 48–9. See also Frances Jacob Alberts, ed., Sod House Memories (Hastings, Nebr.: Sod House Society, 1972), 6, 51.
24 Bess Cobb to “Dear Helen,” July 31, 1907, State Historical Society of North Dakota, Bismarck; Bern, ed., “They Had a Wonderful Time,” 6, 8, 28; Charley O’Kieffe, Western Story: The Recollections of Charley O’Kieffe (Lincoln: University of Nebraska Press, 1960), 26; Roger L. Welsh, Shingling the Fog and Other Plain Lies (Chicago: Swallow Press, 1972), 126. See also Glenda Riley, “Farm Women’s Roles in the Agricultural Development of South Dakota,” South Dakota History 13 (Spring/Summer 1983): 55–62.
25 See also Myra Waterman Bickel, Lydia Burrows Foote, Eleanor Schubert, and Anna Warren Peart, Pioneer Daughters Collection, c. 1850–1955, South Dakota State Historical Resource Center; Bertha Scott Hawley Johns, Pioneer Memories Collection, 1975, Wyoming State Archives, Museum, and Historical Department; Barbara Levorsen, “Early Years in Dakota,” Norwegian-American Studies 21 (Northfield, Minn.: Norwegian American Historical Assn., 1962), 167–69; and Katherine Newman Webster, “Memories of a Pioneer,” in Old Timer’s Tales Collection, Volume II, Part I, 1971, Nebraska State Historical Society.
26 Florence Marshall, “The Early Life and Prairie Years of a Pioneer Wife and Mother,” undated, Kansas State Historical Society; Meri Reha, Pioneer Daughters Collection, South Dakota State Historical Resource Center.
27 Emily Stebbins Emery to “Dear Sister Lizzie,” Dec. 31, 1889, State Historical Society of North Dakota.
28 Mrs. R. O. Brandt, “Social Aspects of Prairie Pioneering: The Reminiscences of a Pioneer Pastor’s Wife,” Norwegian-American Studies 7 (1933): 5, 9, 26–30; Venola Lewis Bivans, ed., “The Diary of Luna E. Warner, a Kansas Teenager of the Early 1870’s,” Kansas Historical Quarterly 35 (Autumn 1969): 296; Ida Kittelson Gullikson, Jennie Larson, and Mary Louise Thompson, Pioneer Daughters Collection, South Dakota State Historical Resource Center; Carolyn Strong Robbins, Journal, 1887–88, Kansas State Historical Society.
29 Laura Ingalls Wilder, The First Four Years (New York: Harper & Row, 1971), 17. See also “Mother’s Trip West in 1856 to Omaha,” undated, Bruner Family Papers, Nebraska State Historical Society; Dorothy Kimball, ed., “Alone on That Prairie: The Homestead Narrative of Nellie Rogney,” Montana the Magazine of Western History 33 (Autumn 1983): 55; Mae Waterman, Huntley Project Homesteading, 1968, Montana State University Library Special Collections, Bozeman; and Laura Ingalls Wilder, These Happy Golden Years (New York: Harper & Brothers Publishers, 1943), 114–22.
30 Lille Goodrich, Interview, Sept. 19, 1979, University of Wyoming American Heritage Center, Laramie.
31 Riley, “Memoirs of a Girl Homesteader.” See also Bangs, “Homesteading Days”; Bern, ed., “They Had a Wonderful Time,” 4–31; Bright, Diary; Carter, Diary; Corey, “Bachelor Bess,” 14, 36, 46; Catherine Wiggins Porter, “Sunday School Houses and Normal Institutes: Pupil and Teacher in Kansas, 1886–1895,” Kansas State Historical Society; Tyler, Reminiscence; Anne Wright, “Mary Alice Davis, Pioneer Woman,” 1957, Wyoming State Archives, Museum, and Historical Department.
32 Bright, Diary; Lucie Emma Dickinson Lott, Reminiscences, undated, and Jeanne L. Wuillemin, “A Homesteader’s Letter,” undated, both at South Dakota State Historical Resource Center.
33 Edith Eudora Kohl, “Frontier Crusader,” Rocky Mountain Empire Magazine, Nov. 23, 1947, and Burnt Thigh, 36–45, 89–98. For more information on Edward L. Senn see Florence Dirks Anderson, “History of Lyman County, South Dakota” (Master’s thesis, University of South Dakota, 1926), 77–78; Lawrence K. Fox, ed., Fox’s Who’s Who among South Dakotans (Pierre: Statewide Service Company, 1924), 178; and Robert F. Karolevitz, “With a Shirt Tail Full of Type: The Story of Newspapering in South Dakota,” 42, 53, South Dakota State Historical Resource Center.
34 Billington, ed., “Pothook Pioneer,” 56.
35 Bern, ed., “They Had a Wonderful Time,” 28.
36 Myrtle Yoeman to “Dear Grace,” June 24, 1905, South Dakota State Historical Resource Center.