The Song of Roland. Anonymous

The Song of Roland - Anonymous

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and Crime of Ganelon


      Ganelon rides under olives high,

      And comes the Saracen envoys nigh.

      Blancandrin lingers until they meet,

      And in cunning converse each other greet.

      The Saracen thus began their parle:

      "What a man, what a wondrous man is Karl!

      Apulia—Calabria—all subdued,

      Unto England crossed he the salt sea rude,

      Won for Saint Peter his tribute fee;

      But what in our marches maketh he?"

      Ganelon said, "He is great of heart,

      Never man shall fill so mighty a part."


      Said Blancandrin, "Your Franks are high of fame,

      But your dukes and counts are sore to blame.

      Such counsel to their lord they give,

      Nor he nor others in peace may live."

      Ganelon answered, "I know of none,

      Save Roland, who thus to his shame hath done.

      Last morn the Emperor sat in the shade,

      His nephew came in his mail arrayed,—

      He had plundered Carcassonne just before,

      And a vermeil apple in hand he bore:

      'Sire,' he said, 'to your feet I bring

      The crown of every earthly king.'

      Disaster is sure such pride to blast;

      He setteth his life on a daily cast.

      Were he slain, we all should have peace at last."


      "Ruthless is Roland," Blancandrin spake,

      "Who every race would recreant make,

      And on all possessions of men would seize;

      But in whom doth he trust for feats like these?"

      "The Franks! the Franks!" Count Ganelon cried;

      "They love him, and never desert his side;

      For he lavisheth gifts that seldom fail,

      Gold and silver in countless tale,

      Mules and chargers, and silks and mail,

      The king himself may have spoil at call.

      From hence to the East he will conquer all."


      Thus Blancandrin and Ganelon rode,

      Till each on other his faith bestowed

      That Roland should be by practice slain,

      And so they journeyed by path and plain,

      Till in Saragossa they bridle drew,

      There alighted beneath a yew.

      In a pine-tree's shadow a throne was set;

      Alexandrian silk was the coverlet:

      There the monarch of Spain they found,

      With twenty thousand Saracens round,

      Yet from them came nor breath nor sound;

      All for the tidings they strained to hear,

      As they saw Blancandrin and Ganelon near.


      Blancandrin stepped before Marsil's throne,

      Ganelon's hand was in his own.

      "Mahound you save," to the king he said,

      "And Apollin, whose holy law we dread!

      Fairly your errand to Karl! was done;

      But other answer made he none,

      Save that his hands to Heaven he raised,

      Save that a space his God he praised;

      He sends a baron of his court,

      Knight of France, and of high report,

      Of him your tidings of peace receive."

      "Let him speak," said Marsil, "we yield him leave."


      Gan had bethought him, and mused with art;

      Well was he skilled to play his part;

      And he said to Marsil, "May God you save,

      The God of glory, whose grace we crave!

      Thus saith the noble Carlemaine:

      You shall make in Christ confession plain.

      And he gives you in fief full half of Spain;

      The other half shall be Roland's share

      (Right haughty partner, he yields you there);

      And should you slight the terms I bear,

      He will come and gird Saragossa round,

      You shall be taken by force and bound,

      Led unto Aix, to his royal seat,

      There to perish by judgment meet,

      Dying a villainous death of shame."

      Over King Marsil a horror came;

      He grasped his javelin, plumed with gold,

      In act to smite, were he not controlled.


      King Marsil's cheek the hue hath left,

      And his right hand grasped his weapon's heft.

      When Ganelon saw it, his sword he drew

      Finger lengths from the scabbard two.

      "Sword," he said, "thou art clear and bright;

      I have borne thee long in my fellows's sight,

      Mine emperor never shall say of me,

      That I perished afar, in a strange countrie,

      Ere thou in the blood of their best wert dyed."

      "Dispart the mellay," the heathens cried.


      The noblest Saracens thronged amain,

      Seated the king on his throne again,

      And the Algalif said, "'Twas a sorry prank,

      Raising your weapon to slay the Frank.

      It was yours to hearken in silence there."

      "Sir," said Gan, "I may meetly bear,

      But for all the wealth of your land arrayed,

      For all the gold that God hath made,

      Would I not live and leave unsaid,

      What Karl, the mightiest king below,

      Sends, through me, to his mortal foe."

      His mantle of fur, that was round him twined,

      With silk of Alexandria lined,

      Down at Blancandrin's feet he cast,

      But still he held by his good sword fast,

      Grasping the hilt by its golden ball.

      "A noble knight," say the heathens all.


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