God-Man: The Word Made Flesh. Carey Perry

God-Man: The Word Made Flesh - Carey Perry

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the earth have striven, as best they could, to leave records of the chemistry and physi- ology of their own bodies.

      Science, Egyptology, Indo-Iranian, Chinese, Japanese, Persian, or Sanskrit, all, all, forever strove to solve the riddle of the human body.

      Seven hundred years B. C. we have the Shu King, China's oldest book; The Shih King, 600 B. C.; The Yi King, 1143 B. C.

      Then came Confucius, 551-478 B. C.

      The writings, statements, philosophy and symbols of these witnesses of the truth of being corroborates our 66 witnesses in every detail.

      The writers of this book have in their possession a library of the ancient scriptures referred to above and know whereof they speak; but, as printing and book mak- ing is well nigh prohibited by cost, we feel that we are not justified in lengthy quotations. Again, nothing really new can be added after the ne plus ultra statement, "There is no other way under heaven whereby ye may be

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      God-Man: The Word Made Flesh

      saved except Jesus, Christed and crucified."

      However, for the information of our readers we will give the table of contents of Vol. 14 of the Sacred Books and Early Literature of the East, entitled "The Great Rejected Books":


      1 The Books of Adam and Eve;

      The lives of Adam and Eve;

      The Apocalypse of Moses ;

      The Slavonic Book of Eve.

      1 The Writings Attributed to Enoch ;

      The Great Prophetic Book of Enoch ;

      The Lost Book of Noah.

      1 The Apocalypse of Baruch ;

      His Vision of Heaven.

      1 The Story of Ahikar ;

      The Old Armenian Version;

      The New-found Ancient Book.


      1 The Gospels of Christ's Childhood;

      The Protevangelium, or Original Gospel of James ;

      Gospel of Thomas the Doubter;

      The Gospel of Pseudo-Matthew;

      An Arabic Gospel of the Infancy.

      1 The Gospels of Nicodemus;

      The Greek Gospel of Nicodemus ;

      A Later Gospel;

      The Harrowing of Hell;

      The Acts of Pilate;

      The Letters of Pilate.

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      NAMES will be explained without alphabetical order, the object being to show that the 66 books of the whole book (Holy Book), were 66 statements by 66 different writers about the same identical subject—the human body, its chemical operation and the planetary positions, impinging to create and bring into physical manifestation the visible universe.

      ADAM: Red earth, or flow of spirit or energy, dammed up.

      EVE: Mother of all the living; ether or pure spirit;

      Mother of God-Water; fluid; esse.

      CAIN: What is gotten acquisition, a spear, a smith; a


      ABEL: Transitoriness; breath; vapor; moisture (ab-

      sorbed—killed by Cain).

      SETH: Seed, seedling or germ.

      MAN: See Adam.

      WOMAN: Worn (b) an, or womb in man (mankind); the

      regenerative womb or manger in the solar plexus.

      (See Bethlehem, house-of-bread) .

      NOD: Flight; Cain absorbed (killed) Abel (moisture)

      and vegetation sprang up (shoot-movement).

      WIFE: Marriage of earth and water.

      JOSHUA: Jehovah-in-salvation ; son of Nun-fish.

      MOSES: Drawn from the water; fish.

      ABRAM: High father, father of elevation.

      ABRAHAM: Father of a multitude.

      AARON: Enlightened ( Buddha-Third Eye ) .

      HOR: Mountain, Mountain of Aaron, situated on the

      East side of the great valley of the Arabah, the high-

      est and most conspicuous of the whole range of the

      sandstone mountains of Edom, having close beneath

      it on its East side, the mysterious city of Petra.

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      God-Man: The Word Made Flesh

      PETRA: Rock; Rock city, south of Jericho.

      EDOM: Red; Edom or Odumea—pituitary body.

      JACOB: Circle; heel-catcher; lier-in-wait. (Applied to the 12 Zodiacal signs, in astrology; to the solar plexus, in physiology.)

      LEAH: First wife of Jacob, represented in astrology by several of the Zodiacal signs, namely: Reuben, libra; Simeon, Scorpio; Levi, Sagittarius; Judah, Capricorn; Issachar, Gemini; Zebulum, Cancer, and Dinah, Leo. The name means, in Hebrew, wearied, weak, slow action, inferior. (See cut.)

      RACHEL: Second wife of Jacob: a ewe; Mother of Jo- seph and Benjamin, represented in astrology by Vir- go for Joseph; Benjamin having a deeply esoteric significance. It represents the product.

      BENJAMIN: Son of the right hand; son of my old age; called first, by his mother, "son of my sorrow." He was the only child to be born in Palestine—the Holy Land. In Smith's Bible Dictionary we find this, "The Ark was in Benjamin." To esoteric students this statement is significant. Plainly speaking, Ben- jamin is the same as Jesus and refers to the seed or son that redeems.

      PALESTINE: Land of sojourners; country of Israel or

      Holy Land.

      ARARAT: Holy Land.

      ABBA: Father (God).

      ABSALOM: Father of Peace.

      ADAH, ADAIAH, ADDI: Ornament, whom God has adorned: Refers to Pituitary body.

      ADONAI : Lord.

      ZOHELETH: THE STONE; serpent, the rolling stone; the serpent stone, the stone of the conduit.

      GILGAL: A circle or rolling away; the place where the 12 stones were set up, the place of the "Passover," "A hot depressed district," says Smith's Bible Dic- tionary. Refers in anatomy to the 12th dorsal ver- tebra, at which place the semi-lunar ganglion con- nects. At this point the seed or ark enters Jordan or the spinal cord.

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      God-Man: The Word Made Flesh

      JORDAN: The descender; the flowing river. A river that has never been navigable, flowing into a sea that has never known a port. About 200 miles long, rising from the roots of Anti-Lebanon to the head of the Dead Sea. "The river of God"—see Smith's Bible Dictionary. In anatomy—the Spinal cord, the great nerve which is supplied with fluid from the claustrum in the cerebrum.

      "The Jordan was crossed over by Joshua (Fish), the son of Nun (fish)," Smith's Bible Dictionary. As Joshua and Jesus mean the same, we see by this that this is the place of the baptism of Jesus. See further reference to this.

      Only two fords are mentioned

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