Drama High: Courtin' Jayd. L. Divine

Drama High: Courtin' Jayd - L. Divine

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against KJ and his boys. You’ve got to come watch.”

      “What the hell are they doing that for?” I say, obviously more out of the loop than I realized. I missed kicking it with them at lunch because I was rehearsing in drama class, and nothing seemed unusual at break.

      “Because they’re boys,” Nellie says, pulling me in the direction of the main gymnasium instead of to the back area where the dance studio, Olympic-sized pool, and weight rooms are housed. I have a good view of the football field from my class, but the outside basketball courts are on the other side of the building, which is where all sparring matches are held, unless it’s raining, like it’s supposed to do this afternoon.

      “Yeah, but don’t they have football practice now?” Chance and Jeremy are seniors and elected not to have classes the last period of the day, especially since they aren’t athletes. They’d usually be at the beach right about now. It’s mid-November and getting cooler, making surfing uncomfortable I suppose. But still, a game against KJ is tantamount to suicide and I can’t imagine the fun in that.

      “Yeah, but Mr. Donald had a meeting, so the team just has to run drills and lift weights today. But, they all got into it in fourth period today, arguing about some stupid shit,” Nellie says, shaking her head at the painful memory. “KJ challenged Nigel to a game of one-on-one and Nigel accepted, but it quickly turned into three-on-three when Del and C Money wanted in on the action. Chance had Nigel’s back, making Jeremy an honorary team player, of course.”

      “Of course,” I say. I can’t believe two of my exes and Rah’s best friend are all about to engage in a basketball game. And I wonder what they were arguing about in the first place. “How did this all start again?”

      As I step into the gymnasium, the bell rings loudly above our heads. I see Jeremy, Chance, and Nigel on the opposite side of the courts, practicing their free throws. I know Nigel’s jump shot, but I’ve never seen Jeremy or Chance ball.

      “I can’t remember exactly, but I know it had something to do with money,” she says. I hope it isn’t about KJ placing bets on me and Jeremy’s break-up. Before I can continue my questioning, Mr. Adewale comes out of the boy’s locker room in a blue and gray Adidas warm-up suit. Damn, he looks good, and he’s much taller than I remember.

      “Hey y’all,” Mickey says, entering the gymnasium, tardy as usual. “Have they started yet?”

      “Not yet,” Nellie says, following my eyes across the court. “Jayd, what are you looking at?”

      “My future baby-daddy,” I say, amusing my girls. I try to make eye contact with Mr. Adewale, but he’s got eyes for his clipboard and whistle only.

      “I know you’re not talking about that nappy-headed teacher, are you?” Nellie’s not into natural hair at all. Whenever I wear my hair in Afro-puffs, she clowns me for a week straight. “Jayd, please tell me you don’t like dreads.”

      “What can I say? I prefer a natural black man, especially after dealing with KJ’s pretty behind,” I say, watching KJ and his boys strut into the gymnasium. Nigel and his team stop and stare down their opponents. KJ and his team face them on the court, ready to ball. They know they’ve got this game in the bag. I actually feel sorry for my boys. I hope their egos are strong enough to survive the ass-whipping they’re about to receive.

      “Come on, let’s get a seat,” Mickey says. As we walk up the bleachers, the rest of my dance class, my dance teacher, and the other sixth-period activity classes file into the open space. I know they’re not here to witness the impromptu ball game.

      “Jayd, I see you made it to class after all,” Ms. Carter says. She’s hella cool and basically lets us make up our own routines. I always dance solo so that I can dance to my own music, unlike the rest of the white girls in the class who practice their ballet steps all period. I use the class to get a good workout to my reggae and hip-hop CDs.

      “Yes, Ms. Carter,” I say as my girls take a seat in the bleachers. I hope Ms. Carter doesn’t make me sit with our class.

      “Good. I was just about to hand in my roll sheet and didn’t want you to get marked absent. The gym teachers have a meeting right now and I’m leaving you to the sub over there. Make sure he knows you’re here,” she says, leaving me to chill with my girls and flirt with Mr. Adewale. This day’s looking up minute by minute.

      “I have to go check in real quick,” I say, tossing my backpack down by my girls’ feet and jogging back down the bleachers toward Mr. Adewale.

      “But Jayd, you’re going to miss the game. They’re only playing until the end of the period.” Nellie’s too into this game for me. I get enough of watching brothas ball from my uncles at home. They have a basketball hoop attached to the top of the garage and ball whenever the mood hits them.

      “I’ll be right back. Besides, we all know who’s going to win.” Mickey and Nellie both look at me like I’m the biggest traitor alive. I guess since their boyfriends are playing, it’s personal for them. And I have to admit, I would love to see Jeremy whip KJ’s ass. But I know different. I just hope Jeremy doesn’t get humiliated too bad.

      “Hello, Miss Jackson,” our substitute says as I approach the crowd where my class is standing. My fellow classmates are too busy salivating over him to notice me walk up late. Wait until he’s here every day. Ms. Toni’s right, I refuse to be one of these girls. But I do like his style. Maybe for now he can be the big brother I never had. “Glad you could make it this afternoon,” he says, giving me a sly smile as he erases the absent mark from my name.

      “Sorry I’m late. I was in here the whole time,” I say, but I know he’s just giving me a hard time.

      “It’s okay. Have a seat with the rest of the class and we’ll begin shortly.”

      “Oh, but Mr. Adewale,” I say, looking across the gym at my girls who are completely engrossed in the game while I’m missing crucial moments. “I was hoping I could sit on the other side and watch the basketball game, if it’s okay with you.” Lord knows I would much rather get to know him better, but I’ve got to support my boys.

      “But your class is over here, Jayd. And your teacher does have a lesson plan for me to follow, which means I’ll need all of the students present. But look on the bright side, you don’t have to get dressed today,” he says, smiling as he continues to call off names from the roll sheet. How do I get him to cut me some slack? It’s not that serious, I know.

      “Mr. Adewale,” I say in my sweetest voice. “Can I please be excused, just this one time? It’s a very important game and I’ve already missed the first five minutes.” But Mr. Adewale isn’t budging. Now what?

      “Use your eyes, girl. Those pretty brown things are for more than seeing with,” my mom says, creeping into my thoughts. But this time I’m glad. “Just try it. Keep staring at him and think of the outcome you want, like Mama taught you. And whatever you do, don’t let go of your gaze.”

      “Jayd,” Mickey shouts from across the packed room. There are a couple of smaller games going on, but most of the students are kicking it in the bleachers, waiting for the period to end. “Get your ass over here girl. We need you.” Following my mother’s advice, I lock onto Mr. Adewale and I can’t help but fixate on his flawless butterscotch skin. Looking unmoved at first, Mr. Adewale continues his duties, seemingly unaffected by my plea. But my eyes are wearing him down and he can’t resist my request.

      “Fine Jayd. But make sure you practice your drills at home. There will be a quiz tomorrow and you will have to incorporate the drills into your own routine.”

      “Thank you so much,” I say, ready to dart off toward my girls. “And can I call you Mr. A?”

      “Not if you expect me to answer,” he says, smiling at me as I walk backwards toward my destination.

      “Damn, what took you so long? You almost missed the whole thing,” Mickey says, munching on her Funions as Nellie preps herself in the mirror.

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