Drama High: Culture Clash. L. Divine

Drama High: Culture Clash - L. Divine

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matter how cool I may think the teacher is. Mama would literally have my ass in a sling.

      After a moment of silence, Ms. Toni takes a deep sigh and smiles at me as I read the introduction to my latest pleasure read. It’s about my lineage, but fiction. It’s not the first text I’ve ever read about my infamous great, great, great—and then some—grandmother, but this one looks hella juicy just from the opening lines. I can’t wait to really get into it this weekend.

      “You have to be responsible with your talents, Jayd. I know it seems as though I don’t understand what you’re going through, and that’s why you turned to Mr. Adewale. But I know more than you think I do. I may not be a fine black man like Mr. A, as you call him, but give me some credit,” she says, lightening the serious mood. “I’ve been here for you since last year, and I’m not planning on going anywhere.” Now the tears are free-falling down my cheeks. I’ve missed my school mama.

      “I know, Ms. Toni. I never meant to make you feel like I preferred talking to Mr. Adewale instead of you. It’s just that our histories so are similar.” Ms. Toni reaches over and pats my hand.

      “I know. He filled me in on your commonalities,” Ms. Toni says, choosing her words very carefully. “And I must say, I was surprised to know that he knew more about your family lineage than you’ve ever shared with me. But if you expect me to continue being on your side, you’re going to have to let me in. We all have enemies in the administration and we have to stick together, capiche?” Ms. Toni says, sounding more like a mafia lord than a teacher. She stands up and opens her arms to let me in. I know we’re cool now.

      “Capiche,” I respond, rising to accept her embrace. I’ve missed her hugs. I’ll try not to do anything to ever get on her bad side again. “I’d better get to class now.”

      “Just remember what I said, Jayd. Your talents are nothing to be ashamed of, but be careful how you use them.” I take my book and leave her office, ready to deal with the racist jerks in drama. Now that I’ve decided not to participate in the auditions for The Crucible, I have nothing but free time on my hands in class. And this novel is just the distraction I need to keep from cussing anyone out.

      I didn’t realize how tired I am until just now. I don’t know if it was all of the arguing I did today or the emotional reunion me and Ms. Toni just had, but whatever it is has got me yawning all the way down the hill. I still have one more class to go after drama and work to do once I leave campus. I can’t wait to get home, handle my business, and pass out for the night. We only have two more days of school before the weekend hits, and I’ll be so happy when Friday finally does come, I probably won’t know how to act.

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