All The Days Of My Life (so Far). Alison Sweeney

All The Days Of My Life (so Far) - Alison Sweeney

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all watch the same television shows and read the same fashion magazines, which leave most women thinking that we shouldn’t have eaten that yummy slice of cheesecake the night before or allowed our jogging shoes to collect dust in the closet. US Weekly, Women’s World, VH1, Entertainment Tonight and E! Entertainment have documented my own dieting efforts. Even so, diets no longer dominate my life 24/7. And with a more relaxed attitude, my excess weight really has disappeared and certainly isn’t the issue it once was.

      But still, let’s be honest: Wherever I go, people are always talking about losing weight. It’s been over five years since I went through my own significant weight loss, but still I can hear their words echoing through my mind—“How many calories is that?”…“No, thanks, that food isn’t on my diet.”…“Does this outfit make me look fat?”…Then there’s my favorite, sometimes said with tongue in cheek: “Don’t you absolutely hate her—she can eat anything she wants.”

      It’s an insane way to live!

      Fortunately, as I’ll describe in these pages, a lot of my actress-friends and I have developed a much healthier outlook, recognizing just how ridiculous the weight game can be. We’re very clear that the attention on our waistlines and the bathroom scale can be curses for Hollywood actresses and women everywhere. But I’m also clear about another thing: Since I had my first Kodak moment on a TV commercial when I was just five years old, acting has been my dream. I’m good at it. I’m certainly passionate about it. It’s what I know and what I love. So I’ve made a conscious decision to remain strong, fight back, and try to stay above the fray and the need to fit the stereotypical mold of the perfect actress with the perfect figure.

      Yes, I’ve waged a lot of internal psychological warfare over the years, and I’ve tried shifting the focus away from the scale and more toward leading a happy, healthy, fulfilling life. Of course, I still watch what I eat, and I’m always weighing my options when I’m reading a menu or shopping in the supermarket. But as you’ll read in this book, I’m not the fanatic I used to be. I know that my body type will never allow me to look like the next Kate Moss or any other supermodel, for that matter.

      But here’s the amazing part of this story: The producers of Days of Our Lives have never made an issue of my weight. I’m so lucky to work for people who are so supportive. Whether I’ve been a little overweight or just right, they have only been interested in creating a great character who fans love—or hate! It really hasn’t mattered what I weigh.

      Sami’s Longevity

      Years ago, when I joined the cast of Days of Our Lives, I never could have imagined that I’d be sitting here, over a decade later, having gone through adolescence and young adulthood in the public eye and still having the privilege of playing Sami. So many soap characters come and go quicker than you can strike the delete button on a scriptwriter’s computer. Characters are done in by diseases, laid to rest by jealous lovers—or they sometimes just “go upstairs” and are never heard from again. But somehow Sami has survived every transgression and every misstep—and she’s had plenty of them. When I won a fan-voted Emmy award in 2002, do you remember the category? It was “America’s Favorite Villain,” of course. The award was custom-made for Sami!

      Sure, Sami may never be the girl who guys dream of bringing home to mom. But many fans have looked beyond her character flaws—and beyond Sami herself—and have turned me into their sounding board and perhaps even role model. Every week, I receive hundreds of letters and e-mails, some from fans who just want to give Sami or me a piece of their mind. But others ask for my advice on “girl concerns” that are important in their lives. Why me? Here’s what I think: Every afternoon on Days, I come into their living rooms, and many of them feel that I’m part of their family (no kidding!). They confide in me. They describe their own relationships with parents and friends, husbands and boyfriends. They recount their personal stories of dating, marriage, and sex…and of weight gain and weight loss. They even sometimes say, “Ali, I don’t know why I’m writing to you—I really don’t know you—but I feel like I can talk to you more honestly than to most other people in my life.”

      Later in this book, I’ll include some of the letters and e-mails I’ve received from fans. Many of them are quite remarkable and very touching. When fans have written to me about confronting their insecurities, seeing themselves in a new way, and building their own self-confidence—and they give some of the credit to me because of inspirational things I’ve said in the media—they’ve motivated me to write this book, to tell my story, to share my experiences on Days, and I hope, to infuse them (and you) with some additional encouragement to be courageous, to be bold, and to follow your dreams.

      When I respond to fan mail, I often tell viewers that while my life may seem glamorous, I’m really just like them. I haven’t escaped any of the pressures and anxieties experienced by virtually every girl or woman. No matter where you live or what your life circumstances are, I’m convinced that all of us should strive for happiness by enjoying old friendships and creating new ones, embracing our families, and nurturing the love in our lives. I hope you’ll search for who you really are, and accept yourself with all of your good qualities as well as your shortcomings. Set meaningful goals and work hard to reach them.

      Of course, in this book you won’t catch me claiming that I have all the answers. But like Sami, I’ve learned a lot and I go after what I want. Whether it’s setting my sights on an acting role or learning to play racquetball with my husband, Dave, my expectations have always been high. I enjoy challenges and doing some out-of-the-box thinking about goals and how to reach them. That’s where the fun of living can be.

      Like so many actors, I’m following my dreams and my heart. I’ve never been the kind of person to sit at home, waiting for the phone to ring or for the world to come to me. I go after what I want—and I hope I’ll inspire you to do the same! I keep my eyes open to everything the world has to offer, and I try to make things happen, developing my talents and working to excel at every opportunity.

      At the same time, I’ve also become better at finding balance in my life. As Dave and my girlfriends will tell you, I take time just to hang out “away from the office.” I try not to spread myself too thin. A life without balance isn’t genuine, and I’m enjoying life more as I become older.

      Navigating Through the Book

      So turn the page and let’s get started. I hope you’ll enjoy reading about my experiences—all the rewards, all the challenges—as well as life on the set of Days of Our Lives. I’ll tell you about the other actors on the show…recollections of my most memorable scenes…and everything you always wanted to know about Sami. At the same time, even though my own profession may be different than yours, I think you’ll find a lot in these pages that will remind you of times in your own life. Growing up, I’ve yearned for friends, ached to have love in my life, felt overwhelmed at times by the pressures and stresses, and struggled with the scale. Welcome to Life 101!

      After reading my story, you might be inspired by the journey that I’ve taken. I may light a fire that encourages you to follow your own dreams. More than anything, I want you to enjoy this book, and through my story, find yourself motivated to live in rhythm with the person you are and want to become.

      Chapter 2

      Salem’s Future Hellraiser!

      In some ways, playing Samantha Jean Brady is like wearing an old comfy pair of jeans that I can put on anytime, anywhere, knowing that they’ll fit perfectly. After more than a decade, I know Sami so well that sometimes I think I know what she’s going to do and say, even without looking at the script.

      When the producers of Days of Our Lives hired me in 1992, they told me that I was the perfect fit to play Sami. There had been previous incarnations of the character, played by five different child actors (from Ronit Aronoff to Christina Wagoner), dating back to 1984. But now the producers and writers had decided to bring Sami back as a teenager. What a wonderful opportunity for the actress who would get the part!

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