Married To The Mop. Barbara Colley
that Davy didn’t quite understand why they were laughing, he laughed too.
Nadia smiled at her little son. “Sweetheart, I think Aunt Chardy is ready for everyone to come into the kitchen for blessings and lunch. Would you like to go tell the guys it’s time to eat?”
Davy’s face brightened, and with an excited yelp he ran out of the kitchen.
Minutes later, everyone gathered around the kitchen table. Charlotte smiled and nodded at Hank. “Would you say the blessings, son?”
Hank grinned. “Sure, Mom.” He wrapped his arm around Carol and pulled her close to his side. “Before I do though, Carol and I have an announcement to make.” His gaze held Charlotte’s and a mischievous look glimmered in his eyes. “Mom, how would you like to be a grandmother?”
Charlotte took a quick, sharp breath and tears stung her eyes as she glanced from Hank’s smug expression to Carol’s beaming face and back to Hank. “For true?” she exclaimed, her heart pounding with joy.
Both Hank and Carol laughed and nodded. “Yes, ma’am,” Hank responded with pride. “Carol is pregnant.”
Suddenly, cheers, laughter, and heartfelt words of congratulations erupted around the table as everyone took turns hugging Hank, Carol, and Charlotte.
A few minutes later, when everyone had quieted down again, Hank said, “Now, if everyone would bow their heads…”
Long after everyone had finished eating, had cheered for their favorite Super Bowl team, then went home, Charlotte wandered around in a daze.
“Finally,” she whispered, savoring the warm feeling within while she stared out of the front window at the sun sinking behind her neighbor’s oak tree. After so many years of longing to be a grandmother, she was finally going to have a grandchild.
On Tuesday morning, after she’d brushed her teeth, Charlotte stared at her image in the mirror above the sink as she applied her makeup. A grandmother. She was going to be a grandmother.
Charlotte tilted her head and narrowed her eyes. Did she look like a grandmother? She reached up and smoothed makeup across her forehead. Thanks to good genes, there were only a few wrinkles there. Her finger slid down to trace the ones near the outside corners of her eyes. Only a few there too.
After a finishing touch of lipstick, she picked up the hairbrush and began brushing her hair. Again, thanks to good genes, what little bit of gray she had blended with the honey-brown color.
Charlotte frowned when several strands refused to be tamed into submission. Her usual short, no-nonsense style had grown out a bit longer than she liked. She’d have to add a note to her to-do list to call her hairdresser for an appointment. Meanwhile…She picked up a can of hair spray and aimed the spray at the errant strands, then using her hair pick, she held the wayward strands down until the spray dried.
Finally satisfied and deciding that she was being silly about the whole appearance thing, she rolled her eyes and left the room. Who cared whether she looked like a grandmother or not? Certainly not the baby. That baby wouldn’t care what she looked like as long as it got lots of love and affection from her. Besides, she had work to do, and standing around worrying about her looks wouldn’t get it done.
Outside was a cold, drizzly day as Charlotte climbed in her van and drove to Bitsy Duhe’s home. Bitsy’s home was a very old, raised-cottage-style Greek Revival and was located on the same street where famed vampire novelist Anne Rice had once lived before she moved to California.
As usual, Bitsy, with her gray-blue hair and dressed in one of her many flowered dresses, was standing on the front gallery waiting for Charlotte to arrive.
Charlotte unloaded her supply carrier and vacuum cleaner, locked and slammed the rear door of the van, then trudged up the narrow sidewalk toward the porch. “Good morning,” she called out to the tiny birdlike woman as she climbed the steps. “And where is your sweater?” she added. “Aren’t you cold?”
“Oh, Charlotte, I’m too excited to be cold. You’ll never guess what’s happened.” In true Bitsy fashion she rushed on without giving Charlotte a chance to answer. “Bradley has made arrangements for me to fly to California and stay with him for two whole weeks.”
Charlotte figured that if she stopped on the porch to talk they would both end up catching a chill, so she headed straight for the front door, knowing that Bitsy would follow. Only when they were both inside did she respond. “Bitsy, that’s wonderful news.” She set the vacuum cleaner down in the center hallway. “When do you leave?”
Bitsy grinned from ear to ear. “Day after tomorrow. Can you believe it? In just two days I’ll be in sunny California, and I’ve got a million things to do before then.”
Charlotte was truly glad that Bitsy was going to visit her son, especially after the last time Bradley had paid a visit to his mother. At least now Bitsy didn’t still think that her son was trying to put her away into a retirement home.
Bitsy frowned. “One of the things on my list is to get that girl you use to do my hair. What’s her name again?”
Bitsy nodded. “Before you leave I need you to write down her name and phone number. I want the works this time—a haircut and a permanent.” She patted her blue-gray hair. “And I suppose a little color wouldn’t hurt either….” With a thoughtful frown she turned her hand palm up, curled her fingers, and stared at her fingernails. “And maybe even a manicure.”
For the remainder of the day, as Charlotte cleaned, Bitsy followed her around, chattering about her upcoming trip and all of the things that she hoped to see and do. Charlotte’s only reprieve was when the phone rang and when Bitsy’s soap operas came on.
By the time Charlotte was ready to pack up and leave that afternoon, she could feel the beginnings of a headache coming on.
“Now you won’t forget to check on my house for me, will you?” Bitsy asked her for what Charlotte figured was the umpteenth time.
“No, ma’am,” Charlotte reassured her as she knelt down to rearrange her cleaning supplies in the supply carrier.
“You do still have that key I gave you and the security code, don’t you?”
Charlotte nodded. “And I have Bradley’s phone number and his cell phone number on my notepad,” she added, anticipating Bitsy’s next question. Charlotte stood. “By the way, I want to thank you for referring me to Emily Rossi and for the kind things you said about me to her.”
Bitsy waved a dismissing hand. “No problem. Everything I said is true.” Suddenly her face collapsed into a frown and she slowly shook her head. “That Emily is such a nice young woman,” she said. “And I’m glad that you agreed to work for her. She hasn’t had an easy life, you know. Her parents died when she was young, and she was raised by her grandmother. Then, when Emily was a senior in high school, poor Thelma—Thelma was her grandmother—anyway, Thelma passed away, God rest her soul, and Emily came to stay with me. It was the least I could do what with Thelma and me being best friends and neighbors for all those years. Why, even after Emily graduated and went off to college, she still came back and stayed with me during holidays and the summers.”
A sad little smile pulled at Bitsy’s lips. “Why, she’s been like a daughter to me—at least she used to be. Of course I don’t see her near as often as I used to, not since she married Robert.”
Charlotte suddenly went stone still. Then she swallowed hard and a feeling of foreboding came over her. “Robert? Emily’s husband’s name is Robert?” she asked Bitsy. “The Robert Rossi?”
Bitsy nodded, and a sudden chill settled in Charlotte’s stomach.
“Now, Charlotte, just get that look off your face. You shouldn’t believe