Wiped Out. Barbara Colley
thought. Just like a bunch of children.
The moment the front door closed, the bees in the parlor began buzzing with a vengeance. Then the rapping of Mimi’s gavel started.
“Ladies,” Mimi cried. “Ladies, please come to order.”
With another shake of her head, Charlotte headed for the kitchen to wash and dry the last of the wine glasses. Once that was done and she had put them away, the only chores left were washing the coffee urn and cleaning the parlor.
Once again she noted that the silver urn needed polishing, but that would be a job for another day, she decided. For today, a good washing would have to suffice.
She glanced toward the direction of the parlor. Maybe she could go ahead and get started on the parlor even though the women were still meeting. If nothing else, she could pick up any cups and saucers and wine glasses that might be in there.
Should she or shouldn’t she? she wondered, but as she reached for the coffee urn, a sudden, unexpected wave of weakness came over her, and she gripped the edge of the sink instead.
Low blood sugar. She grimaced. It wasn’t the first time she’d experienced the feeling, and she immediately recognized it for what it was. Being a borderline diabetic wasn’t a problem most of the time as long as she took her little pill each day and stuck to her diet. But sometimes, like now, for whatever reason, her glucose level would plummet, leaving her shaky and weak.
Charlotte sighed. She’d learned to keep a supply of glucose tablets handy for just such rare occasions, but naturally, she was out. She had intended to get some—she really had—but never got around to it.
“So much for cleaning the parlor,” she muttered. Besides, Mimi might not appreciate the interruption while the meeting was still in progress. What she needed at the moment was a jolt of sugar and a few minutes to recover. Maybe now would be a good time for a break.
Charlotte eyed the coffee urn again. More than likely a bit of caffeine with a half teaspoon of sugar would give her what she needed. And there was probably just enough left in the urn for a cup. Charlotte poured the coffee into a cup and spooned in a bit of sugar, then seated herself at the kitchen table. As she sipped the coffee, she noted that at least the pain in her back had eased to a dull throb.
Low blood sugar, backaches…“You’re turning into a sickly old woman,” she complained, as she took a few more sips of coffee.
Charlotte had just finished her coffee and was feeling somewhat better when she heard a commotion in the hallway. Maybe the meeting was finally over, she thought. If it was over, she figured that by the time she washed the coffee urn, the women should be cleared out of the parlor. And once she straightened the parlor, she could finally go home.
When Charlotte entered the parlor, only Mimi and June were left. Mimi, looking a bit tired and drawn, had slipped off her shoes and was sitting on the sofa with her feet propped up on the coffee table. In her lap was a spiral notebook and pen. June was sitting in a winged-back chair adjacent to the sofa.
With a brief glance around the room, Charlotte surveyed the damage. There were a few wine glasses and cups and saucers that needed clearing away, and once she returned the extra chairs to the dining room, the only thing left to do would be to vacuum.
Other than a brief smile and nod to acknowledge Charlotte’s presence, Mimi’s attention was on the notebook in her lap. “I had hoped to finish up today,” Mimi told June. “But what with all of the mess going on, there was just no way.”
“We still have a couple of weeks,” June offered. “And hopefully everyone will show up on Monday again.”
Mimi frowned. “That reminds me.” She glanced over at Charlotte. “I’ll need you to stay late again on Monday, Charlotte. Is that going to be a problem for you?”
“I’ll have to check my calendar,” Charlotte told her, “but it shouldn’t be a problem.”
June leaned forward. “Ah, Mimi, I hate to bring this up, but…”
“But what?”
“It’s about Rita.”
Mimi groaned. “Do you have to? I’m so sick of that woman I could scream.”
“Me too,” June agreed. “And you know I wouldn’t even mention her name if I didn’t think it was important.”
Charlotte began gathering the cups and saucers and wine glasses. Maybe June was going to confess to rigging the election, and if she did confess, then that would mean that Mimi wasn’t in on the fix.
“Okay, okay,” Mimi said. “Let’s have it and get it over with.”
“First of all, I heard some talk that she’s forming her own garden club.”
Mimi shrugged. “More power to her, but I doubt if she can dig up any members—any who have money, that is. She simply doesn’t have the right social connections.”
“Don’t be so blind, Mimi. She already has nearly half the members of HHS for a following—the vote count proved that. And I suspect that half includes Karen and Doreen. But neither has committed herself yet, at least not openly. They’re both afraid of what Gordon might do if he finds out.”
“I’ve halfway suspected as much about those two all along,” Mimi replied. “But they had better watch their step. If I find out for sure that they’re in cahoots with Rita—or I should say, if Gordon finds out—then their husbands could find themselves standing in the unemployment lines along with Don Landers. That woman has caused us enough misery and embarrassment already, and I won’t have her infecting anyone else with her lies.”
“Ah, speaking of lies.” June grimaced. “That brings me to the other thing I wanted to discuss. You heard that pointed remark she made about cheaters?”
Charlotte’s ears perked up, and no matter how many times she told herself to go about her business and ignore the two women, her curiosity got the best of her. Glancing at the tray full of dirty dishes, she began rearranging them. Only so they would be balanced evenly, she told herself, and not just because she wanted to hear Mimi’s response.
Mimi sighed deeply. “Yeah, I heard it, and you and I both know she meant more than just the election.”
“Exactly,” June agreed. “And so did everyone else. I hate to be the bearer of bad tidings, but she’s still spreading those awful rumors about you and Don. I heard that she swore she’d seen the two of you together just last week.”
“Oh, pu-lease,” Mimi groaned. “The woman is obviously a nut case. Anyone with a brain can see that. And she’s jealous,” she added. “She’s so jealous that she can’t see straight.” She shook her head. “Don is a nice enough man, and I had considered him a friend once upon a time, but that was before Rita became obsessed with the idea that he and I were having an affair. Why, the woman would have to be crazy to think that I’d risk everything I have with Gordon for someone like Don.”
So much for a confession from June about the votes, Charlotte thought, as she picked up the tray and headed for the kitchen. But maybe June didn’t need to confess. Maybe Mimi had known about the fix all along.
Judge not lest ye be judged, so just stop it, Charlotte.
Once in the kitchen, Charlotte unloaded the tray and washed and dried the remaining glasses, cups, and saucers. She was putting the last wine glass away in the china cabinet when Mimi entered the dining room, a check in her hand.
“All that’s left is to vacuum the rug in the parlor,” Charlotte told her. “Then I’ll be leaving.” She closed the door to the china cabinet and faced Mimi.
Mimi shook her head and waved a dismissing hand. “That’s okay. Don’t bother vacuuming. The rug is fine. Besides, it’s getting late.” She handed Charlotte the check. “I included a little extra for all of your help today.”
Charlotte smiled. “Thank you.”