Too Hot For A Rake. Pearl Wolf
way of being friendly, you know.”
At this, Darlington lost control of his temper. He said acidly, “Apparently, your grace, you appear to have difficulty teaching proper manners to your dog as well as to your daughter!”
Before the duke could put Darlington in his place for daring to hurl such an insult, the entrance of three more of the duke’s children enlivened the breakfast room. Georgiana, a debutante of seventeen years, was the acknowledged beauty of the family. Fifteen-year-old Mary was the shyest, spending as much time as she could playing the pianoforte.
Jane, at ten the youngest Fairchild, loved to eat and to pry. These habits irritated everyone in the household from the lowliest servant to her autocratic father. “Don’t you dare hurt my Prince,” she said to the two footmen struggling to control the frisky pup. She grabbed two biscuits from the table. “Here, Prince,” she crooned in a singsong voice. “Look what your Jane has for you, love.” The obedient pup drooled, his eyes on the treats and bounded out of the room after her.
“I’ll take my leave now,” muttered Darlington and withdrew, trying to maintain a shred of dignity in spite of his torn coat.
“What’s happened to cause Chris to be in such a pelter?” asked Georgiana.
The duchess put a finger to her lips to silence her when it became clear to her that the duke was on the verge of exploding, for the duke had reached the limit of his patience. Assaulted by the din of servants disturbing his ordered routine—his grace hadn’t even had time to finish his morning paper, for heaven’s sake. “Clear the room, Dunston! Georgie! Mary! Find some useful occupation at once.”
Alert to the menace in his grace’s growl, Dunston shooed the servants out of the breakfast room, for they had dawdled in the hope of hearing more of the family gossip.
The butler followed discreetly in their wake, just as Sebastian Brooks strode into the breakfast room, his eyes wide as he took in the chaotic scene.
“What a mess! Was it the pup?” he asked, amused. “Morning, sir. How are you, ma’am?” He bent to kiss his mother-in-law’s cheek.
The exasperated duke let out a sigh. “Morning, Sebastian. Prince made untidy love to Darlington when he came to tell us Helena had cried off their betrothal.”
“I can’t believe Helena has cried off. After all these years,” said the duchess, shaking her head in sadness.
“You’re right not to believe it, love. It’s the other way around, I’m afraid.”
“What can you mean? How is this? Where is my daughter?”
“Helena’s safe at home with my wife, ma’am. She arrived there early this morning.”
The duchess began to rise. “I must go to Helena at once, then.”
“Stay a moment, my dear,” said the duke. “Is Helena distraught?” He directed the question to his son-in-law.
“Olivia finally persuaded her to rest, but it wasn’t easy. She cried for hours.”
The duchess looked startled. “What is more important than my daughter’s unhappiness? She needs her mother.”
“In due time, ma’am. We must first put our heads together and determine what’s to be done. The gossips in London will make Helena’s life a misery when the news gets out,” said the duke.
The duchess looked thoughtful. “Oh dear, the ton. I hadn’t thought of that. You’re right, of course. Of all times for this to happen! Just before Georgie’s ball. What can we do?”
Sebastian raised a hand. “If I may speak?”
“Of course, son.”
“Olivia and I think you ought to consider sending Helena out of London until the scandal plays itself out.”
“I agree,” said the duke, for that thought had also occurred to him. “But where? Can’t be Bodmin, for we’ve lent the castle to relatives of my neighbor, old Tremayne, for the month. His grandson is to be married in the Heligan Gardens and he hasn’t enough room to house all his guests.”
“What about Heatham House in Brighton?” asked the duchess.
“Brighton is out of the question, my dear. There are many members of the ton living there year-round who would be only too happy to keep the London gossip alive.” He turned to his son-in-law. “We’ll all return to your home with you, Sebastian. We can’t discuss this without Helena. She should have a say in this matter. Besides, his grandparents want to see their grandson.”
Sebastian grinned. “He’ll be delighted, I’m sure. Go on ahead without me, sir. I have an appointment at the home office. I’ll join you as soon as I can.”
“What shall I do with my life now, Livy?” asked Helena in a tragic voice for the fourth or possibly the fifth time. Her eyes were rimmed with red. “Don’t ask me the how and the why of it. Suffice it to say I tried to be bold like you, but I failed miserably.” She touched the back of her hand to her forehead. “My life is over.”
“Nonsense, you goose. What you must do is leave London until the scandal dies down,” said her sister. “And while you are gone, we Fairchilds will do everything in our power to right the wrongs Chris has so unwisely saddled you with when he cried off.”
Helena gave her sister’s words some serious thought. “You’re right, Livy. I won’t be able to bear facing up to the gossipmongers. Even the daughter of a duke can’t escape their scorn when she doesn’t behave properly. What must I do?”
“The question is not what you must do, but where you must go. Any thoughts as to where you might like to hibernate for a spell? Pick a country, if you like.”
“Oh, I don’t care. Just as long as it’s far enough away so I never have to see Darlington’s face again.” Helena dabbed at her eyes.
“That’s right, love. Dry your tears. But…”
“But what?”
“You’re really going to have to develop a stiffer spine, dear. You’ve worn your heart on your sleeve for so long, it’s almost become a part of you. It won’t do if you’re ever going to convince people it was you who cried off and not that cad.” Olivia paused. “He never gave you any reason, you say? Extraordinary.”
“No. He gave no reason,” she lied, and changed the subject. “Develop a stiffer spine, you say? How can I? I’m not like you, Livy. Not in the least.” She turned her face to the wall, too ashamed of her brazen act last night to confess the truth. “Why would I lie,” she lied, piling one falsehood upon another. “Chris said I wasn’t a proper wife for an aspiring diplomat.”
Olivia raised her head at the sound of approaching horses. “A carriage is coming. Must be our parents. I’ve sent Sebastian to fetch them.”
“Oh no. How could you, Livy? Must I see them? They’re the last people on earth I want to face just now.”
“Yes, of course you must, you ninny. They’re not your enemies. They’re on your side in this business. Besides, you’ll need their help. Come. Dry your tears and we’ll go down to greet them.”
Olivia had to grip Helena’s hand and drag her down the stairs.
“Where’s my grandson?” the duke demanded.
“I’ll send for him, Father, but you must play with him in the morning room where my busy little terror can’t destroy anything. We’ve removed all breakable objects within his reach there.” She took her father’s arm and led the way into a sunlit room overlooking the garden.
As soon as the baby appeared with his nurse, the duke shed his waistcoat, neck cloth and silk vest. He sat on a blanket on the floor with his grandson, who giggled and gurgled while the otherwise dignified duke of the realm entertained his namesake by making a fool of himself.