Love Like Crazy. Crystal B. Bright
A chance to shine . . .
The closest Avery Shields expects to get to the music industry is her janitor position at Charisma Recording Studio, and singing secretly in her local karaoke bar. Working two jobs and studying full-time, she’s doing all she can to earn her parents’ trust after making mistakes in high school. But now a gorgeous stranger is filling her head with dreams of singing professionally—and filling her nights with desire….
Lazarus Kyson’s A&R career took a hit after he was wrongfully accused of harassment. To restore his reputation, he needs to discover a new talent. And when he least expects it, there she is—singing while she cleans the Charisma offices. As stubborn as she is talented, she refuses to audition. If he wants Avery—her voice and her heart—he’ll have to open himself up for the first time for a love too crazy good to let go….
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Books by Crystal B. Bright
The Love & Harmony Series
Crazy in Love
Love Like Crazy
Mama’s Boys Series
The Look of Love
Forget Me Not
Head Over Heels
Published by Kensington Publishing Corporation
Love Like Crazy
The Love & Harmony Series
Crystal B. Bright
Kensington Publishing Corp.
Lyrical Press books are published by
Kensington Publishing Corp. 119 West 40th Street New York, NY 10018
Copyright © 2017 by Crystal B. Bright
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First Electronic Edition: April 2018
eISBN-13: 978-1-5161-0469-7
eISBN-10: 1-5161-0469-2
First Print Edition: April 2018
ISBN-13: 978-1-5161-0472-7
ISBN-10: 1-5161-0472-2
Printed in the United States of America
This book is dedicated to all those people with a dream in your heart to do more in life but may feel stuck for whatever reason. Sing when you want to sing. Dance when the rhythm hits you. Love and laugh freely and often. Life is too short to live in fear.
Thank you, again, to Renee Rocco and Martin Biro for allowing me to spread my wings and fly with this new series. It feels like you’re letting me run around with scissors, and no one looks worried. That’s a good feeling.
Thank you to my editor, Mercedes Fernandez, who is making me a stronger writer and storyteller. I appreciate everything you do to help me improve my story.
Thank you, always, to Jim Stark, the love of my life. Thanks for always supporting me, through my highs and lows. I love you.
Author’s Foreword
After writing Crazy In Love, I couldn’t imagine writing a sequel to that story. Now that I’ve been given that opportunity and I have written Love Like Crazy, I can’t see the series without these characters. My heart pulls for both Laz and Avery for different reasons. Hopefully, readers will feel that same tug in their hearts for these characters. Both have something to prove for different reasons. Question is: will they find harmony in each other? Read on and find out.
Hope you enjoy book two in the Love and Harmony series.
Keep reading,
Chapter 1
“I want that asshole fired!” The petite starlet jutted her finger in Laz Kyson’s direction as he sat at the opposite side of the table from her in the Universe Records office.
He wanted to react, but he knew timing meant everything. Controlling himself meant he could manage anyone and any situation. Since the company’s attorney acted like a mute as well, he figured his reaction worked.
“He…he,” she paused for effect, “told me that if I didn’t do certain things to him, he would make it difficult for me here.” Then the sobbing came…without tears.
Laz shifted in his seat. The heat under his collar started to get a bit unbearable. He began drumming his fingers on the table until he saw Mr. Zinner’s stare go directly to his hand.
The man had been salty to him since Laz went to bat for Chantel Woodley, or Shauna Stellar as Zinner continually referred to her when he lamented about the amount of money lost from losing her and Truman Woodley. Zinner had his chance with her, and he had blown it.
Zinner raised his arm like he wanted to pat the young woman’s hand to console her, but he stopped as though thinking better of his actions considering what she accused Laz of doing to her. He, instead, spoke in soothing tones. “There, there, Kat.”
To punctuate her hurt feelings, she responded to Zinner’s sympathy with a protruding bottom lip. Her raven hair along with her sky-blue eyes and pale, clear skin made her a stunning beauty. Yet coupled with her rotten insides, Laz only saw a monster at the end of the table, who had now made it her mission for the summer to get him fired. Not happening.
Music and the music business encompassed every cell in his body until it became all he could think about. He would be damned if some pampered, lip-syncing diva would get him run out with his tail tucked between his cheeks and hide.
“Although I don’t want you to relive this traumatic moment again, for the record, I’ll need to know what happened. Will you please describe for me and the attorneys present the details of this alleged sexual harassment?” Mr. Zinner leaned back, probably to allow his gut freedom to expand away from the table.
As much as Laz wanted to tune the woman out, he made it a point to listen to each and every word that would come out of her mouth. His livelihood depended on it.
“I was doing my pop-up show at that little venue in Norfolk, Virginia.” She wiped underneath her nose with the back of her thumb. “Then he shows up.” She pointed at Laz again.
At least Kat didn’t say Laz’s name. Keep his name out of her mouth and he would be happy.