Wilde Horses. Jannine Gallant

Wilde Horses - Jannine Gallant

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      Cover Copy

      The Wilde brothers may be attracted to all things fast and furious. But their spirited sister can’t be tamed when it comes to matters of the heart . . .

      The beautiful vistas and peace and quiet on her family’s Wyoming ranch are a balm for Eden Wilde’s soul—and inspire a gentle touch when it comes to breaking the wild horses she loves. Though there’s no hope on the breathtaking horizon for her love life. Until her sanctuary is invaded by a movie studio shooting their latest blockbuster starring Hollywood’s man of the moment.

      After a personal tragedy plays out in his real life, movie star Blake Benedict finds himself falling for the wide-open spaces and easy going pace of Wyoming—and for Eden. Around her, he feels safe shedding his public persona and letting down his guard. But then accidents begin to happen on set, mishaps that could end Blake’s career—or his life. And Eden will be forced out of her comfort zone to save the Hollywood hero from an enemy he never saw coming . . .

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      Books by Jannine Gallant

      Who’s Watching Now

      Every Move She Makes

      Every Step She Takes

      Every Vow She Breaks

      Born to Be Wilde

      Wilde One

      Wilde Side

      Wilde Thing

      Wilde Horses

      Published by Kensington Publishing Corporation

      Wilde Horses

      Born to Be Wilde

      Jannine Gallant



      Kensington Publishing Corp.



      Lyrical Press books are published by

      Kensington Publishing Corp. 119 West 40th Street New York, NY 10018

      Copyright © 2017 by Jannine Gallant

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      First Electronic Edition: May 2017

      ISBN-13: 978-1-60183-772-1

      ISBN-10: 1-60183-772-0

      First Print Edition: May 2017

      ISBN-13: 978-1-60183-776-9

      ISBN-10: 1-60183-776-3

      Printed in the United States of America


      One would think writing a book is a solitary endeavor, but it takes the talent and support of terrific editors to make our words shine. I want to thank my editors, past and present, who have been such a pleasure to work with.

      To Margo Hoornstra, my critique partner, who never hesitates to tell me what she thinks!

      To Marci Clark, my editor at Kensington Books, who keeps my series on track.

      To the editors I worked with in the past who taught me about POV and showing vs telling and believed in me before I believed in myself: Ally Robertson, Kathy Cottrell, and Stacy Holmes.

      Thank you all!

      Chapter 1

      “You’re kidding, right?” Eden Wilde dropped her fork on her plate and glanced around the dinner table. Had her parents lost their collective minds?

      “I’m afraid not.” Her father’s determined blue gaze, a mirror image of her own, met hers. “We signed the agreement this afternoon.”

      Her mother reached over to pat her arm. “Think of it as an adventure.”

      More like a nightmare.

      “Grandpa, I can’t believe you agreed to this insanity?”

      Jasper Wilde shrugged then dug into the pile of mashed potatoes on his plate. When he glanced up, his gray eyes twinkled beneath a thatch of snow-white hair. “Your dad says the ranch needs the income, and I think filming a movie here will be quite an experience. Maybe we’ll all get to be extras. Wouldn’t that be a kick?”

      “Fun? Really?” Eden snorted. “From what you’ve told me, this isn’t some little documentary. It’s a major motion picture. Our lives will be in complete chaos for… How long?”

      Her father laid down his steak knife as a frown knit his forehead. “The producer told me they hope to finish in four weeks. A huge chunk of the action is set outdoors, and the majority of those scenes will be shot on the ranch.”

      She gripped the edge of the table. “A month?” The reality was worse than she’d imagined. “And you waited until now to tell me because…”

      Her mom let out a worried sigh. “Nothing was finalized until today since the production company was considering several different ranches here in Wyoming, as well as a couple in Montana. There was no point in upsetting you if the deal for our property fell through.”

      “So, you knew I wouldn’t be on board with the plan, but you still went ahead with such a major decision without discussing it with me?” Eden’s voice rose. “What am I, a child to be placated? I can’t believe this.”

      “Honey, we aren’t ganging up on you. We’re just doing what needs to be done.” Her grandpa cleared his throat. “Boyd, what did that producer say he’d pay us?”

      “Fifty grand.” Her dad took a swallow of his iced tea. “After two years of severe drought, we’ve dug into our reserves for cattle feed. The barn needs a coat of paint and there are a lot of costs associated with throwing a double wedding for your brothers. That check is going to help me sleep nights.”

      Eden opened her mouth then closed it. She didn’t have a reasonable counterargument that didn’t make her sound petty and selfish. She let out a slow breath. “I didn’t know the ranch was having cash flow problems. I’m sure Griff and Sawyer would be happy to chip in for wedding expenses if they knew.”

      “Your brothers already have.” Her mother tucked a strand of short brown hair behind one ear. “But we’d like to lay down new gravel on the driveway and put in an irrigation

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