Wilde Horses. Jannine Gallant
a hint of relief as he nodded then opened the door. “I appreciate the ride. Thank you.”
“No problem.” Eden executed a three-point-turn on the deserted road and headed back the way she’d come. “Are you on your way home?”
“If you can call it that. I live in Salem. I hope my truck makes it that far.” He was quiet for a moment. “You were at the service earlier. Did you know my daughter when she was young? I’m afraid I don’t recognize many of her old friends.”
“No, I didn’t. I came with Blake Benedict. But from what he’s said about Josie, she sounds like she was a lovely girl.”
“A sweet, loving soul. That damned deer and Hank Wadsworth’s criminal inattention tore our family apart. The car crash took my wife and both my daughters from me.” He shrugged. “These days, I just go through the motions.”
“My younger daughter wants nothing to do with me. After the accident, I couldn’t be around Josie the way she was. It hurt too much. I wanted to take her off life support, but my wife couldn’t do it. Pris won’t forgive me for leaving them.” He clasped his hands in his lap. “Don’t know why I’m telling you my problems. I guess because you seem like a compassionate young woman.”
“Sometimes we all need to share our feelings, even if it’s with a stranger. Maybe that actually makes it easier.”
“I suppose.”
She glanced toward him as she turned into the gas station. “We’re going over to Priscilla’s for an early dinner in a little while. I’d be happy to give your daughter a message, if you like.”
“There’s nothing I can say that she wants to hear. I just hope she’s going to be all right, but I do worry.” He opened the car door and stepped out. “If you don’t mind waiting…”
“Not in the least, Mr. Lewis.”
“Call me Marlon. Thank you.”
As he walked away, Eden leaned one elbow on the steering wheel and let out a sigh. So much tragedy and grief, she couldn’t begin to imagine. She also hoped Pris would be okay. And Marlon. He’d deserted his family, and maybe that was unforgivable, but the man was so beaten down she couldn’t help empathizing with him. His pain made her heart ache. If life was reflected in your choices, his had certainly come back to haunt him.
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