Katie v Peter. Emily Herbert

Katie v Peter - Emily Herbert

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a movie together, then went to bed,’ Pinto said. ‘We didn’t really watch the movie. We just played together and had fun. I liked her tattoos. I think she has a heart tattooed somewhere private, but I couldn’t be sure because we always had sex in the dark. She liked to stare into my eyes while she did it.’

      Katie was also quite open about the problems between herself and Pete. ‘Katie told me he didn’t really like going out,’ continued Pinto. ‘He wanted a wife to be inside the house, but she wanted to socialise. She said he always wanted to get her pregnant. She told me, “I love having a big family, but also wanted to have fun with my friends.”’

      But, to all intents and purposes, that was the end of it. The duo didn’t see one another again, and shortly afterwards Pinto heard rumours that Katie had started to see cage fighter Alex Reid. ‘It was then I knew it was over,’ he said. ‘I was disappointed I could not see her any more. I was having fun because she is fun and interesting. I never met Alex Reid. I don’t want to meet him – I had a dream he beat me up and I’m scared of him.’

      However, that was all still to come. Of course, the other man who was playing a big role in Katie’s life was Pete, also back in the UK, and it didn’t take long for matters to get even more bitter. The pair narrowly avoided bumping into one another at Nobu, the famous celebrity restaurant hangout in London. Then, one day, she brought Junior and Princess to Pete’s new Sussex home at 3.15pm one day, only to discover that he wasn’t there.

      Pete was planning on taking the children out to celebrate Princess’s birthday, and was more than a little bemused to find Katie on his case: arriving back about 20 minutes later, he said, ‘It’s supposed to be 4pm, so why did you have to come so early?’ But he wasn’t calm all the time, writing in his New magazine column that when he saw what Katie had been getting up to in Ibiza: ‘I thought she was a disgrace.’

      Meanwhile, she herself was backing away from it all. There had been rumours linking her with ex-boyfriend Matt Peacock, but she insisted that she had had a fling with neither Anthony nor Matt. ‘Jordan isn’t back!’ she said. ‘I’m Katie Price.’

      Indeed, she was, but, as the world was now beginning to realise, Katie did seem to have an increasingly split personality, veering wildly from one extreme of behaviour to the next. Katie and Jordan were both in there, making various appearances as circumstances demanded. And, as for Pete – well, the marriage wasn’t merely over: all-out war had just begun.

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