Fishers of Men - The Gripping True Story of a British Undercover Agent in Northern Ireland. Rob Lewis
outside the town of Saffron Walden in Essex. We were to be redeployed as a light armoured reconnaissance unit equipped once again with Scimitars. Home at last.
The two-year tour in Omagh had instilled in me more than a passing interest in these ‘covert’ units I had heard about, and the sense of intrigue was still there a few years later. A number of the lads who were in our COT had tried selection for these duties. One or two had been successful, but the majority had been refused and had returned to regimental life. The failure rate was high and some very competent guys I knew had been returned for one reason or another. I had completed an exchange visit to an Italian armoured unit, which was probably the worst jaunt I had ever been on, and I had attended and passed my Royal Armoured Corps crew commander’s course, which in sharp contrast to the ‘Italian Job’ was probably the best course I had been involved in since I joined the army. A six-month tour of Cyprus as part of the United Nations scout car squadron was under my belt, and life seem to be heading in one direction – towards regimental duty. The way things were going it was likely that at best I would end up as a warrant officer within my own regiment. Nothing wrong with that other than I was not totally convinced it was what I wanted. I was twenty-six years old, a corporal, and looking for something other than normal soldiering.
I had read regimental orders one evening and, lo and behold, a section contained within the orders asked for volunteers to attend selection for arduous training with a view to being considered for Special Duties. Candidates were to contact the adjutant or chief clerk for more details. I decided that I would pay the chief clerk’s office a visit the next day.
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