The Twins - Men of Violence. Kate Kray
bits of glass to cut his own wrists or cut someone else. Sounds crazy, but plausible, given the nut-cases that are there.
I don’t wish Ronnie back in Broadmoor, not for one minute. There is nothing I would have loved more than to see him back in the East End having a drink with his friends.
For me, when Ronnie and Reggie died, it was the end of an era. The end of the Swinging Sixties. End of the gangsters. End of the good life. My life. It’s just not the same any more. When the twins died, a big part of me died with them.
Prison life is not glamourous and believe me I know. Real life goes on without you on the other side of the high walls. I like to think that I will be a good, rather than bad, influence to those youngsters who face the loss of freedom.
Just because the twins were inside, it didn’t mean they couldn’t go on with business. Ron and Reg were the best money-getters I’ve ever met. That’s all they thought of while they were inside. They were like hamsters on a tread wheel chasing money — getting a pile, giving it away, then back on the wheel.
Even after they were convicted, they continued to run their empire like the businessmen that they were. Whilst they were still alive, I had to keep quiet about their activities, but I know that they would each be earning at least £100,000 a year for the last thirty years.
I did many things for Ron. I didn’t mind, that was all part of being married. Late one evening, I got a phonecall asking me to visit him urgently. I drove to Broadmoor at the crack of dawn trying to avoid the rush-hour traffic. Ron was on good form.
‘You look happy,’ I said.
He was in no mood for idle chat.
‘Never mind all that,’ he said. ‘I want you to go to Waterlooville in Hampshire.’
He was happy, so I knew it was to do with money. Nothing made Ron happier than when he had a nice few quid coming.
‘I want you to pick up £85,000.’ He laughed.
My jaw dropped open. I could have tucked my chin in my knickers.
‘Eighty-five grand!’ I couldn’t believe it.
‘Yeah, in notes,’ he purred.
I was used to picking up large amounts of cash for Ron, but this was an unusually large amount, even for him. I didn’t know what it was for, or where it came from. I didn’t ask. Ron didn’t explain; he just gave me a long list of names where he wanted the cash to go.
On this occasion, he decided that he would send someone with me to ride shotgun. I can’t remember who he was, all I can remember is he was big and mean.
Ron insisted that I follow his instructions to the letter. I travelled to Hampshire, wondering if it was going to be a wasted journey. Eighty-five grand was a lot of money. I couldn’t help thinking to myself that it must have been some blag for Ron’s cut to be that big.
I did hope nothing would go wrong. There had been the odd occasion when I’d been to collect money for him, and when I’d got there something had gone wrong or someone had been nicked. Whatever the reason, the money wasn’t there and, oh boy, did Ron get the needle.
It was a long journey to Waterlooville, and I just hoped this was not going to be a wasted trip although Ron seemed very confident.
I parked my car in the small car park at the rear of the bank. As I walked into the bank shadowed by my minder, I was humming the song ‘Me and My Shadow’ under my breath. We must have looked a right pair! The bank was full. We queued. I gave the cashier all the relevant paperwork. The young girl behind the counter looked at me and then at my shadow.
‘Wait here, Mrs Kray,’ she said gingerly.
She went to the Manager’s office. I dread to think what she said. His door opened — he stuck his head out. He looked at me, then at my shadow, and shut the door again. The door opened for a second time. The cashier and the Manager came out of the office together.
They mumbled to each other, looked at me, then mumbled again. I looked around the bank trying to appear inconspicuous. The more I tried to look innocent, the more guilty I felt. At that point, it did cross my mind to wonder exactly where the money was coming from. But then I thought, if the money isn’t kosher, Ron would never allow me to go and get it. The Manager broke my thoughts.
‘Mrs Kray.’
My heart leapt into my mouth.
‘How would you like the money?’ he said.
I stuttered. ‘Er … Er … Large notes, please.’
It took the cashier and the Manager ages to count the money in front of me. I couldn’t wait to get out of that bank. I got back into my car and drove out of Waterlooville.
A few miles up the small country lane, I pulled the car over into a lay-by. I opened a can of coke and took a large gulp. It should have been something stronger — sometimes it’s a pity I don’t drink alcohol. I offered the can to my minder. He shook his head, turning his nose up.
‘Let’s have a sort out,’ he urged.
I pulled the money bag out from the glove compartment and banged it down on the dashboard. It was a huge bag. I peered inside. It stunk. Slowly, I started to count the money into small piles. One hundred. Two hundred. Three hundred. When the piles were complete, I stuck a coloured ‘post-it’ note on the top with the name of each person who was going to receive the cash.
It took ages to sort out £85,000. But who’s complaining? I kept looking at my watch. I knew Ron would be wondering if things had gone smoothly.
My instructions were that once I had got the cash and counted it out into bundles, I had to visit Ron. I didn’t want to be late, as I knew he would be wondering if things were all right. That was probably my own doing because I had teased him previously saying that once I had got the cash I was going to run off and send him a postcard from a sunny desert island.
I laughed. So did he. Thank God.
I dashed up the M3 to reach Ron for the afternoon visit. I just made the visiting hall by 2.30pm. Eagerly, Ron was waiting. I walked into the hall. He stood up and looked at me trying to gauge my expression. I raised my eyes to the heavens, shook my head and threw my hands in the air in defeat. He looked angry and pissed off. I realised it was not the best time to have a joke with him.
I smiled, winked and rubbed my hands together.
‘You little minx,’ he laughed. ‘You got it, ain’t ya?’
‘Of course I got it,’ I replied. He hugged me tight.
‘Where the fuck is it?’
‘In the glove compartment of my car, that’s where.’
‘But … but … you can’t …’ he spluttered.
With my hand held high, I stopped him in his tracks, like a policeman holding up the traffic. ‘It’s all right. Calm down. It’s being baby-sat by the fucking shadow.’
‘That’s all right then.’ That seemed to pacify him.
We spent the whole visit sorting out the money. I spent the entire next day being