We, the People. Albie Sachs

We, the People - Albie Sachs

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evidence to be recorded in an archive, and you’re destroying the orality, you’re destroying their connection, you’re detaching them from their own context’.

      No wonder you feel in a state of crisis; even when you’re trying to do good, people say you’re not doing it well enough. And then there’s a very strong women’s movement, saying,

       ‘We’re looking through these archives, going back to written records, from the Portuguese sailors, the Dutch sailors, the first Dutch settlers, the governors, the colonists, the missionaries; there’s no voice of women at all. Women weren’t there, one doesn’t know how children came unto the earth, how things were done; it’s a voice that’s completely absent, even from the records of the rulers, of those in charge of society. The so-called subaltern voices just aren’t there at all.’

      And so you’re left with what looks like a rather pitiful collection of documents that formerly you were so proud of because you were guarding them for posterity and you feel in a state of crisis and you wonder, what can we do now? So much of the past has been lost. We have millions of people with their memories and their stories – how do we make sense of them? How do we integrate them? How do we give genuine dignity and equality to this precious function that we’re undertaking?

      And so the doctor said to me, ‘You can see: it’s endemic and it’s incurable, but there is hope. It can be managed and I happen to have a very good medicine which I’m going to give to you … and I want you to open it at the right time, not straight away’.

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