Caries Management - Science and Clinical Practice. Группа авторов

Caries Management - Science and Clinical Practice - Группа авторов

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will primarily secrete lactic acid when they metabolize carbohydrates, which will lead to an undersaturation of relevant ions in the saliva and this will result in demineralization of the dental hard tissues (Fig. 1.19c). The undersaturated condition in the saliva, relative to calcium, phosphate, and the hydroxyl ions, occurs when the pH is lower than 5.5. What happens when the pH returns to normal, and how fluoride and statherin interact with these processes, will be covered in Chapters 2 and 3. Besides the electrolytes in the saliva, the clearance rate is very important in the caries process, as a high clearance rate, for example, by masticating chewing gum, will cause the pH drop to be less than if the clearance rate were suboptimal, or even compromised as seen in cases of hyposalivation (Fig. 1.20).

      Fig. 1.19a–c Schematic illustration of the relation between acid (H+), pH drop, and the interaction of the buffers in the saliva.

      Fig. 1.20 Schematic diagram showing the relationship between pH drop after sugar in-take (arrow) and the function of saliva with stimulation, without stimulation, and in hyposalivation. It appears that with stimulation the pH returns much faster to its normal level.


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