The Zodiac and the Salts of Salvation. George W. Carey

The Zodiac and the Salts of Salvation - George W. Carey

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may the wondrous cerebral substance be termed Proteus, for it truly is the Ancient of Days. In Greek mythology Proteus was a many-formed deity. Being composed of everything, he could revert back to anything, take any shape he wished, just as by chemical or electrical vibration all chemical substances will eventually be found to revert back to one.

      The word protoplasm is derived from the same root word as Proteus. If any one doubts that Kali phos or potassium phosphate is the chief substance in the gray nerve cells let him read the information furnished by any dictionary, encyclopædia or work on the physical body. Perhaps it will be well to explain what is said relative to protoplasm:

      Proto, meaning first, and plasm, meaning form, is the name for the viscous (sticky or glutinous) material of a vegetable or animal cell. Please be advised that the word glutinous is derived from the same root as gluten, a nutritious substance; a proteid; the sticky, albuminous part of wheat (ceres) flour.” It is, therefore, seed, a more or less granulated substance that forms the principal portion of an animal or vegetable cell.

      “Protoplasm was previously termed sarcode, or flesh. The protoplasm of most cells appears under the high power of the microscope as a network (spongioplasm or reticulum) containing a more fluid substance (hyaloplasm) in its meshes. Chemically it is a mixture of eighty to eighty-five per cent water, and fifteen to twenty per cent solids (chiefly proteids), with small quantities of fat, albumoses, globulins, and peptones.

      “It also contains small quantities of carbohydrates like glycogen, inosite, and mineral salts, especially those of potassium, which cause it to yield an alkaline reaction. Protoplasm has been called by Huxley, owing to its presence in all organized bodies, ‘the physical basis of life,’ and some have held that its phenomena show that the difference between organized and unorganized cells is simply complexity of chemical constitution. It is therefore a highly complex substance regarded as a mixture of different chemical substances.

      “Protoplasm is contractile and irritable and reproduces by self-division.”

      The above statement that protoplasm is contractile is absolute proof of the presence of Magnesium phos, the moving or motor salt, Calcium fluoride, the builder of elasticity, and Potassium phosphate, the electrical salt. We are here informed positively that the chief salt is potassium, for electricity, spirit, or the fire of life must ensoul all matter.

      In Gray’s Anatomy we find that the soft, jelly-like material termed cytoplasm found in the nucleated mass of protoplasm contains, among other things, mineral salts; “chief among which are the phosphates and chlorides of potassium, sodium, and calcium.” (1924 Edition).

      Scientists have for some time known the above facts, and there is no longer any reason or excuse why the medical profession en masse should not adopt and utilize henceforth the findings of Dr. William Schuessler relative to Biochemistry—the “inorganic system.” The opinions of so many dietitians, naturopaths and others, that the mineral tablets or cell-salts used to supply blood deficiencies can not enter the blood or be utilized, are absolutely untrue, and would not be uttered if these salts were faithfully and conscientiously tested for one year.

      In the first place, those making such a statement as this, for instance—“the salts are inorganic, and the body can use only what is organic,” show their ignorance of the interpretation and derivation of words, for organic does not mean that a mineral is changed, but that several have been combined with fluidic materials. They can not be changed, even by fire. Another fact not recognized is that the chemist is able to pulverize or triturate them into as fine particles as they are found in plants. Think how much it means, when one uses the chemical term Kali, to know that it is the same in Latin and German, and is thus traced directly to the Sanskrit. Thousands of Hindus worship the goddess Kali as the most powerful deity in Nature—Fire—which is at the same time the Creator, the Preserver, and the Destroyer. Fire creates, it preserves, and yet it can destroy.

      Most scientists agree that there can be no life without potassium, and at least we realize that it is the visible means whereby life is manifested. It is indeed Proteus.

      Since potassium feeds the gray matter of the brain, it at one and the same time nourishes the Spirit in that brain. Sir Thomas Vaughan says: “Be ye transmuted from dead stones into living philosophical stones, a conversion of body into spirit, and spirit into body, from corruption into a perfect mode, wherein the body would be preserved continually. The medicine is, however, in heaven itself and not to be found elsewhere, yet not meaning thereby that it is remote in place or time, but rather in that center which, being within us—is a center that can be found everywhere.”

      In the form of oil we find that potassium sulphate permeates all parts of the body. The marrow of the bones is thickened oil or fat stored there to feed and preserve them. Each and every cell in the body is surrounded by and bathed in an oily, salty fluid for the same purpose. Potassium, in the form of potassium chloride or Kali mur, spins threads of fibrin or flesh fibers. Therefore all tissue, ligaments, structure of all the organs, glands, skin, etc., are made of it. Then wise Mother Nature adds to some of these fibers a large proportion of potassium phosphate to form electrical wires through which positive currents may pass and thus enable physiological processes to go on. Potassium, in all of its combinations, is then a conveyor or medium of life or fire; for fire is life, and life is Spirit.

      In his book. The Biochemic System of Medicine, Dr. Carey says: “The gray matter of the brain is controlled entirely by the inorganic cell-salt, potassium phosphate. This salt unites with albumin, and by the addition of oxygen creates nerve fluid, or the gray matter of the brain. Of course, there is a trace of other salts and organic matter in nerve fluid, but potassium phosphate is the chief factor, and has the power within itself to attract, by its own law of affinity, all things (Proteus) needed to manufacture the elixir of life.” And we know that this esse (the substance of being) actually creates the child in utero.

      He further says: “Therefore, when nervous symptoms arise due to the fact that the nerve-fluid has been exhausted from any cause, the phosphate of potassium is the only true remedy, because nothing else can possibly supply the deficiency. The ills from too rapidly consuming the gray matter of the brain can not be overestimated, and if all who are inclined to nervous disorders would carry Kali phos with them, in tablet form, a large amount of sickness and suffering would be prevented. Let the overworked business man take it and go home good-tempered. Let the weary wife, nerves unstrung from attending to sick children or entertaining company, take it and note how quickly the equilibrium will be restored and calm and reason assert her throne. We find this potassium salt largely predominates in nerve fluid, and that a deficiency produces well-defined symptoms. The beginning and end of the matter is to supply the lacking principle, and in molecular form, exactly as nature furnishes it in vegetables, fruits, and grain. To supply deficiencies—this is the only law of cure.”

      There is one point which must be thoroughly understood, and, in order that it may be, it will be referred to in each of these twelve chapters, as follows:

      The principle involved in this method is that of body building. Many reasons combine to make the body unable to obtain a sufficient supply of the twelve inorganic salts. Therefore supplementing the moderate diet of natural food, simply prepared, with the different kinds of salts which each individual requires day after day, month after month, and year after year, is the actual method by which disease is eliminated and the blood kept well nourished. In this way there is never any deficiency.

      Most people seem unable to understand this, and so cease taking the salts when symptoms no longer appear. The salts are taken not to cure symptoms, but to build up such a good body that symptoms can not arise. A person takes food every day, and seems really to understand that the body must have nutriment. One does not say, “I ate yesterday and so I won’t need food again for a long time.” People like to eat too well ever to think of saying that, but they soon forget their mineral salts when no symptom or pain is present to remind them. Taking them in a desultory way is merely patching up instead of daily building a new body automatically. This is the basic plan for physical regeneration. “Be ye perfect, as your Father in heaven is perfect.”

      Among the many outstanding symptoms which deficiency in potassium phosphate causes are: Extreme nervousness, insanity, paralysis, hysteria,

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