Enemy Attack!. Joe Miller

Enemy Attack! - Joe  Miller

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      “Do I have to?” asked the stag beetle, staring at the ground. “I don’t like fighting.”

      “You don’t have to fight,” replied Gonzo. “You can use your flying to distract enemies.”

      “I don’t understand,” said Crunch.

      “Fly over to those pond-skaters,” said Gonzo, pointing a leg towards Algae Pond.

      Crunch took off and wobbled his way towards the insects gliding on the water.

      Zap held his breath as he watched his friend fly through the branches. Would he make it? Sure enough, Crunch’s head clipped a twig and he went spinning through the air.

      “Look at that crazy beetle!” shouted one of the pond-skaters.

      The group of pond-skaters pointed and laughed. But watching Crunch made them so dizzy, they all fell over!


      “What a wobbly way to defend yourself,” said Lurch, as Crunch flew slowly back to join them.

      “But you see what I mean,” said Gonzo. “Crunch’s flying technique makes an enemy dizzy. And they can’t attack you if they’re falling on their backsides!”

      Zap’s wings drooped when he realised it was his turn next. “How can a tiny weevil like me attack a bigger creature?” he asked.

      Gonzo smiled. “You’ll see. Just remember your barrel roll.”

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