Grass and Grassland. Ian Moore

Grass and Grassland - Ian  Moore

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Three spikelets at each node. Spikelets one-flowered, central one only fertile. Hordeum spp. 4 Spike one-sided; spikelets one-flowered. Nardus stricta Spike not one-sided; spikelets several-flowered. 5 5 Spikelet placed edgewise; 1 glume only. 6 Spikelet placed sideways on; 2 glumes. Agropyron repens (Wheat 3 or more large florets and broad glumes,lemmas usually awnless, and Rye with two large floretsand narrow glumes, lemmas always awned, come here) 6 Lemmas awnless. Lolium perenne Lemmas awned. Lolium multiflorum 7 Spikelets usually many-flowered (4 or more);glumes short, not hiding florets. 8 Spikelets few-flowered (2–5 usually); glumes long,concealing at least the lower florets. 19 Spikelets one-flowered; glumes long, concealingfloret. 23 8 Panicle branches mainly spreading. 9 Panicle branches very short, not spreading, so thatinflorescence looks more like spike. Sterileskeleton spikelets present as well as fertile. Cynosurus cristatus 9 Lemmas with awn on back. 10 Lemmas awnless or with awn on tip. 11 10 Lemmas rounded, spikelet oval. Bromus mollis & related species Lemmas keeled, spikelet triangular. Bromus sterilis & related species 11 Lemmas with rounded back. 12 Lemmas keeled on back. 16 12 Lemmas very blunt. 13 Lemmas bluntly or sharply pointed or shortlyawned. 14 13 Spikelets long, cylindrical. Glyceria fluitans Spikelets short, rounded-triangular. Briza media 14 Panicle purple, usually long and slender, stigmaand anthers dark purple. Molinia caerulea Panicle green, becoming brown or yellowish.Stigma and anthers pale. 15 15 Panicle and florets small. Festuca ovina & F. rubra Panicle and florets larger, two branches at mostnodes, with 1 or 2 spikelets on smaller branch,lemmas bluntly pointed. Festuea pratensis Panicle very large, 3 or more spikelets on smallerbranch, lemmas with awn-point. Festuca arundinacea 16 Lemmas straight, bluntly pointed. 17 Lemmas curved, with awn point, panicle largewith dense clumps of spikelets. Dactylis glomerata 17 Panicle small, no “web.” Poa annua Panicle larger, “web” of cottony hairs at base oflemma. 18 18 Spikelets rather small, panicle open, light andfeathery in appearance. Poa trivialis Spikelets slightly larger, panicle closer, denser andheavier in appearance. Poa pratensis 19 Panicle branches mainly spreading. Spikelet erect. 20 Panicle branches short, not spreading. Spikelet ofone shiny fertile floret and two sterile brownhairy awned lemmas. Anthoxanthum odoratum 20 Spikelets two-flowered, one fertile, one male only. 21 Spikelets with two or more fertile florets. 22 21 Spikelets fairly large, lower floret male withprominent bent awn, upper floret fertile. Arrhenatherum elatius Spikelets small, lower floret fertile, upper floretmale with small fish-hook awn. Holcus lanatus (Holcus mollis similar but with more prominent bent awn) 22 Panicle rather small, closing in fruit, yellow,spikelets 2–5 flowered. Trisetum flavescens (Helictotrichon spp. with
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