The Secrets Of The Shadows. Helen Phifer

The Secrets Of The Shadows - Helen  Phifer

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was far easier to believe that evil was lurking in the shadows. As he strode across the damp grass he sensed someone walking behind him but he brushed it off as his imagination. It wasn’t until he reached the small cemetery where the grass ended and the gravel began that he heard definite footsteps behind him. He didn’t turn to look but continued in the direction of the church. When he reached the huge oak door he inserted the key in the lock and opened it. His heart was hammering inside his chest but he would not show his fear because he knew that it would be a sign of his weakness. Stepping inside he felt along the wall to the left of him for the light switch. When his fingers located it and pressed it down the relief which washed over him was overwhelming as the entrance was bathed in glorious light. He stood there leaning against the closed door until his breathing slowed and was back to normal; the door felt as if it was vibrating the tiniest bit. He had never noticed that before, but then he had never had cause to come in here in the middle of the night after a bad dream and being followed by a man who wasn’t from this world. The inner sanctum of the church was still in darkness and for the first time in his life as a priest he felt scared of that darkness and what could be waiting in there – Get a grip John; you are in the Lord’s house. There is no way that God is going to let such evil enter his house; this is a place of safety and love. He marched across to the glass door and threw it open, if that repugnant smell had entered his nostrils he would have screamed but it didn’t. The church smelled like it always did, a little bit damp with the lingering aroma of candlewax and the smell of the fresh flowers that the mother’s union brought in and arranged each week. This week it was lavender, roses and lilies and they smelled fabulous. He crossed himself; Thank you God, I’m glad you kept to your side of the bargain, I need all the help I can get. I’m still a beginner at all this stuff you know. Please don’t leave me to deal with it on my own because I don’t know whether I can. He turned on the lights and the shadows were banished, John felt his nerves begin to steady and his heart start slowing to a more regular pace. He busied himself lighting candles and arranging hymn books into neat piles. When he’d done this he walked to the altar and knelt down to pray harder than he’d ever prayed in his life.

       Chapter 6

      Annie loved Sunday morning shifts; usually there wasn’t too much happening. Sometimes there was the odd drunken prisoner to deal with from last night’s shenanigans on Cornwallis Street, which was famed for the number of drunken brawls at the weekend. It always amused her seeing their faces as they were released from custody to do the ‘walk of shame’ home. Nine times out of ten a look of bewilderment was etched across their faces as they had no recollection of what arseholes they’d been to get locked up in the first place. Kav her Sergeant, had looked at her when she had come into the parade room at the start of her shift and nodded. Annie guessed that he knew or had heard something; he seemed to have a sixth sense when it came to her. When Mike had attacked her, Kav had been the one to find her unconscious and he had dealt with it himself after she had confided the whole sordid story to him. He had stopped it from becoming public knowledge and she was eternally grateful to him. At the briefing he had put her double crewed in the van with Jake and it was over a greasy breakfast in the hospital canteen that she had blurted to him about finding Will with Laura yesterday morning. She hadn’t meant to but Jake had asked if they wanted to come round for supper tonight and she didn’t have the energy to make up a plausible excuse, besides he would hear it soon enough so it was better he heard it from her. His face had turned redder than the sea of tinned tomatoes that were swimming around on his plate; he’d dropped his knife and fork and clenched his huge fists so hard his knuckles were white.

      ‘Please tell me that this is some kind of joke because I will kill him. I warned him, if he didn’t keep his dick in his pants I would rip his head off.’

      ‘Calm down Jake, please. It’s okay, I sort of expected it to happen, in fact I’m surprised he lasted this long given his reputation.’

      ‘What planet are you on? It is not bloody okay. I don’t give a flying fuck, he promised me he wouldn’t mess you around. That’s it; I’m going to kill him.’

      ‘No you are not, keep out of it. This is between me and Will. I’ve moved out and gone back home now anyway. He left a voicemail yesterday trying to apologise and said he had to work the murder at the church that came in so I went and packed up most of my stuff after tea. He isn’t worth you getting in trouble and losing your job over and I can’t be bothered anymore, I’ve cried it out of my system and from now on I’m staying single. No more men. now promise me you won’t do anything stupid?’

      ‘I can’t Annie, you can’t expect me to let him do this to you and not say anything, it’s not right. He’s my friend but you’re like my sister and I wouldn’t let anyone treat my sister like that.’

      ‘Thanks Jake but you don’t have a sister so how do you know? Look, I will deal with Will, just leave it.’

      ‘Why do you have to be such a goody two shoes? Okay, I promise to try not to do anything stupid. That’s the best I can do.’

      As they were walking back to the police van, a call came in for a domestic on Marsh Street. They ran and jumped into the van and Annie held onto the side of the van door as Jake blue lighted it through to the other side of town. She loved working with him but he was a crap driver, it was like watching her life flash before her eyes whenever he drove them to an emergency call. As they turned into the street one of their regular customers was kicking his ex-girlfriend’s front door. Jake screeched the van to a halt and they both jumped out.

      ‘Now then Peter what have we got here? From where I’m standing it looks like you’re causing a shit load of criminal damage.’

      ‘Fuck off, she’s a total bitch. Won’t let me see the kids and she has another bloke in there.’

      Peter turned and began kicking the door again; Jake took three steps and grabbed his arm, dragging him away from the door.

      ‘Peter Low I’m arresting you on suspicion of criminal damage, section 4, and for being a prick. You do not have to say anything but, it may harm your defence if you do not mention now something which you later rely on in court. Anything you do say may be given in evidence. Do you understand Peter?’

      ‘Fuck off.’

      Annie turned away to hide the grin on her face and opened the van doors as Jake snapped his cuffs over Peter’s wrists.

      ‘Is that any way to talk in front of a lady? Get in the cage, I’m taking you to the town’s worst bed and breakfast so you can sleep off your six bottles of cider and until you understand the error of your ways.’

      Peter tried to resist being put in the van and began to scuffle with Jake who was almost twice his size. Jake grabbed him and threw him in.

      ‘Don’t be a dick all your life; I can add police assault and resisting arrest to that nice little list of charges.’

      Jake slammed the cage door shut and then the van doors. Annie started laughing, ‘Sorry.’ She walked towards the house and knocked on the door, which was opened by a woman in her early twenties and clearly pregnant, with a two year old clinging to her legs.

      ‘Are you okay Julie? We’ve arrested him so he’ll be in until at least tomorrow because we can’t interview him until he’s sober.’

      ‘Thank you, why can’t he just leave me alone? He’s a pain in the arse.’

      ‘Typical man if you ask me Julie. Look I’ll let you get sorted out and then I’ll come back in an hour for a statement is that okay?’

      The woman nodded her head. ‘Thanks Annie, I’ll have the kettle on.’

      Annie grinned at her. ‘You’re on.’ She got back inside the van; Peter was now hammering on the cage and shouting about police brutality.

      Jake looked at her, ‘Is she okay? For Christ’s sake Peter pack it in or I’ll come around there and show you the meaning of police brutality.’

      ‘Fuck off.’


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