Hell to Heaven. Kylie Chan

Hell to Heaven - Kylie  Chan

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and the chi became a light blue. He shook his head. ‘Nope.’

      ‘Okay,’ I said. I released the Murasame from my right hand and it floated above the floor; the sword was fussy about being dropped. ‘Take my hand.’

      Michael took my right hand in his left and used the connection to observe my demon essence. He gasped. ‘Damn, Emma.’

      ‘I know,’ I said. ‘I need to spend some time on the Celestial Plane.’

      ‘Soon!’ Michael said. ‘How do you control that?’

      ‘I have no idea. Seen enough?’

      Michael nodded and released my hand, then raised his own again and dropped his head, concentrating. The dark blue chi reappeared and he shook his head. ‘I don’t think I can do it.’

      ‘Of course you can’t. You’re my son, and I’m too yang to produce anything like that,’ the Tiger said from where he’d appeared on the other side of the room.

      ‘Tell Lok to freaking inform me before letting this bastard into the Academy,’ I said to the stone in my ring.

      ‘That is no way to greet an old friend,’ the Tiger said. He approached us, hands out. ‘Peace. Michael, I need to talk to you.’

      Michael turned away. ‘I have nothing to say to you.’ He bowed slightly to me. ‘It’s kind of a relief that I can’t do it, Emma. I’ll see you later — I’m having dinner at your place tonight.’

      I nodded to him. ‘I just wish I wasn’t able to do it either.’

      ‘Look, it’s about your mother,’ the Tiger said. ‘Can we put this aside? We both loved her, and I need your help to find out why she died.’

      Michael rounded on the Tiger. ‘It’s obvious why she died. You killed her!’ He swept one hand through the air. ‘Or one of the other wives killed her in a fit of jealousy. Either way, she’s gone and you’re responsible.’ He spun to leave.

      ‘I know I’m responsible,’ the Tiger said. ‘And Emma is a clue as to what happened. I need you to help me find out what made your mother different.’

      Michael ignored him, opening the door to exit.

      ‘Emma, I need you too,’ the Tiger said. ‘Come to the lab and donate some DNA. We need to find out what killed Rhonda so it doesn’t happen to anyone again.’

      ‘I’m a demon,’ I said. ‘That’s what would kill me.’

      ‘You’re not listening to me, either of you!’ the Tiger shouted, and Michael stopped halfway through the door. ‘Michael, what killed her could kill you!’ He pointed at me. ‘And you! I want to save your fucking lives here, humans. For fuck’s sake, let me!’ He dropped his voice. ‘I want to ensure that no Celestial Worthy is ever destroyed again by taking the Elixir. They should gain Immortality, not die! Hell, boy, you’ll probably achieve Immortality by yourself. But if you ever want that fucking Elixir, you’d better be damn sure that it won’t blow you up.’

      Michael dropped his head. ‘Like it did my mother.’

      ‘I loved her,’ the Tiger said, his voice full of anguish. ‘She was my world. And now she’s gone, nothing means anything to me. The only thing keeping me going is the thought that I can stop this from happening to you.’

      ‘Let me think about it,’ Michael said without looking up. He walked out, softly closing the door behind him.

      ‘Emma?’ the Tiger said.

      ‘I’ll think about it too,’ I said. ‘I can only travel to the Celestial Plane as a serpent. I’m contaminated by the demon essence …’

      ‘We might be able to remove the demon from you if we study your DNA,’ the Tiger said.

      ‘Maybe. Either way, let me think about it. I’m scheduled to spend some time on the Plane next week, visiting the Northern Heavens for an update on how things are going and some hearings. I might stop in at the West to help you out.’

      ‘I can always send some scientists down here to take some samples if you don’t want to come to the West,’ he said. ‘Your choice. I just want to make sure that when Ah Wu comes back, he can fulfil his promise to you.’ He waved a hand after Michael. ‘This kid will be my Number One one day, and the finest I’ve ever had. But to get there, he’s gonna need Immortality, and we need to be sure that the Elixir won’t kill him.’ He disappeared.

      I retrieved the Murasame from where it was floating in the air and put it back into its black scabbard. What the Tiger didn’t know was my memories of being imprisoned in a hospital-type lab being infused with demon essence had affected me; I’d suffered nightmares ever since. The idea of being the willing subject of lab experiments was something I found hard even to consider.

      When I got back to my office there was an email waiting for me that made me sigh.

       To: Emma Donahoe

       <[email protected]>

       From: Evarocks <[email protected]>

       Hi Emma,

       I haven’t heard from Simone in ages, is she okay? Me and Sylvie kinda miss going around with her. I emailed her a couple of days ago and she didn’t reply.

       If she doesn’t want to be friends any more, could you tell her it’s okay, I understand, but just to tell me and I’ll stop contacting her to do stuff?



      I stared at the screen for a moment, then replied.

       To: Evarocks <[email protected]>

       From: Emma Donahoe

       <[email protected]>

       Bcc: Simone Chen

       <[email protected]>

       Hi Eva,

       I think it’s mainly that she’s so busy with school at the moment — because of the change of schools mid-year she’s flat out catching up with the rest of her class. I’m sure that when things settle down she’ll be back in contact with you.


      I quickly composed another email:

       To: Simone Chen [email protected]

       From: Emma Donahoe

       <[email protected]>

       I bcc’d the message to you so you could see, but she doesn’t know I sent it on to you.

       I remember when you were five years old and didn’t have a single friend in the world. How things have changed.


      I would get the Silent Treatment when she got home from the shops later, but it would be worth it.

       CHAPTER 3

      About four that afternoon, Simone contacted me telepathically. Emma, I’m going to call you on your mobile. Can you play along, please?

      My mobile rang and I answered it. ‘Yes?’

      Simone sounded incredibly giggly and silly. ‘Emma, can you come pick me up at Festie? I’m here with my friends and we’re done.’

      ‘What? Why?’

      I wanna be normal for a change, Emma, can you just do this for me? I want

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