Red Phoenix. Kylie Chan

Red Phoenix - Kylie  Chan

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to the shelves, then returned to stand next to me.

      John pulled another demon out. ‘Emma.’

      ‘Am I limited to physical?’ I said. ‘If I am, hold off releasing it. I’ll take my ring off.’

      ‘No limit on what you do,’ John said. ‘Energy, physical, anything. Just take it out.’

      I raised my hand and transferred my ring from my finger to the chain around my neck anyway. Then I readied myself in the centre of the room and nodded.

      John threw the demon to the floor and it took the form of an elderly Chinese woman in a bright green cheongsam. She lunged forward to attack me and I took her out with a ball of chi.

      ‘Good,’ John said. ‘Obviously not a challenge for either of you. Let’s try something bigger.’ He shuffled inside the jar. ‘Level twenty.’ He glanced up. ‘Call if you’re not confident.’ He stopped and spoke more fiercely. ‘I mean it. This is not a competition. Call if you’re not confident.’

      ‘Yes, sir,’ Leo and I said in unison.

      ‘Good.’ John threw the bigger demon and it formed under the mirrors. ‘Leo.’

      Leo took it easily. John pulled out another level twenty and I took it just as easily with energy.

      ‘Level thirty.’

      ‘Once we’re higher than this I’ll need a weapon, my Lord,’ Leo said. ‘They’re much faster than me and I need an edge.’


      ‘Me too. I can’t generate enough energy without the weapon to take them out.’

      ‘I’ve seen you take a level twenty-five bare-handed,’ John said.

      ‘I prefer to use energy. Don’t get my hands dirty.’

      ‘Against humanoids?’

      ‘Oh, come on, you know that physical is the only way to go with them.’

      ‘Very well,’ John said. ‘Take the level thirties, and then we’ll move to weapons.’

      ‘Is this a test?’ I said.

      ‘Of course it is. A simulation.’

      Leo and I shared a look, then shrugged. Whatever. He was the boss.

      John tossed the level thirty to the floor under the mirrors. It took True Form: a massive humanoid, seven feet tall, with black scales and tusks.

      ‘Nice one,’ I said.

      Leo hesitated. ‘You want it?’

      ‘Nah, you can have it.’

      Leo stepped forward, readied himself and nodded.

      The demon came alive. It looked at each of us in turn, then quickly saluted John. ‘Dark Lord.’ It nodded to Leo. ‘Black Lion. I am honoured.’ It saw me and stopped. ‘What are you?’

      ‘Perfectly ordinary human female. What, you’ve never seen one before? I find that hard to believe.’

      ‘Not like you.’ The demon turned its three red eyes onto Leo. ‘Lion.’

      ‘A second chance,’ John said.

      The demon threw itself at Leo, clawed hands raised. Leo ducked beneath its hands and sliced at its abdomen as he went through. His hands glanced off.

      The demon stopped and turned. Leo took two steps back, leapt, and ran a jumping high kick straight through its head.

      He landed lightly on his feet and the demon dissipated.

      ‘Leo!’ John shouted.

      Leo didn’t reply. He just turned to face John and held his hands out from his sides.

      ‘How many rules did you break just then?’

      Leo hesitated. ‘I think at least five, my Lord.’

      ‘It is possible that it could have been a higher level disguising its speed. What if it had been a level fifty and you performed a stupid move like that?’

      Leo didn’t reply.

      ‘You know the drill; you teach it! Treat all weapons as if they were sharp. Treat all demons as if they were Mothers. And never take both feet off the floor. When we return you will face five demons of random levels, and if I see you do any more stupid moves like that you will be restricted from weapons for three weeks.’

      ‘My Lord.’ Leo wasn’t fazed. ‘How many more? I need a shower now.’ He gestured towards his slacks, which were covered in black demon stuff. ‘Another pair ruined.’ He grinned at me. ‘I see what you mean.’

      ‘Not much longer,’ John said. ‘If it burns let me know and I’ll dismiss you. You should be fine for a while.’ He turned and threw a bead onto the floor. ‘Emma.’

      The demon took female human form. She came straight for me.

      I quickly bound her, and she stood frozen, her face a mask of loathing.

      ‘Move back, Leo, this is going to be big.’

      Leo backed away.

      I used the chi I had drained from her when I bound her and made it into a huge ball, a good metre across. I threw it at the demon and she exploded.

      ‘That was a foolish thing to do,’ John said. ‘You are pushing your reserves too hard.’

      ‘I can handle it.’

      ‘Not only was that a dangerously large amount of energy to throw at the demon, the energy you received when you destroyed her was an even more dangerous amount.’

      ‘I need a larger reserve. I need to be able to take out much bigger demons with energy. Is there any other way to enlarge my energy reserve?’

      He sighed with resignation. ‘No. I understand. But please be careful; we need you.’ He gestured towards the weapons rack. ‘Your weapons are there; collect them and we’ll move up to level forty. And that means no more stupid grandstanding from either of you.’

      ‘Can you take one that high, Emma?’ Leo said as he selected John’s sword, Dark Heavens, from the rack.

      ‘With the sword, yes,’ I said as I collected my own. ‘Bare-handed, probably another year and I’ll have it.’

      ‘Sooner than that if you continue to work this hard with the energy,’ John said. He shuffled in the jar. ‘Damn, not many that high a level. Wait.’ He closed his eyes and held his hand over the jar.

      ‘No!’ Leo shouted.

      ‘You are in serious trouble!’ I yelled.

      Two beads slid to the top and flew into his hand. He opened his eyes. ‘There are only about ten left.’

      ‘For heaven’s sake will you guard your energy, John.’

      ‘If Ms Kwan saw you do that she’d have your shell for breakfast,’ Leo growled.

      ‘Too late.’ John threw one of the beads onto the floor. The level forty took human form, a tiny ancient Chinese man. ‘Who wants it?’

      Leo stepped forward. ‘I remember this little bastard. I was there when you took him. He’s mine.’

      He readied himself and nodded.

      The demon didn’t move but something changed in its eyes. It scowled. ‘I will not face something as worthless as you,’ it said, and spat on the floor at Leo’s feet. It looked at me then. ‘Disgusting,’ it sneered. ‘A lowly female.’ It turned to John and gestured angrily towards us. ‘Is this what you held me for? A gay-lo nigger and a little girl? I will not face women,’ it said, glaring at Leo.

      ‘I see what you mean, Leo,’ I said softly. ‘Please,

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