Tyrant’s Blood. Fiona McIntosh
Kilt grinned. ‘Yes, I’m sweet enough, but this young man here needs something to wipe that scowl from his face. Can I offer you a silver piece to add some sugar in his life?’
Leo’s elbow slipped off the table in shock.
Ciara gave Kilt a puzzled smile. ‘Your young friend thinks you’re staining my honour.’
‘I apologise without reservation,’ Kilt replied, lifting his pot of strong but milky dinch.
Ciara turned to Leo. ‘What’s your name?’ she asked.
‘Er, Liam,’ he replied, sitting up straighter.
‘Well, Liam, I shall see you this evening at the bordello.’
The king nodded.
‘And you, Henk?’ she said to Kilt.
‘Ah, Ciara. I have a woman in my life now, and she would cut off my bordellos and feed them to me if she thought I was taking my pleasures with you.’
Jewd nodded. ‘That she would. But I’m free, Ciara. Is that lovely buxom Jenny still working?’
‘She is. I’ll tell her you may stop by.’ And with that she left them to it.
‘Henk?’ Leo repeated, reaching over and stealing the mug of dinch that his friend was about to pick up and savour.
‘Hey! Oh, that’s just not fair,’ Kilt grumbled. ‘Go and pay, Jewd. I’m heading off. I promised Lily some supplies.’
‘She’ll certainly have those “bordellos” off in a blink if you let her down,’ Leo said between gulps.
They all stood.
‘Get word through the right channels,’ Faris said to his longtime friend. ‘I’ll see Freath. Let’s find out exactly what he’s up to, shall we?’
Leo scowled as Jewd nodded. The big man handed Leo the single crutch. ‘Hope that wound won’t slow you up tonight.’
The grimace left the younger man’s face, replaced by a smile. ‘Not a chance,’ Leo said, limping to catch up with Faris. ‘It will take more than a barbarian arrow-wound to keep me from Ciara.’
Faris had left Jewd and Leo to their pleasures, and was watching Lily pack up the stores they’d bought. He had never been happier and Jewd assured him frequently that this was due entirely to Lily’s presence. Faris had dismissed the comment but now he wondered if there was something to it after all. Up until Lily, the only person he’d permitted intimacy with his thoughts was Jewd. No girl had ever come between them and Lily was secure enough emotionally to see that no girl should. She hadn’t once created any bad feeling between the two great companions and, above and beyond that, she had been a blessing in terms of playing a big sister role to the young king over the years since his arrival into the camp.
Faris watched as Lily worked, seemingly oblivious of his scrutiny. He liked watching her move; loved the way she’d flick back her hair when it fell forward, how in that second he’d catch a glimpse of her lovely long neck. He wanted to kiss it now. In fact, he would. Getting up from his seat by the window of the inn, he walked over, put his arms around her waist from behind and kissed the exact spot on her neck he’d been watching. He snuggled into its warmth; could feel her pulse against his lips.
She laughed and squirmed. ‘I’m busy, Kilt.’
‘Never too busy for me, I hope?’ he asked.
Lily turned in his arms. ‘No, never.’ She kissed him tenderly and it turned into a long, passionate embrace. When they parted, she looked breathless. ‘What was that about?’
‘Am I not allowed to show my love?’
‘Your love?’ She looked surprised by his use of the word, but quickly collected herself. She kissed him once again, softly and swiftly. ‘Don’t ever hesitate. It’s just not like you to be so demonstrative.’
He sighed and let her go. He sat himself down on the bed. ‘I’m very aware that you’re one woman among a group of men. I don’t want to rub it in that you’re all mine.’
It was her turn to sigh. ‘Well, I want you to rub it in. I’d quite enjoy the attention.’
‘Oh?’ It was Kilt’s turn to look surprised. ‘Do you feel ignored?’
She stared at him with a scornful expression. ‘Kilt, how could I? You spend so much time with me, and you share your innermost thoughts with me to the point where I want to cover my ears and yell, “no more!”.’
His gaze narrowed. ‘Less of the sarcasm, please. We were enjoying a nice moment.’
‘We could enjoy so many more if you’d only let me in.’ Lily turned away and continued carefully packing goods into sacks and saddlebags. She inhaled a bunch of fleshy leaves. ‘Ah, I love the smell of fresh borrega. We’ll have some deliciously flavoured stews through Leaf-fall as this dries.’
Kilt wasn’t ready to let their discussion go. ‘Let you in? Where?’
Now she looked at him with exasperation, before moving across to where he sat. Tapping his head, she said, ‘In here, you fool. That is the place I want to be permitted to glimpse.’
Ignoring her plea, he pulled her small, voluptuous body closer. ‘Well, I know where I want to be in,’ he said, his tone lascivious now.
She pushed away gently, slightly wearily. ‘I’m busy and you’re not taking me seriously.’
‘I am,’ he replied, his own exasperation matching hers. ‘Now come here, one of your bodice’s strings has loosened. I’ll tighten it,’ he offered, the tone in his voice and glint in his eye suggesting otherwise.
Lily deliberately moved further from him. ‘Besides, it’s not worth trying to be serious when you’re in this mood.’
‘What mood?’
‘The one that is hoping for a tumble in the bed without talking.’
‘Oh, Lily, isn’t that what every man is hoping for?’ he asked, frustration spilling over. ‘You’re ruining what could have been some precious time alone together.’
She didn’t answer him; she gave him an arch glance instead as she packed away some threads and new needles, ticking them off her list.
‘What do you want from me?’ he asked, feeling injured.
‘Is that a genuine question?’ she commented, looking up from her list.
‘Of course it is.’
‘Because I’m not sure you want the honest answer.’ Lily’s hands were on her hips now, the list momentarily forgotten.
‘Don’t I?’
‘No. Because honesty would require you to confront who you are, Kilt Faris. I’ve been with you for a decade now. I’ve healed your aches and stitched your wounds, I’ve washed your clothes and cooked for you. I’ve been your loyal companion and I’ve made love to you throughout that time and never tired of you. I’ve—’
‘You’re a perfect woman, Lily.’ He cut across her words with a triumphant grin.
She looked sadly back at him. ‘Everything’s a jest to you, Kilt.’ She turned away. ‘Even us.’
‘That’s not true,’ he said, scrambling forward across the bed. ‘Don’t be like this, Lily. I really don’t know how to make you happy. Frankly, I didn’t know you were unhappy.’
‘I’m not,’ she said, returning to her packing.
‘You sound it.’
‘No, I’m disappointed, that’s all. I feel as though I’m always on the outside, Kilt. You only let me get so close and then you seem to draw curtains around yourself.’